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Searching for Something (CA - Saber)

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Saber looked confused and annoyed now.
“ What? No.” he snapped.

Jen glanced away briefly.

"Sorry," she said, "I just see so many people wind up there - or at least their stuff. I mean, I see backpacks and blankets down there all the time."

"I've always sort of wondered what it would be like to sleep in that spooky place."

Saber just grumbled angrily at Jenn stating her inner curiosity about the place.
Now finished with his peach, he discarded it's pit on the table and proceeded to take the dried jerky to consume next. He ripped open the packaging, and began to take a bite out of it, trying to ignore Jenn now.

Now it was Jen's turn to be entertained from a narrow perspective. She didn't mind Saber's disinterest because she wasn't looking at him anymore. She was staring off into space while many places and faces presented themselves to her mind's eye view.

When Jen at last returned to earth, it appeared she forgot the conversation at hand. Presently, she looked back to her reading and turned the page…

Saber continued to chew the jerky in his mouth as he stared off at nothing in particular, his wolf highly enjoying it's flavor. However something in the back of his mind had started to nag at him, telling him he should've read the label first, just to be safe; This was what he had been trained to do growing up, it was a cautionary habit he had developed and to neglect such brought risk. He couldn't remember ever eating jerky before either, which triggered another red flag in the back of his mind.
He swallowed down the meat as he finally decided to turn the package around to look at the ingredients, but he didn't get very far before he already felt his lungs retract and grow a bit tight. He felt a wave of panic run through his body as was usual with reactions; He never knew the severity of them and so his body would always initially panic.
He was trying to take in deep breaths to steady himself as he finally spied the problematic ingredient and cursed.
Tossing the jerky angrily aside, he began to just focus on his breath, taking steady breathes through his mouth, feeling the tightness in his chest grow.

Jen looked up with alarm as Saber tossed the jerky aside. Her own little red flags sprang to attention.

"Oh my goodness!" She gasped, jumping to her feet and wondering what on earth caused the problem. "Are you okay?"

Saber began to cough a little. Though his mind was still focused on controlling his breathing, he was aware of Jenn's movement. Presently, his lungs weren't too swollen, so he was still able to continue taking in deep breathes with little problem.
He wearily glanced at Jenn. “ Yeah, I'm okay.. It's just a small reaction….. I think.”
He closed his eyes and grasped his head in his hand, trying to stay focused on his body and it's symptoms.
His skin from his chest began to develop a rash that creeped up his neck and onto his face as he coughed dryly once more. His breathing turned into a subtle wheeze, as his chest began to hurt more.

Jen watched Saber intensely, ready to leap into action.

"Should I call for help?" She said. Her phone was already in her hand.

“ No, I’m fine.” Saber wheezed before coughing again.

“Are you sure?” Jen persisted unconvinced.

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