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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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Hour Glass

Zeit looked behind her, as she heard somone charging, Her felt the hair on the back of her neck rise, and she let out a low growl. She watched Kratos for a moment, ready to defend herself if needed. She felt herself let out a small sigh of relif as he turned away and stopped. He seemed so angry and mad at the moment, and if he tried to go after one of his pack, it was worse then it needed to be.

She peered at him for a moment, her gaze on his forhead so he wouldn't think of her as challenging his dominance. Her gaze was cool and calmed, showing her slight irritance. If he read her eyes, they seemed to say calm down. She then turned away and began to trot forward. Now was the time for the fighting to begin.

She trotted to the wide plain in front of her house and sat down, glad it was hidden away from the rest of the world at the moment. She sat down, but kept her senses on high alert, she would not be taken by surprise again. She waited for the rest of the pack to show up, she was ready to face annyone thrown out at her. She dug her wolf claws into the dirt, giving her something to focus on for the moment.


The growls outside were loud and made one feel trapped and surrounded if inside Zeit's ranch home. Kratos' pack members were prowling the fields in search for the character who opposed them... but they all seemed quite unaware of his true location.

Gathen had quietly broken out the knob of the door and had slipped inside Zeit's house. His heavy paws tread up the stairs into the dark hallways of the upper level. His grey fur brushed against the small walls which were fit only for a human to walk. Yet, he made his way to the furthest room from the stairs without much difficulty.

Here he paused, his ears pinned back as he heard Kratos' snarls of irritation and his heavy growl just outside. Gathen's bright red eyes glinted in the faint moon light which poured into the room through the silvery-white curtains..

He peered out for a moment, catching sight of the large black Alpha charging toward the striped female and braking away seconds before harming her...

He watched for a moment as Zeit headed off towards the fields, then the grey werewolf slipped from the window and looked back towards the hall for a moment of thought.

Gathen gathered that Kratos was loosing his grip on humanity. This was a weakness which Gathen could exploit, seeing as Kratos would no longer be able to make logical decisions.. But it was also a great danger, because Kratos was armoured with brutish muscle which could both defend him and cause heavy damage if his attacks became wild and reckless.

Gathen would have to take care to avoid confrontation with Kratos until the other pack members were dealt with. He could not face them all at once, but he could pick them off one by one in his own time if he had the proper terrain...

"Ah yes, they don't know the mountain forests like I do, even the female rancher has not gone as deep into it as I." The Grey Wolf thought slyly to himself, "I could lead them up there, and if I am careful, I can kill Kratos and be done with the others before the night is over."


"Sly as a fox, he is, and twice a slippery," Sabrina muttered under her breath with a curse. Gathen had practically disappeared after her warning call, and she could find neither hide nor hair of him other than his scent.

His scent was strongest near the house, Sabrina noted, and so that was where she focused her search. Kratos' near-attack on Zeit would have been alarming if she had been there to see it, but at the moment she was searching the other side of the house. She paused in her sniffing and raised her head, ears focused and eyes alert, when she heard the growling, but it did not progress into more aggressive sounds so she resumed her hunt.

She heard a noise inside - wondered briefly if it was the old devil, but--no, there were others still inside - there was at least one pack member she had heard of but not yet met. He must still be inside, and if he was, Gathen would not be unnoticed... unless he was still human and Gathen already killed him quickly... Sabrina decided to go check insid the house... just to be certain.

Door was out of the question - she hadn't any patience to go back around the house and seek entry. Instead she found a window that was half open and entered Zeit's house that way.

Inside was dark - darker still than the outdoors as it was without moonlight. Her eyes glinted as she searched the quiet room. It seemed empty, but she proceeded with caution anyway. She had to be careful - whether Gathen was here or not - if she didn't want to wreck the place.

Hour Glass

Zeit looked over her shoulder, something didn't seem right, and she felt like she was out in the open. She turned, her ears pivoting from side to side, tryign to locate what was making her so paranoid. The call of the moon and the pack fight had a bad effect on her nerves, but the strange werewolf was making it even worse.

She caught a glance of Sabrina going into her home, something was up, and it made her feel restless. She got up, no one seemed to be getting ready for the fight, so she might as well investagate. She neared the house, but got caught by surprise, and her lips rose above her teeth and she let out a low growl.

