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Sabrina Sabres

Sabrina Sabres

Name: Sabrina Sabres

Meaning: "sword from the border"

Nickname: some call her Brina

Gender: Female 

Age: 24

Race: Werewolf

Accent: Whatever one helps her blend in

Occupation: Healer, assassin, unofficial den mother 

Situation: Was tasked to kill a rogue Werewolf, decided to join a new pack

Motivation: Ultimately just wants to fix her mom's issues

Good personality traits: She is loyal, determined, focused, and analytical

Bad personality traits: Can be detached, has questionable morals, manipulative

Phobias/Fears: she fears losing control of herself

Pet peeves: weakness or lack of self control in others, stupid questions, anything that intimidates her

Desires: To find a way to cure her mother's madness

Flaws: Lacks compassion. Can get obsessive "tunnel-vision" over achieving her goals, at the expense of all else.

Quirks: she likes wearing white.

Most at ease when: she is alone

Ill at ease when: there's too much to focus on at once

Angered by: Sabrina doesn't get angry. She gets annoyed, or even.

Saddened by: Wasted potential 

Disabilities: Failure to show empathy

Secrets: She keeps secrets from everybody. She kept Kratos' pack a secret from her family, she keeps her family a secret from the pack, she changes her identity for a living… she's cocooned in secrets.

Regrets: Feels life is too short for regrets.

Accomplishments: Knows at least six languages, including English, French, Irish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese. Maybe more. She’s trained in dance, archery, painting, acting, vocalization, piano, violin, and martial arts.

Favorite color: White, I assume

Hobbies: Gardening

Skilled at: Assassination, martial arts, natural remedies, observation

Unskilled at: Giving hugs

Optimist or pessimist?: she's optimistically pessimistic

Introvert or extrovert?: Introvert, maybe? She doesn't ever seem to be the life of the party by any means…

Daredevil or cautious?: Cautious

Logical or emotional?: Logical

Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Methodical and neat

Prefers working or relaxing?: She believes in balance.

Confident or unsure of himself/herself?: Confident

How he/she feels about himself/herself: She feels she is a golden child that still has something to prove to the world because no one else can see it.

How would s/he describe him/herself: Disciplined, driven, ambitious

What s/he thinks is his/her best personality trait?: Stability

What s/he thinks is his/her worst personality trait?: Empathy… she feels it gets in the way of doing her job, therefore is a weakness, therefore is her worst personality trait

What s/he thinks is his/her best physical characteristic?: Her athleticism.

What s/he thinks is his/her worst physical characteristic?: She is not physically self conscious at all. She's gorgeous and she knows it.

What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Sabrina doesn't want to change herself, she wants to change the world.

Does this character get along with other characters?: Depends on the character and depends on what her goals are.

Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?: Always.

Enemy(s): None living that she is aware of

Best friend(s): None living that she is aware of

Love interest(s): None living that she is aware of

Person s/he goes to for advice: The universe (meditates)

Person s/he feels responsible for or takes care of: Kratos' whole pack

Person s/he feels shy or awkward around: Would consider this weakness, so, no.

Person s/he admires: She's attracted to power.

- Family - 

Mother: Susan (Thompson) Sabres

Relationship with her: Complicated

Father: Alpha Aidan Sabres

Relationship with him: Even more complicated

Siblings: None

Relationship with them: n/a

Spouse: n/a

Relationship with him/her: n/a

Children: n/a

Relationship with them: n/a

Other important family members: Katie Thompson, her aunt.


By Kaqurei
By Kaqurei

By Skylere

By Adriana

Old Bio

Age: 24

Blood Line: Pure Bred

Background: Sabrina is of Irish decent, and her father comes from a long line of werewolves; a clan if you will, whose first werewolf ancestor was bitten back in medieval times. They have harnessed their abilities and trained throughout the centuries, keeping their family secret safe and living double lives; one in the human world, one in the werewolf world.

Her mother, on the other hand, was a normal human (and an American), until a werewolf from an enemy clan attacked her husband and she got bitten in the resulting fight. She was pregnant with Sabrina at that time, and soon became sick with the curse. She has no self-control and has to be locked up during the full moon to prevent injury to herself and others.

Sabrina has been taught all her life to control her abilities and maintain an insane amount of calm in every situation. She is also fluent in the language of wolves, werewolf protocol, pack hierarchy, and herbs. She is a skilled healer.

Personality: Sabrina is very contained, as strong emotions tend to bring out the animal in her and she has been trained all her life against that. Towards pack members and family, she is strong, respectful, and patient. Towards enemy werewolves...she's scary. Her attacks tend to be calculated rather than wildly violent, and that makes them ten times more potent.

How they came to join the pack: Sabrina was visiting her aunt on her mother's side in a small village that was rumored to be plagued by a werewolf. She was sent there on acount of her father (her pack leader then) to find the old brute and put an end to him. It was there that she heard Alpha Kratos' call, and was drawn to him. She didn't reveal herself to him or his newly forming pack right at first, but watched them almost daily to learn them.

It was on a night when Gathen (the enemy she had been sent to destroy) threatened the new pack that she revealed herself, and after the resulting chain of interesting events she found herself joining the young pack to defeat him. Gathen was defeated, and Sabrina became a healer...a healer who is a bit conflicted, seeing as she is now a member of two packs.