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Silas Vance Thaddeus (Updated 4/15/23)

Age: 27 (September 2nd, 1970)
Real Name: Matteo Orpheus Constantine Di Salvo
Blood Line: Pure Blood
A pureblood from overseas, Silas was the last born into a large, powerful and wealthy family. As the youngest of a mother who was thought too old to produce children, and one who looks almost completely unlike his siblings, Silas was long suspected of being the product of an affair.
Nonetheless, it was proven that he was indeed the child of his mother and father, and he was given many of the same opportunities as his siblings (much to their disdain). Silas was taught multiple languages (his first languages being Italian and Greek with English as a close third and Chinese lastly), given many advanced lessons in several different activities including fencing, martial arts, horseback riding and ballroom dance, and included in the families inheritance fortune.
The latter was the source of contempt among his siblings as he was often singled out as a scapegoat. His parents were growing old. Tensions rose and Silas knew he would have to leave his homeland in order to live, as nefarious plots were in place to ensure he had no part in his families inheritance.
He left home at sixteen and by seventeen, had joined a criminal syndicate in the States by the name of Leonum Rubrum (Red Lion). An organized criminal faction made up of men, werewolves, werewolf hunters, bounty hunters and every other racketeer imaginable, they were many and powerful. Silas quickly worked his way up in the ranks. Not for the first time, a conspiracy against him surfaced when he was singled out by some higher ranking members in the factions for a generous promotion, and at nineteen, he was violently betrayed by his allies.
Left for dead at the doorstep of the Svalnaglas, he was taken in and called one of their own.  Here he remains, ever cautious, but loyal, to his pack, where he has remained for almost a decade.
Silas now acts officially as a spy for the Svalnaglas, but on his own time has been working on conducting detailed research around werewolf genetics, and has even invented a dangerous concoction which can force a werewolf to change into their alternate form outside of their own willpower.
Rightfully mistrustful of both strangers and those close to him, Silas keeps his guard up both on and off his packs territory. He keeps his friends close and enemies closer, so to speak. He ironically chose the pack name Actaeon, after the Greek figure who was turned into a deer and hunted by his own hounds after seeing the Goddess (ironically, Diana) bathing. This was a testimony to his thoughts on being betrayed twice previously.

Silas is most at home when alone to do his research, whether it be on a Svalnaglas matter, or one of his own personal endeavors to better study - and manipulate - werewolf genetics. He enjoys the security in solitude. However mistrustful, he usually has a nonchalant bordering on positive attitude.

He tends to be sarcastic to a fault, has a habit of speaking in movie references and metaphors, and staying up way too many days on end - often causing himself to fall into a state of sleep deprived delirium in which he invents characters to amuse himself. Silas is his own worst enemy as most of his shortcomings in his career come from losing track of time, and with it, reality.
Perhaps his most fatal flaw however, is his undying loyalty towards Diane, the daughter of the powerful Beta Baltronan whom brought Silas into the pack. Silas often answers her beck and call without heeding caution to the situation. Whether this is due to his debt and gratitude towards Beta Baltronan for sparing his life and providing him entry into the Svalnaglas, or some other reason,  one thing is certain; Silas would stand unflinchingly in front of a freight train for the Beta's daughter.


Human Description: He stands at 6'0" and has a strong but not necessarily large build, cold blue eyes and a light olive complexion. He has a rectangle face shape with a strong jawline. His overall sloppy appearance is a testimony to how little time he dedicates to anything but work. His dark brown hair often goes unkempt a half the time there is a shadow present on his face, and every now and then he'll let his jaw hair to grow into an unruly beard.

Most commonly, he'll wear a black or white dress shirt, usually with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, along with his black slacks or blue jeans, and a pair of either comfortable Doc Marten's or his favorite shiny black Oxfords. When he's working outside of the city in cases involving werewolf matters, he wears his scout uniform.


How they came to join the pack: See recount above - Silas was left for dead at the Svalnaglas' doorstep at the age of 19, likely as a taunt to the pack. For reasons unknown, Beta Baltronan took Silas in. Silas has been a loyal member of the Svalnaglas for nearly a decade.


Svalnaglas Mark: Crescent Arrow [:] A symbol that identifies him as an elite sniper and information expert. The presence of the crescent moon on his forehead verifies his favor among the Svalnaglas pack Betas.


Silas often prioritizes work and his personal studies over hygiene and sleep. This ages him rather quickly.. while some fuzz and a 5'0clock shadow don't seem to offend much, when his eyes get dark and his hair is unkempt, he can go from looking like a decent human to a disheveled, murderous hobo very quickly.. see for yourself.


Character Trivia:

  • Silas is a pescetarian.
  • Silas has nine brothers and sisters back home in Sicily, Italy. He's the youngest - the oldest who are twins, Nikodemos and Michael, are in their early 50’s.
  • Silas doesn't drink alcohol but when he's sleep deprived, craves cigarettes.
  • Silas was born with a unique tail that makes his job as a scout, sniper and informant that much easier - it's similar to a cats tail and makes balancing in trees easy work.
  • Although Silas has never existed outside of gangs and mafias, he has an askew sense of justice and often looks down on his line of work, but sees it as a necessary evil to keep the world of werewolves and humans separate.
  • In a couple of short years, Silas was able to invent a serum that forces the werewolf change upon an existing were, regardless of their level of control, bloodline or the moons current phase. Being an esteemed member of his faction, he has funds and time when not on a task to work on his research. Silas is incredibly intelligent and equally talented... if only he could just stay awake.
