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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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"Sounds great Zeit!" Samuel laughed, as he listened behind him as Zeit talked. But he soon stopped completely and stared a bit baffled at the large white figure standing in Zeit's field.

A werewolf, no doubt about it.. She was standing a few ways from Kale and Kiton..

"Uh, Zeit?" Samuel whispered over his shoulder.

Hour Glass

"Just great, another wolf" she muttered, stopping with her hands on her hips. She took in a deep breath, this one was another female. She began to walk forward, time to greet another wolf. This one wasn't attacking Kiton, and didn't smell of her calves so she was fine with the new comer.

She walked right up to the white werewolf who was standing tall in her field. "Welcome to my ranch" she said, "I'm Zeit and as you can see, these will be the future pack living here" She watched the female for amoment, letting a soft smile onto her face, better not make the werewolf feel threatened, then there would be a fight before the fight. She crossed her arms waiting for a reply to why the newcomer was here.


Kale watched everyone in silence. Observing. Werewolf body language is so subtle, yet so important. So confusing...... but neccessary. She watched as Zeit greeted the newcomer, letting a small smile slip forward to negate hostility.

Zeit's good at this. she's very straitforward. Kale smiled, as much as she had to learn, she was ready for it.


Samuel slowly approached from behind Zeit and stood a few ways off to listen to what the white werewolf wanted to say. She was now surrounded by the entire pack, that was, except Marcus.

"Where is Marcus anyway? I haven't seen him since last night when we raced.." Samuel thought to himself briefly, taking a moment to look back towards Zeit's house... Perhaps Marcus was still in bed, sleeping late...

Then Samuel turned back toward Sabrina and the others. Even though he stood a little away from the towering werewolf, who was standing on two paws admist the field, Samuel could almost look her directly in the eye. He was quite a large man, easily compared to a giant, but the cause of his incredible size was still unknown.


"Greetings, Zeit," Sabrina bowed, "My name is Sabrina."

She looked from Zeit to Kratos, and bowed again. "Greetings, Alpha. I believe we met briefly once before, at the marketplace."


Kale finally noticed somone was missing. Where is Marcus?

Finding it odd that she hadn't seen him at alll today, even though the sun had already passed its highest point, she took off towards the house after giving a brief nod to everyone else.

Hour Glass

Zeit looked after Kale, then to the new werewolf. "What do ya think we're going to do, Fight cha?" asked Zeit. She chuckled, "Go ahead, and show us your human form" she said.


Sabrina chuckled lightly, "No, that is not the reason for not changing my form, Zeit. I must find a less open place to change form, as doing so in my present apparel would be... uncomfortable. Might I borrow your barn for a time?"

Hour Glass

"Go ahead, don't mind the cows" Zeit said, patting a large white bull that slowly ambled it's way passed her. She turned, "Well, I'm going to the cabin, and I'm going to cook dinner" she said, "That way we all have at least one good meal before tonight comes". She turned and began to walk away, "Oh, and to make this clear, if anymore cows are found hurt or killed, I'm going to hurt someone".


Samuel remained quiet, his bright yellow eyes slowly watching the interactions of his pack with the stranger....

"Do as you wish, you are not the danger here." He said slowly, turning to watch Zeit leave towards the house. For a moment he glanced up towards the darkening sky, the sun was sinking beneath the fields now and the moon was becoming more vibrant... It wouldn't be long now before the mountain menace was unmasked.


Meanwhile not far from the same field, that old red-eyed demon glared out toward Kratos' pack. Standing beneath an old forest tree, Gathen was safe from the sight of the others for the moment. This gave him the chance to inspect each individual as well as his wolf-sight would allow at a distance. He was not yet a werewolf, though the time was soon approaching... he wanted an easy way to gain the upper hand.

Three females, three males... Gathen searched for weaknesses, weaknesses he could use to destroy them. But it would be Samuel who would die first, the other werewolves were on this territory before Samuel came, therefore Gathen had a chance to claim them as his own pack.

Anyone else to oppose him after Samuel's fall, would be killed, even if that was every single one. Gathen had held the mountain range and the farmer's fields for several years, he would go to extreme measures to keep it.

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