His smell was in her home, and he had gotten in to her territory, somewhere he wasn't welcome. Zeit quickly made her way in, jumping through a window, not caring if she had broken the glass to get in here. She wanted this male, this threat out now!

She began to climb up the stairs, her shoulders gently brushing against the wall, she fit much better then the males because of her slightly smaller size. She could smell him, and her ears went back, making her even angier.

She growled again, the hair along the back of her spine raising up, giving her a bit of an old look, since she had a mane along her neck. She felt her paws dig deep into the stairs, leaving slight imprints in her stairs, something else she would have to fix up. She growled loudly, she wasn't afraid to face this lone male.

She made her way up the stairs, if she fought now, it would be in close quarters. She would have plenty of repairs to do, but she had a pack to help out around the ranch, leaving plenty of time to fix the hous. She gowled getting into a fight stance as sson as she saw him.

"Get away from my territory!" She growled deeply to him, placing her paws apart. She felt the edges of the walls biting her paws, leaving dents where she had been. She narrowed her eyes, he was getting on her nerves.


Kale got confused and started pacing just in sight of the house as the scents of the others entered the breeze. A low growl of irritation hummed in her throat out of frustration as she tried to focus back on the intruder's scent, but it was elusive......and disapeared. How do you just disapear in such an open area?


The house. He must have either gone around to the other side, or inside the house. Kale started forward but paused when she heard Kratos's snarl some distance away.

She whined a bit as she was caught between heading towards where the scent of the intruder were it had disapeared and were Kratos was now. Who else would he be snarling at? But.....

She snorted and padded up to the house. Sticking her muzzle into a half-opened window she inhaled, catching the fresher scents of the newcomer, and of the intruder.

Kale paced around the side of the house to the door, which wasn't completely closed. She slipped inside with tense caution which slipped into a hazy fury as she heard growls from upstairs. Her wolf was taking hold!

Kale shook her head. Her natural protective instinct was stronger, and right now she had more than just herself to protect. With the growl in her throat rising, Kale shot up the stairs to where Zeit and the intruder where at a face off.


Gathen's blood-stricken eyes glared at Zeit's dark striped figure standing in the hall, it wasn't long before she was soon joined by Kale, the blue-grey and white female. His paws held firm upon his position, unwilling to give them the edge by by withdrawing.

The simple halls were cramped with the large bodies of the Werewolves, there was no room to fully battle without being caught in a corner at a disadvantage.


Kratos' heavy black body paced back and forth in front of the small house.

Kratos had not yet gathered where his fellow pack members had gone because he was purposely avoiding them.. an attempt to keep himself from loosing control. But it was far past late for that now, Samuel was lost to the wolf's hunger and Kratos had begun his hunt for blood.

His sharp yellow eyes had grown wild and his teeth were unceasingly bared.


Gathen's wiry tail lashed against his haunches, "I will leave, but not without your pursuit. Catch me quickly, if you can!" His scratchy voice snarled and instantly he vanished from the hall! He left quickly through one of the bedrooms of Zeit's home and shattered the window for an escape.


Little an escape it was! For immediately as the glass shards fell, Kratos' gigantic form jumped from the ground and attempted to catch Gathen by the neck!

The Alpha no longer could find the human conscious to care who he caught, blinded and unpredictable, he would become the greatest threat.


Gathen paused only a second to dodge Kratos' jaws, knowing full well that the pack's two Betas were probably moments from him! He jumped from the upstairs window and hit the ground running.

Kratos took up the chase in a heart beat! It wouldn't be long before Gathen had him/them right where he could finish them.

Hour Glass

Zeit growled and followed right after the rouge wolf, this was a chase she would not give up. She slid out the window, a few shreds of glass caught her fur and skin, but she healed fast enough so they didn't bother her. She followed heim closely, but stayed out of Krato's way when he leapt for the wolf's throat. She quickly followed in pursuit, her legs moving into their full stride.

She kept close, but stayed behind Kratos, he was the leader of the hunt, so she could follow and help, but he made the kill. If she wanted to, she could race at a full sprint at Gathern, but then she would be tired, and alone to take him down, and would be going against her leader's leadership.

