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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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Hour Glass

Zeit opened her door, and strood over to her fridge. she took out slabs of deer meat she had saved from a hunting trip. she also took out a pan, and fired up her stove, and began cooking the meat, loving the scent it gave off. she licked her lips, this was why she ate before she went wolf, she was always afraid she would attack her cattle or some random person walking down here.

She began pulling out plates and silverware, and waited for the other werewolves. She flipped the meat, cooking it nicely through eat side.


The older boy padded down the stairs, his red converse pattering gently against the wooden stairs. He gave out a faint sigh and turned into the kitchen, looking around to see if anyone was there. From what he could tell he was the first one up, but he felt no need to make sure. He pulled up a chair and gave a slight yawn, plopping down, the back of the chair between his legs, chin rested on the top. He had heard that there was a new pack member... but he hadn't gotten the chance to meet her. Sabrina they said her name was. He glanced around curiously, hoping the others would awake soon so that he could question them about her or maybe meet her.

((He slept in very late))


At that moment Kratos came through the door, immediately catching sight of Marcus.

"There you are. I haven't seen you all day." Came Samuel's deep voice as he sat down at the table, his yellow eyes scanning over Zeit as she hurried to prepare the last meal before the fight. Then he looked back at Marcus. "I guess you don't do well with all-nighters huh? Or were you trying to get as much rest as you can before the fight?"

Suddenly Kratos noticed that a window in the kitchen had remained open, and the dark clouds were passing quietly over the moon. Kratos stood and quickly closed the window, it wouldn't do anyone a inch of good if they all became werewolves in the middle of dinner.


As everyone began leaving towards Zeit's house, Gathen stepped out into the field.

"It's time to claim victory." Hissed the wretch as his dark red eyes lifted to the dark sky, where the clouds revealed their hidden treasure.

Immediately the white orb began the change and soon the evil man stood no more.

In his place was the large form of a beast somewhere between man and wolf. Dark grey fur was tangled and matted about the wretched monster, scars and fresh scratches covered his body. From his black lips protruded long yellow fangs and from his finger tips protruded hideous black claws.

The full moon hung behind the silhouette of the monster, wild red eyes glared off towards the lights of Zeit's house.... His heavy body crushed down on all fours, and he began the hunt.


Sabrina fondly tickled the chin of an old cow in one of the stalls. The poor beast had been a bit spooked when she had entered as a wolf, but that had been some time ago - she was now a human wrapped in white garb, and seemed to have soothed the creature well enough. Her big brown eyes watched Sabrina drowsily.

Sabrina spoke to the animal in hushed tones, which it may or may not have understood. The cow leaned in to her hand. Sabrina laughed quietly and patted its head. "Such pretty eyes," she mused.

It was then that she caught an interesting smell on the air. She lifted her head and opened her mouth a little, breathing in the scent. Roast deer meat - the others were probably having dinner. She decided not to join them; one, because she had not officially joined the pack nor proven herself, and two because she didn't eat meat. Instead she retrieved an apple from a white pouch she carried with her. The cow nosed at her arm, but she only smiled and shook her head.

Leaping down from the stall panel she had been sitiing on, Sabrina went to the barn door and looked out at the darkened landscape. She stole a glance at the sky, but clouds had covered the moon for now. She took a bit out of her apple and wondered how this night would unfold. A whole pack with Kratos at its head should be enough to stand up against Gathen, but that wily old devil was full of surprises.

She leaned against the door and took another bite of her apple. Suddenly the cow stirred and lowed uncertainly as it had when she had entered the barn as a wolf. She looked back at the creature, who was looking at her with one wide eye. The cow shuffled and lowed again, ears back with malcontent. Sabrina turned her attention back outside, where now the moon let a few beams of light leak through the clouds. Her sharp eyes caught sight of the dark figure crouching near the woodland just outside Zeit's property pretty quickly, but she had to squint and give it a second glance to be sure.

"Oh, great," she muttered under her breath, "And I just got changed."

She dropped her apple and hurried to wrap her wolf-garb around her now changing body. In moments she was a large white wolf again, and the animals were increasingly spooked. With two great bound she leapt from the barn and let out a long howl to alert Kratos of Gathen's presence (a tactic which would also assure Gathen that he was spotted).


"Just resting up before the fight, sir." Marcus replied, nodding his head to the alpha. He was quite happy that he was no longer alone. The quiet had started to become maddening. He flipped his hair back slightly as it started to droop in front of his eyes, then glanced over at Zeit, giving her a little wave good morning before turning back to Kratos. "When do you think the fight will start?" He asked curiously, his eyes clouding with concern.

Just then, he heard a long and fierce howl. At first he thought it must belong to this mysterious male, but he then realized it was much too feminine to belong to him, and yet he didn't recognize it. Must be the new one... he thought to himself. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up and he looked to the alpha for instructions.

Hour Glass

Zeit turned when she heard the howl, the change was here. She quickly grabbed what she had made for herself and rushed up into her room. She quickly changed, and felt her wlf taking over her human body. After a few moments, she was fully changed and in her wolf form. The striped wolf smelled the food and quickly gulped it down, good, she would be more likely to control herself around the cows.

