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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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Kratos returned to the corn field to change his clothes, after all, what he was currently wearing was not appropriate in his human form. That was why he hadn't changed when it was originally demanded of him.

While he was buckling his belt, Kratos heard a whistle off towards Zeit's farm... He rolled his bright yellow eyes, quite understanding the message, and finished clothing himself before heading off in that direction.

There was no part of him that wished to sleep inside Zeit's home. One would have to be on the point of exhaustion in order to fall to sleep in a place where they did not feel comfortable or safe... But this was not the only reason Kratos would not go in. Zeit had employees who worked here, and on a ranch, they were sure to be here before the sun was even up...

Maintaining control when one had the ability to become the werewolf at will was hard. Samuel had learned while he was young, that to be awakened suddenly with adrenaline pumping through your limbs, only ended badly... Nonetheless, Kale had called for him, thus he would come.

Samuel stepped out of the corn field again, though this time he was human. He slowly approached the open window where he had heard Kale's whistle, and to no surprise, he heard the voices of the two other males inside.

"I have never done well with a lot of company, and it seems as if my house will the new pack home." Came Zeit's obviously feminine voice.

"Only if you wish it to be Zeit," Came the deep voice of Kratos as he peered through the open window. Instantly his eyes searched Marcus and he began to size him up. "To a wolf pack, the territory must be large. I am not so stupid as to try and claim your land alone, if that was my intention I should just buy a land to keep my pack on. But no, on the night of the full moon, I will be fighting for this entire area. The mountain range, the forest, the farmer's fields, even the town. My pack will dwell here, and none other if I win."


The boy shrugged. "I don't mind. I'd probably a bit upset too, that is, if I had a house." He looked away from Zeit awkwardly, hoping maybe he could make it up to her for staying the night here. He knew that having a lot of people in the home was stressful. He felt he already was in such debt to her... And then he heard footsteps. He whirled around to see an enormous man, probably in his early-mid twenties, peering around a corner. Marcus' eyes widened and he gave a gulp. "Kratos...?" he murmered, almost positive it was the alpha he had been told about.

Hour Glass

Zeit jumped when she heard Kratos. She stammered for a minute before replying. "Well, I think this would be a smarter area to live," she said, "Considering the locals seem to keep their distance away from here". She then got up and opened the window more, "The only thing I require is that I keep the deed, and whatever pack you make, works on the ranch like any other worker here" she said, crossing her arms.


"If that is what you want, then I insist that you get rid of your other employees and join my pack also." Came Kratos' (again) blunt reply. "I will not have any member of my pack working in a place that is potentially dangerous for them."

His sharp yellow eyes looked firmly upon Zeit's face, if she wanted to negotiate then he would be obliged to return it. Samuel had already summed up his options in this situation and had confidence in how to play his cards.

"As for the members of my pack working here, I only see that they would need to work if they wanted to take refuge here. And if that is the case, then I see no reason why your terms should be disagreeable. If you are a member of my pack, then I will let you be in charge of your land and have all those who wish to take refuge here be submitted to working under your terms. But take note however, that not all who will join us will want to embrace their human qualities."

Hour Glass

Zeit got up and held out her hand, "Sounds like a deal" she said, "And I understand about not embracing their human qualities, but if I find any of my livestock missing, they're paying for it". With her last comment she sat down again, and waited for Kratos to say something else. She was already beginning to see a few strands of dawn appearing, which meant she only had a few more hours until her old workers showed up, and she had to muster up the strength to fire them all. She wondered if she should go up and wake Kale up, and help get breakfast started, but she stayed where she was because it seemed like Kale needed the rest.


Marcus finally decided that he had to say something... sitting there silently would make him seem a coward or a hermit. He managed to bring himself to his feet and extend a hand. "Marcus." He nodded. "And you are... Kratos?" The lean, brown haired boy chewed on the inside of his lip, quite nervous as to how the big alpha would respond to him. He hadn't really been listening to all the house talk, he didn't care. He wasn't even a member of the pack.


Kratos nodded and took Zeit's hand briefly in agreement. As Zeit went to take a seat, Kratos' eyes shifted to the younger lad now approaching him.

Samuel watched the boy extend his hand and introduce himself, not hesitating, Samuel reached out and took hands with the younger male. Kratos' hand was a considerable size larger then Marcus' and obviously very strong.

He had taken Marcus' hand more firmly then he had Zeit's, but by the gentleness he used towards both, it was hard to imagine his full strength.

"Indeed, my name is Kratos. Where are you from Marcus?" He asked deeply.


Marcus gulped at the size of the man's hand, and the strength of his grip. Looking at the two clasped hands he realized that his made Marcus' look like baby hands. They were so much smaller! He was glad that Kratos seemed in a good mood, he wasn't rude at all. Just overwhelmingly giant.

It took a moment for the boy to answer, as he was trying to remember where he was at the moment. "A little ways off, about a state over. I came from a suburb, sir."


"Ah, I've always preferred such places. Quiet but not as quiet as the farms of the country, nonetheless not as loud as the cities either.." Kratos nodded and after a firm shake, he withdrew his hand. "So, how long have you been in this area Marcus and what brings you this way?"


"Exactly what I'm thinking. Though, it is much easier to be discovered. People tend to be more nosy, there." he nodded, remembering the days of his youth when he had neighbors and such. "I have come this way for no particularly interesting reason. Mainly just because I heard it was quiet. I need to wander, or one day I'll be exposed. Or get attached."

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