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Robin Lily Geronimo 4/24/2023



Age: "Yeh, ask me that again. I double dog dare you. I haven't had breakfast, yet." (she was born in '52, she's 45)
Blood Line: "Born human, dying a dog. Got this gnarly looking scar, wanna see it?" (first generation)
Background: "You know what... we don't really know each other that well, buddy."
Personality: "I'm gonna be honest with you, I'm a hot mess."
Human Description: "I don't care who you are- you see these arms? I will put you over my knee and whoop your sorry behind if you mess with me, understand?" (she's 5'6, of strong stature, with long thick hair and dark skin)
How they came to join the pack: "What "pack"? Nuh uh.. I don't roll like that.."


Character History - Extended

Robin spent her youth growing up with her single mother in Pinerich city. They shared a room in a single bedroom apartment, and her mother, Jay, worked three jobs to keep the two of them afloat.

After spending her days of innocent youth dreaming of Prince Charming's who would come and rescue them from their situation, Robin spent her early teen years planning a more concrete method of securing an income.

With very few places willing to hire minors, and fewer willing to hire those who possessed Robin's complexion, she took it into her hands to do anything necessary to keep from watching her mother work herself to her bones.

It began with minor theft before quickly spiraling into dangerous and higher paying crime-usually running drugs. At first she had managed to convince her mother she had a job working with another girl from school cleaning hotel rooms. Then the school started calling to report Robin's absences. Robin stopped coming home at regular hours, and when she did return, it was with black eyes, a heavy disposition and a weary soul. Jay would plead with Robin to discontinue her ventures and Robin would stubbornly ignore the pleas - determined her efforts would be rewarded and her mother would have all that she deserved.

It was when Robin was only fifteen that she came in with Darius' gang - a violent and dangerous pack of werewolves that lurked at the edges of the cities. Darius took Robin in with a promise of protection and stability, but soon after revealed his true form to her. Robin thenceforth possessed all of the freewill of a leashed and abused dog. The looming threat of herself- and more so her mother - being at the receiving end of Darius' wrath, caused her to be coerced into many nefarious things.

Two years later when she was seventeen, she met Jodecai, a stoic and seemingly upright man of great strength and calmness of character. Chance meetings turned into planned meetings - and the closer Robin grew to Jodecai, the more Darius was kept away.

Robin and Jodecai were married in secret a few short months after their courtship. Shortly after that, they conceived their daughter. Jodecai was at last compelled to tell Robin that he was a werewolf, and that he had many allies within the city - the reason that Darius avoided him and made no further attempts on Robin after their courtship.

Jodecai did not provide the full truth, however he informed Robin that Logan would not be safe in Pinerich, and that they needed to move her as far as possible away. Miles were traversed, yet Darius, being as persistent and he was possessive, would not relent, until they finally exhausted his efforts. Jodecai was also avoiding the prying eyes of his family, although he would not say so to Robin.

The hardest decision came when Jodecai was unwilling to leave Robin vulnerable with a new child in an unknown place. They came upon a man in a foreign place, now thousands of miles and a country north of their home city. He heard their plight and agreed to take Logan when she was no younger than a year. They spent those long months in waiting there until Logan was born in August of 1970, and a short year after which passed in a blink. They made the decision to return to Pinerich together, for Jodecai had to answer to his family for his absence, and plead with them to drive off Darius. They fully intended to return before Logan's twelfth birthday, or once Darius was removed - whichever came first.

Upon returning to the city, Jodecai seemingly vanished into thin air. He could not be found no matter how tirelessly Robin looked. Devastated, feeling used and exhausted, and having lost everything and possessing nothing, Robin returned to Darius-hoping in time, Jodecai would find her there. At this point, she was nineteen.

Upon returning to Darius' pack, the retribution was great-Robin was changed immediately following her arrival, and was kept under lock and key for several years following. Robin had little else except an ember of faith which she began to nurture devoutly or else be ruined.

Now, she was a powerful werewolf and that made her an asset as much as a threat.

Her long prayed for reprieve was found in the form of a private contractor coming to do business with Darius' pack. Having some leverage over Darius, he asked for a strong werewolf in exchange for previous services, and demanded Robin in particular. Darius, having taken all but Robin's will to survive and her faith, begrudgingly agreed - not without the intention to retrieve her again-intending fully to destroy Steele when the opportunity presented itself.

Steele was a welcome change from Darius, and Robin was loyal to him for many years. Unlike Darius, Steele was not a slave to his appetites and was focused on business alone.

Steele was also a capable informant and strung Robin along with the promise of finding her husband.

Eventually, Steele would employ a young man by the name of Valentine, promptly nicknamed Glasses by Robin.

When it became clear Darius-still a looming and ever present threat-would not be removed by Jodecai, his mysterious family, or Steele... Robin took it into her own hands to once again step foot into the dwelling place of the beast, in attempt to decimate the pack from the inside. She had gained many skills under Steele that had made her confident in this endeavor. Nonetheless, she was outnumbered, and had gone in without letting Steele or Valentine know her intentions. This led to a rescue mission on part of Val, and the event nearly cost he and Robin their lives. Val was transformed and lost an eye, and after they recovered, the swore to break away from Steele and start a new life with their heads down low. 

They have since traveled together, picking up whatever job they may to stay afloat, and narrowly avoiding the maws of the mafia.

Now Robin seeks her husband and her daughter. She has since found the whereabouts of her husband, but has realized that the territory is treacherous and unreachable. He is behind a figurative wall, well safeguarded by the likes of the Svalnaglas. 



Character Trivia

  • Robin has brushed with almost every member of the roleplay - including the Chapman's, several members of the Svalnaglas, and even (unbeknownst to her), her own daughter and the Calagathorm pack.
  • Robin had Logan when she was 18. Robin was transformed almost two years later by Darius' gang (who would later be removed by the Svalnaglas).
  • Due to her husband Jodecai having a dormant werewolf gene, she did not know he was a werewolf until after Logan was conceived.

Robin's Husband, Jodecai (Drake) of the Svalnaglas

Jodecai met Robin while she was still working under Darius, before she became a werewolf. Within a year they were married and had conceived Logan.

In order to protect Robin and his daughter, Jodecai fled with his wife to an isolated town - presumably, far enough away that Logan would be able to live with relative ease.

However, in order to keep not only Darius but the Svalnaglas from perusing his family, Jodecai returned and Robin alongside him. Jodecai vowed to have Darius removed and to return to Robin as soon as he was able. However, his absence was noticed and he has since been unable to withdraw from the eyes of the Svalnaglas long enough to seek Robin.

Only recently has Jodecai become aware that his daughter had somehow returned, when he met her as a werewolf during an attempt of Silas and Diane to retrieve Ulric.