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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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Hour Glass

Zeit felt the wind race accross her pelt, and the fresh air filled hernose. She smiled and closed her eyes, she had run the trails enough to know them backwards and forwards. She didn't know how she would be able to stay in the pack though. They all seemed quite nice, but she wasn't used to being around more than one other werewolf, and it made her a tad nervous around them all. Kale seemed quite nice, and she could along with her, and Marcus too. Kratos seemed okay, but he was a bit pushy, but she could see why. Now Kilton got on her nerves a bit, he had shown no respect for her? She smiled, remembering he was going to muck out the horse stalls. She then returned her thoughts to her land, opening her eyes. She can to a small clearing, in which she had planted flowers when she was a little girl She trotted to the center of the clearing and sat down, letting peace encircle her. She loved this place, and she would never tell anyone else on her own slice of heaven.


Kale woke up from her nap as the orange and pink rays of light filtered through her window from the setting sun, blinking a few times, she got up. With a yawn fitting a werewolf she leaned her head out the window and looked down. Hmmm... second story... eh, I'll be fine... with that thought she jumped out the window.

Once on the ground, Kale made her way to the side of the house and sure enough, opposite the setting sun behind her, she could see the faint full disk of the moon peeking over the skyline. She smiled and went to find Kratos.


The celestial orb hangs low in the sky like a honey ball in the black evening pool, scattered with salts and scented with a countryside air. Clouds like unspun cotton drift way up, in the eves of the open sky. Kiton leaned against the tree looking at the sky worriedly, the full moon was far too close and coming up. He heard noise and quickly jerked around the corner. He encountered Kale and grumbled, "Oh, you. Where are you going this time of night?"


"Well, to find Kratos of course. After all tonight is the night he's going to try and claim this territory, and I did what I hope is a smart thing last night and accepted him as my alpha." As she spoke her eyes drifted back to the moon and she felt slightly chilled inside. If I can control this curse, I'll find the way to do so... having Kratos around might help, after all he say's thats his mission... "How about you?"


Kiton snarled, "He should know it's not his territory."

He turned to Kale and shook his head, "I don't care who's in charge, you're as human as you are wolf and this is your land. If he wants to claim a territory, he needs unowned wilderness. If he says your home is his, it's only words."


"Actually this isn't my home, I'm a drifter. This is Zeit's home. And unowned wilderness is kinda hard to find, I know, I've tried to find it myself." Kale replied, not knowing why he was so upset. Her own inner wolf was riled for a fight due to the nearness of the moon. "And in this world, the wolf usually has the stronger grip. That's why we can slaughter an entire town in one night and not remember a thing in the morning. He's offering to help me control it, to help any werewolf to control it and in my opinion, I'm all for it." With that she walked away to find Kratos, before that moon lifted above the mountains and shone full upon them.


As Kale walked away from Kiton, he was left but not alone... Under the shadow of the trees where his presence was kept unknown until Kale was gone, came the blood red eyes of another.

"Interesting coversation." Came the the deep knarled voice of the ragged stranger. His jeans were ripped and he wore no shirt beneath a severely shredded coat. The old grey thing seemed to dangle like straps over his shoulders like it had been ripped to pieces and he was using the remains.

Huge scars covered his chest and arms, a large slash over his right eye and several across his left forearm were fresh. He was covered in mud and dirt and he smelled of blood.

Hour Glass

Zeit sighed, this place was hers, and hers alone. She watched the moon, the white orb as it retraced it's path accross the sky once more. She watched for a minute, remembering how her father had always told her to look for the man on the moon. She chuckled for a minute, remembering what it was like to be young again, but sadly, she had grown up and now had a pack to watch out for. She chuckled again, thinking about the new members to what seemed to be her new family.

Well at least she wasn't alone anymore. She felt the small shiver go down her back. She felt comfortable now, but there were others just a howl away. That had been one of her biggest fears, and she had yet to comquer it yet. The feeling of being alone made her feel valunerable, as if a waiting for an attack.

She glanced around, as if someone had emerged behind her, but of course there was no one in sight. She grumbled to herself, she needed to stop being so paranoid, the others would feel that weakness and turn it against her in some way. She shook her peft, letting the rays of the moon flash over once more before rising from the ground. She needed tog et back before the males tore her house into firewood.


Kiton's icicle eyes crystallized as he looked at the bloody stranger. He snapped, "Who are you? I haven't seen you around here?"

Was this another local or had they smells of so many wolves attracted him? Kiton felt uneasy around him anyways, fangs begain to creep forward in his mouth as the reek crept into his senses.


A crooked smile slipped up the stranger's dirty face as he stepped into the moonlight. "Now, now, shouldn't we leave the fighting for tomorrow night? Unless of coarse you would like to satisfy me with the pleasure of killing you first." He said as he laughed, then with a raspy sigh he continued. "Now, my agitated friend, who else will die tomorrow, hm? Is it you who summoned me to battle for the territory?"

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