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Silly, Simple Nonsense

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Ulric was not pleased with this so-called 'fact'. He wrote it off as an opinion, turned his attention back to the wooden slats, and put his nose behind his forearms (which were folded in front of him.) Then, he discreetly sniffed his own skin... pretending to be otherwise occupied with keeping low.

"No," he replied. "She thinks she knows me."

Levi was quiet, contemplating. "I think I've seen her before."

Ulric glanced over his shoulder at Levi, curiously.

"Where?" He whispered.

"Bit of a story, that," Levi said. But he did not ellaborate. The winds shifted, and with it, Saber's fate. The Alpha picked him up and carried him back to the porch. Levi pressed his body closer to the ground, as though willing himself to be swallowed by it.

Ulric made a face, ready to press for the story, when then Saber was laid on the boards above their heads.

"Remove his binds."

Kratos' powerful voice was clear and commanding. He spoke from the porch. 

"No," Chapman's voice replied lowly. "Remove them yourself. You have claimed responsibility of him; therefore, unbind him. Henceforth, his blood and any blood claimed by him is yours and yours alone."

Ulric didn't notice how his nose wrinkled and his eyes narrowed. Kratos had done what?

"So be it." 

The alpha stooped and unbound Saber, every inch, and threw the cords at Chapman's feet.

"Henceforth his blood is mine." Kratos concluded, "And I will avenge every drop of it."

"So be it," Chapman echoed, quietly. Louder he said, "Take care of yours. I will tend to mine."

Thus the exchange was concluded, and Chapman stepped forward, giving something to Kratos.
"Do you have an antidote?" Kratos asked.

“He will wake up naturally in an hour… perhaps two, considering his weight." Chapman answered. "A dose of this will wake him up near instantly, but it might make him woozy, and more confused than if you wait until the anesthesia is worn off.”

Then the officer turned to leave, and Kratos made no motion and gave no word after him. Ulric would have done almost anything to see Kratos' face and know his thoughts, just then, for his own thoughts were twisting in an ugly way. Was this wise at all? To welcome a man from Pinerich with open arms, to claim his blood as their own without any pledge of loyalty in return? Why would Kratos put himself in that position? Why would he put the rest of the pack at risk for it?

Ulric said nothing. His thoughts brewed in silence.

Then Kratos stepped off the porch and returned to the clearing. His shadow went with him to the pit, wherein the wild haired Svalnaglas woman was kept. Then also came Timothy's scent on the wind. Had he been there the whole time?
Ulric pressed a little closer to the slats to get a better view.

As Ulric pressed closer, Levi withdrew. That was twice now the Alpha stood over their heads. This position was compromised, or soon would be. He didn't feel safe there anymore.

Ulric could see Kratos now, his back anyway. He stood by the chain link fence.

"It seems you know each other." Kratos said to the woman, unseen from Ulric's vantage. "He will spend the night down there, with you. Do not forget what I have said; his blood is mine, and I will repay." 

"Who on earth are you?" 

Ulric heard the Svalnaglas woman. 

"I am Kratos Shragron, Alpha of the Calagathorm Pack." 

Ulric's lips parted. He gave a quiet incredulous scoff to his brother's answer and shook his head. Had not Kratos first warned him when he came here not to use the name of Shragron? Now, when secrecy seemed to matter most of all, Kratos gave the name of his forbearers to a stranger and an enemy. What was this, then?

Ulric slipped away before Kratos returned to the porch for Saber. He came out of the crawlspace behind the house and sat on the dirt with his back against the cabin wall.

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