She ran over the land as a fish would swim, effortlessly. She kept her eye on the target, not looking to the ground, but it didn't matter. Nothing would stop her from attacking this wolf unless Kratos told her otherwise.


Gathen's powerful stride lead Kratos, Zeit, and anyone else who happened to follow (hint hint) deep into the mountain canyons.. how deep was left unknown.

The new area was enough to confuse and excite the senses of the Werewolves all at once! The sound of rushing water somewhere in the darkness, the unfamiliar smells of animal and plant life all around them, even the untamed bushes and bramble seemed to be on Gathen's side.

The sudden changes caused Kratos to halt and become more defensive in uncertainty, even a wild animal would stay in it's own territory. This realm was new, unexplored, dangerous.. and without the knowledge of the human mind, Kratos was at a disadvantage.

But Gathen knew this realm, it was what he had called home since fleeing here several years ago.. He knew this territory by heart and could see Kratos' confusion.

"What's wrong old friend? Lost in the dark?" Gathen laughed, his blood stricken eyes glaring at the large black wolf. He knew Kratos could not reply without a hold on human consciousness and he enjoyed this moment of advantage over an opponent so much stronger then he.

Gathen slowly looked up from Kratos' face as he saw Zeit approach from behind, "Your leader is pathetic and weak." His scratchy voice snarled, "How great is he if he can't even control himself on the night of the full moon? Pheh!"

Gathen spat on the ground.


Kale tore after the the intruder and Zeit, leaping out the twice broken window after them she winced as glass shards dug into her paws. Kale paused a moment when she saw three shapes racing away in the darkness. Three?....Kratos!

Now aware that her eyes weren't playing tricks on her she sped after them with extra intent.

Preparing for a fight she cleared her mind as she ran, ignoring all smells except the intruders,Zeits, and Kratos. Well, her human mind did, but the wolf was forcing its concience over hers, and all it wanted was blood.

Both of them snarled in frustration as they entered a new area, overgrown and wild. The scent of wild game and raw earth was rich in the air, confusing her senses and calling out her inner wolf!

Kale thought she heard a voice in the darkness ahead, slowing down she padded forward at a slightly slower rate, wary. Her companions scents still hung in the night, clinging to the bushes and trails. Out of the corner of her eye Kale thought she saw a flash of Zeit's fur, but it was the shadowy silhouettes of Kratos and the intruder to which she crawled towards now.

"Your leader is pathetic and weak" the intruder snarled. "How great is he if he can't even control himself on the night of the full moon? Pheh!" he spat.

He had dissapeard into the dark shadows of the untamed forest but his voice still echoed.

"If he was weak, I wouldn't follow him!" Kale growled as she came to stand near Kratos and Zeit. Lower she said, "And since I'm trusting him with my life, he'd better not lose it!" A slight breeze shifted the branches above them and for a single moment, moonlight poured throught and reflected off the eyes of the werewolves.

Hour Glass

Zeit growled, she and her wolf had become one a long time ago, each always balanced, or fighting to keep the balance. She didn't know where she was, but she needed to figure out soon. "Our leader is strong, for he is strong enough to beat you," she said in a snarl.

She then stood ridgid, and closed her eyes, blocking out some of the distractions. She concentrated on the sound of the waterfall, then moved on to the scents. That took her a bit longer, but once she was able to sort out each scent, she began to feel a bit safer. She also knew she was with Kratos and Kale, she would be backed out in this battle.

She slowly opened her eyes, taking a few seconds to glance around. Yes she was in unfamiliar territory, but once everything had been sorted into it's own catagory, it didn't seem as confusing. She would want to come back later though, and evaluate everything that lived here.

She held her head tall, this lone wolf was really on her nerves, and she wanted his death now. She took a deep breath, his scent seemed to be everywhere, but some of the scents were old. He had been here a long time, that surprised her. She would of thought he would have tried to take her land much earlier.

She snorted, then took other deep breath, searching for a new scent that he had made. Once found, it wouldn't be as hard trying to find him. She didn't like this place much, and the fact it was harder to see here, made her a bit edgy.

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