She then turned to her window and gently pushed on it with her hand/paw. She hten slide out and walked along to edge of her roof until she got tot he front of the house, where she could see the white wolf and her barn. She let out her own long howl, a reply to Sabrina's before leaping off the roof and on tot he ground.

She inhaled deeply, using her nose instead of her eyes to locate the intruder. She began to walk forward, holding her high to show her confidence, and to show she would not back down to this intruder. When she caught the scent, she let out a low growl, there was the killer of her calves.


Kratos stood in full alert when Sabrina's warning was sounded. He watched Zeit race out of the room and quickly looked toward Marcus.

"If you can control your Werewolf form then go change your clothes, if not, then just meet me outside when you can." Kratos instructed, then he left the room to change into his own clothes. It took no more then two minutes before he returned to the kitchen again, but this time as a massive black werewolf.

His mane was not tied up, nor was he wearing the armbands and boots which he usually dressed himself in when in werewolf form. This worked to give off a more wild and aggressive air from the Alpha then what he would usually allow.

Kratos' ears flicked back when he heard Zeit's reply howl to Sabrina, and a deep and tremendous growl rumbled from his throat. Then Kratos turned and left the house, prowling round to the back fields.

His sharp yellow eyes glinted as he searched for the danger, the red hazy colour in his black coat seemed to glow fervently beneath the full moon's gaze. Already was his mind caught beneath a wildly driven animal as he searched the darkness through the eye of the wolf.

As he turned a corner of the house, he stopped dead and the fur on the back of his neck and haunches stood on end. However, it steadily relaxed as the wolf caught a familiar scent and he realized it was a pack member which now stood in front of him, not the enemy.


Gathen stopped in his tracks when he heard Sabrina's call, his deep red eyes glaring up the hill where the female white wolf stood. Quickly he dashed into the shadows of the house and lost her gaze, but it was not long before a reply howl came from the house.

A wild rage gritted beneath his skin, angry that Sabrina had given away his position.. But Gathen had embraced the evil desires of the wolf, thus the beast had become the master over the man and the madness of the monster was equipped with the clever intelligence of the human mind..

Carefully the large grey wolf crept around the side of the house in time to see Kratos' massive black form leave through the front door, and around the house in the opposite direction.

Kratos was no fool, thus he hadn't left the door open or unlocked, but that was never enough to keep out a creature whose claws were larger then that of a grizzly bears.


Kale was in the proccess of dozing off when a howl split the air. jumping to her feet she glanced around, the echoing sound confusing her for a bit before she could pinpoint its direction.

Following the sound at a jog, Kale scented the air. It smelled heavily of werewolf.

I should change... she paused for a moment before dashing off to find her werewolf clothes, and to change.

Once changed she walked out into an open area, where the breeze was least interupted, and scented for everyone. She could smell most of them, plus an unfamiliar. An intruder. Kratos and the intruder were near the house, she followed their scents, picking up her pace into a full on sprint untill she arrived near the edge of the house just as the two forms of Kratos and the intruder took off around the corner.

Hour Glass:

Zeit turned and watched Kratos leave the house. She felt on edge, it would be her first moon with others besides her father, and tonight they would form the bonds of the pack. She glanced around to, she felt an anger arise, she wasn't in the best of moods with a killer on her land, and she intended to find him.

She sniffed the air, the rouge wolf was still here but in a different spot. She let a growl come from her throat, she was intent on finding him, and he would pay for the damage he cost her. She knew the other wolves were here to, and she felt a bit uncomfortable, she wasn't used to listening to others, let alone living with a pack.

What was that thing that her father always said? Right, If there was something new to do that may help out her future, go for it. She snorted and shifted her wieght back and forth between her paws, her slight irritance showing.


Kratos moved on around the house searching for the intruder, his bright yellow eyes glaring through the darkness. A deep growl rumbled from the large black wolf's throat as he searched, a beastly irritation seemed to grow within the wolf's mind.

Where is he? Why is he trespassing and not showing himself? The more he searched the more taunted the wolf felt. His steady pace became more careless as his paws ripped through the thick mud. It seemed like he had walked around the house several times, drawn to the scent of the intruder but unable to discover the exact place where it hid.

Kratos began to shred bushes and growl uncontrollably, his eyes becoming more wild and dangerous! The longer the search continued, the greater Samuel's confusion grew, and where Samuel became confused the madness began to slip into his mind. Kratos had begun to loose himself to the full moon of the wolf!

When Kratos charged around to the back of the house for the third time, he caught sight of a dark figure, and charged for it! His growling and snarling was loud and horrible as his muscular form trampled towards the other wolf. But only two feet from it did he realise that it was actually a member of his own pack!!

Seconds from the attack, the great black werewolf broke off and hauled himself in the other direction. Coming to a romping stop, his heavy head turned back to look at the other werewolf, trying to discern who it was who he nearly attacked....

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