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Searching for Something (CA - Saber)

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All was quiet in the Reknab library that day. It was a typical scene one would expect at a library; The librarians went to and fro tending to the place, while the visitors were searching the aisles of books, hoping to find their next great read. Among the visitors that day there was one in particular that the library's walls hadn't ever seen until only just recently; Saber, a young Asian man foreign to Reknab Bend, had been on one of the computers in the corner of the library that day. Imagery of humanized wolves and text filled the screen he stared at, his tired eyes slowly scanning over the text, trying to take in the information despite his obvious weariness.

It had been about a week since Saber had first ended up in Reknab Bend. Having been stripped away of all of his possessions and forced out of the place he had lived his whole life at, he was now stuck living on the streets in a small suburban town seemingly out in the middle of nowhere. Unfortunately he was unable to adjust quickly to the new lifestyle, and now was constantly hungry and tired. He hadn't even eaten that day, which his stomach complained immensely about. His body felt weak and tired all the time having it's needs neglected, but Saber simply continued to ignore his body's complains and pressed on in his research.

Upon finishing reading what this particular website had on werewolves, Saber went back to the list of search results of the beasts. It wasn't long however as he began scrolling through the list that his eyelids slowly fell closed; His body relaxed a bit, his head falling back into the hand that was holding it up, as his mind took an involuntary break.


"Oh, I am so sorry!"

Books cascaded behind Saber's head from thin pale arms flailing desperately to catch each one in vain. In fact, the young lady swung both her arms and legs out in such an attempt, but only managed to dampen the crash landing of a heavy book on the arch of her foot instead.

"Ouch!" She said, and with that word went the other books she had managed to keep hold on.


"Oh, I'm so, so sorry!" She said, and her next desperate act was to reclaim all the books from the floor in the same time they had gotten there.

The young lady's attempts to rectify the misstep that caused the error were feeble to say the least, but the fumble brought out the elegance of her features in a curious way; like how her red hair bounced as she bent to snatch a book, and how the sun glinted on her peachy skin as she stuck her foot out to catch the book in vain.

All the books, now sprawled on the floor, were medical in nature, but the age of the young woman could not have exceeded twenty-five.


With that Saber was jolted awake, instantly turning to catch a quick glance at what had caused the noise. Once the source was located, Saber merely turned back to his screen irritably. He rested his chin back into the palm of his hand as he stared at the screen, now simply waiting for the girl behind him to move along before he continued about his own business.

The young woman quickly collected her books from the floor, glancing over her shoulder at the stranger as she did so. All books carefully reposed, she then stood and set them all on the table beside Saber's monitor.

"Hey," She cooed with interest. "You're not from around here."

"Jenn Peters." She said, introducing herself and extending her hand across to the young Asian man. "I'm really sorry about that mess, I was just walking by when I noticed your screen."

Jen pointed at the search engine on the monitor. "Werewolves, huh? That’s a neat topic."

Saber's eyes were watching the young woman as she introduced herself, his face now thickly layered with annoyance. He didn't shake her hand when she extended it, he simply watched her until she pointed at the screen in front of him; Then, he stared at the screen a moment, waiting for his exhausted brain to catch up with him. Afterwards he turned to the young woman, his hand letting go of his chin and falling down on the table with a thud. Now that his hand was removed and he was facing her, a small bruise on his cheek he had gotten just a week ago could be seen. Despite looking completely drained, his annoyance still showed, and just like the rest of his body, his voice was a mix of exhaustion and irritation. “ Yeah, that's great, now if you don't mind I'd like to get back to researching- in peace.”

Jen met a lot of unpleasant people in her life. She worked at a medical clinic, after all. Perhaps it was her small town upbringing that kept her thinking the best of people despite their flaws.

"Oh," she said, noticing the bruise on his cheek. "Did you get in a fight?"

Jen was already moving to leave. She was gathering her books off the table once again, but seemed in no other way distracted by the rudeness of the other party.

Saber looked at Jenn more confused than annoyed now. He had completely forgotten about the bruise on his cheek and it took his tired brain a few seconds to remember it and realize it was what triggered Jenn's question. As soon as his brain registered it however, he quickly was back to facing the computer screen to obscure Jenn's view of it.

“That's none of your business,” he tiredly said as his eyes drifted as far away from Jenn as possible.

Jen moved her books to the other side of the table from Saber and sat down across from him, allowing him to hide behind his monitor.

She set most of her books aside, but opened one of them on the table. Before she began reading, however, she leaned back in the chair. Her legs casually crossed one over the other as she produced a small treat from her hip-bag. It was one of those healthy energy bars that sometimes cost more than the flavor was worth. Nonetheless, she opened one  and took a contented bite.

Once settled, she leaned over the open book on the table with the intent to read, and spoke with her eyes cast down on the pages.

"I'm sorry about what happened.” She said gently, “I just want to say ... welcome to Reknab Bend."

Saber did his best to ignore Jenn completely and return to his research, but his heightened senses made it impossible for him to ignore the food she was now consuming. He could smell it so well, he was able to identify all that it was made of, and so he already knew he couldn’t eat it without threat of a stomach ache because of his allergies. A irritated groan slipped out of his throat before he could stop it.

Jen glanced up when she heard her new acquaintance groan. It appeared that something was wrong that extended far past being tired. Then she got the idea.

"Oh," she said, "Here."

She immediately produced another bar from her bag and put it across the table from herself.

"It's not the best, but it's all I've got on me.” She said with a shrug.

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