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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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Samuel walked slowly through the forest, his black clothing blending perfectly with the shadow of night. He felt the wolf within him strengthen as the moon slipped through the leaves and touched his face.

With a sigh he brushed his fingers through his dirty hair and continued on.. Soon Kratos would be plagued by the strength of the werewolf, as the time of it's greatest power dawned ever closer. By then he would have to be high in the mountains in order to avoid a clash with a human being..

Suddenly he became alert to the presence of another and swiftly he tried to conceal himself behind a tree. After a moment of silence, Samuel peered out to find Zeit. She stood in the most beautiful part of the entire territory, and seemed so at rest and peaceful that Samuel knew instantly that he wasn't wanted here at this moment.

Again he withdrew behind the tree and rolled his eyes. "Blast it! I didn't know this was here!" He growled silently inside himself, and wondered briefly if he could slip out of the area before Zeit caught his scent and he ruined the serenity of the area.

Slowly he peered out again and saw her stand, her beautiful striped coat revealed under the moonlight. Again he withdrew and silently tapped the back of his head against the tree trunk at his own stupidity. "I need to remember to be more on guard and stop letting them pop up in front of me... it's not a wonder I couldn't find other werewolves before!"

Hour Glass

Zeit turned, catching a small bit of movment out of the corner of her eye. She shurgged it off, more likely it was some stupid squrriel or a predator out hunting. She began to trot back to her home, but Kratos seemed near. She slowed for a minute, but never stopped. He would soon take over and become the alpha, and he would tour everywhere to get a good idea of the territory he would be gaining.

She picked up her pace again, closing her eyes, and concentrating on the scents of the old game trails. She picked one that she hadn't run oon for a couple of weeks, and already weeds were begaining to sprout along the trail. She ran over them, her large paws ridding her trail of the pesky plants. She enjoyed the moment a bit longer, the moon felt so good and the wiind seemed to dance around her. She smiled again, and began to near her house, and sighed in relief that it wasn't destroyed.

She elegantly made her way up to the roof, climbing into her open window. Once in she leaned her wieght on the window sill, closing it so she could change back in her human form. She quickly changed, and put on her pa jamas and climbed into bed. She sat there for a moment, watching the cutains flutter in the wind. She knew she needed sleep, she hadn't slept yesterday and tomorrow brought challenages for her to face. She glanced back at the moonlight night and felt sleep come over, at least for a little bit.


Kale had odd chills creep up her spine as she walked away from Kiton. She shrugged and took off a a jog to find Kratos scent. She caught a hint of it on the wind and increased her speed, the wolf inside her lending her strength, urging her to run faster. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the moon, its strength seeping to Kale's inner wolf. She ran faster till Kratos scent became stronger. The breeze caused from her speed as she darted through the trees calmed her, and when Kratos scent was strongest she finally saw him, well, his eyes reflecting the moonlight is actually what drew her attention but still, she saw him. She skidded(literally) to a halt in front of him and gave an oddly wolfish smile.


Kratos had made his way far from Zeit's special place when Kale suddenly appeared in front of him. He prepared himself for the collusion that never came, and looked down at Kale.

"Goodness, you sure cut it close!" He laughed, "What are you doing?"


"I would never have run into you!" Kale said in mock defensivness. "I'm bored, the moon's up and she is restless." As Kale mentioned 'she', she pointed to herself and metophorically to her inner wolf. She opened her smile again. "I have one question for you. how fast are your human feet?"


Marcus sat in a tree, his legs dangling and swinging around below him. He found he thought best when he was in a tree, so that was why he had gone looking for a nice and tall one. He raised an eye brow and looked down below him, spotting Zeit leaving, Kratos starting to walk away, and Kale nearly running into him. He smirked slightly and turned away, deciding not to eaves drop and just try and focus on what lay before him.

He sighed gently, studying the stars. He tried to make out constellations... but failed. He could only find the little dipper. Every once in a while his thoughts strayed to the pack and what he should do but he tried to put that off as long as possible. For now he just wanted to relax.


Kiton lowered his glare on the stranger and hissed, "And who are you, to say such pretty little things to me?"

He suddenly rushed up to him, grabbing his shredded coat and pulling him close, to hear the low threats, "Get out, you're unwelcome and it seems well enough a pack has already occupied this area, so best be on your way, or it won't be me to die first."

He then released the man from his grip and looked at the moon, nearly full, still waxing, then returned to the stranger and grumbled, "If you have a bone to pick, then yes, do it tommorrow, and I'll have all the others ready for you."


"Hah! I don't know, never really tested myself on that level Kale!" Kratos laughed, "But would you like to challenge the speed of my four paws to a race? If you win I'll cook breakfast tomorrow!"


The stranger growled as Kiton took hold of his shredded coat and he clentched his fists as he was released. "Do you think I need paws to kill you? My talent in getting rid of a foolish cur gos beyond the night of the full moon." He snarled, "I don't want them ready for me stranger, the less I have to deal with tomorrow the better."

He pulled a dagger from his boot and spat on the blade.


"Leave him alone, Gathen," a voice cried out suddenly from some distance behind Kiton.

Standing in what seemed to be a pool of moonlight was a white figure - at first glance a wolf, but as one's eyes would focus on her they saw a woman instead. Her long platinum hair rippled over her shoulders, glimmering in the pale moonlight. She was dressed in a long white gown which seemed to move of its own accord or with the slightest breeze....her feet and arms were bare.

Looking more like a fairy figure out of an irish folksong with some ghostly glow about her, she was certainly nothing to compare in stature with either Kiton or the stranger. Yet, she carried an air of danger about her as she walked closer to the two.

"You'll get your night of bloodshed, but it will have to wait," she said, then added in a dangerous tone, "Or the odds will be prematurely stacked against you."

Her bright green eyes flashed as she said these words, something less than human about them.

"Your rule of terror is at an end, Gathen. I don't need the full moon to fight you tonight either."


"Hahaha!" Kale gave a small laugh and posed thoughtfully. "The moon is close enough for me to shift, so the bet is on! ...I should probably go change first... and what about if you win?" she gave him another wolfish smile and dashed away.

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