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Riding Bear Back (SP RP5/RP6)

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Maybe she was careless, or perhaps she just didn't care at this point, but in any case, Logan was not against taking Diane's advice. She straightened, and cast one look to Jackie, as if silently letting her know of her intentions, before she started off in the direction the mysterious woman had pointed them in. She left the clearing behind, and began through the brush at a steady pace, picking up her legs in as much of a run as a tired, confused woman in her state was able. It was laughable in some ways, but, it still held some water over walking.

She didn't bother to look back now. Jackie would follow or she wouldn't, at this point Logan didn't care. Pack mate or not, friend or not, she had for the time, betrayed Logan's trust. This was not something that was hard to gain, nor easy to break, but somehow, Jackie had succeeded. Surely if they made it out of this situation, she wouldn't be neglectant to forgive her fiery haired accomplice, but for the moment, she wasn't against imagining that the other might get caught and placed in jail if she spent too much time waiting behind...

So she ran, and continued to run until her thighs burned and her calves were numbed, the soles of her feet imprinted with many stones and sticks of the forest. How long would she have to go? What was at the end of the journey? Was it a dead end? Maybe she was led right into the hands of the cops. Maybe into enemy territory, or perhaps, on the right path home.

Logan came to a point now, where it no longer felt like she was lifting appendages but rather heavy stones in place of her legs, and her lungs cried for air and protests with a series of painful pangs along her ribs. She wondered if she had even covered much distance from her starting point, but regardless, a rest was in order. And maybe that fiery haired female could catch up yet.


The redhead made no indication that Diane had spoken or even of her existence.  She did not care to observe how quickly and silently the mystery woman had departed, nor to pay much heed to her advice.  Her vacant gaze was instead trained on Logan, watching as her companion’s form began to disappear into the foliage and her footsteps blend into the night’s song. Her body had made a move to follow, but some other force had stopped her cold before she had even so much as a few footsteps.  Her lips were pursued, as if she meant to say a word, but no sound came. It was as though she were a ghost, incapable of speaking or disturbing the paths of the living.

Yet just as Logan began to reach distance in which she would have lost sight and sound of her, Jackie regained her voice.  The words were strangely spoken, stripped of her usual daring and snark. They might have even been called sincere, if one were so bold as to apply such a word to Jacqueline Ryder.

Wait for me.  Please. I have one last game to play, and then I promise we will return home”

Once she had finished speaking, the invisible force that had held her still was lifted.  She spun on her heel and began to run in the opposite direction of Logan. She was filled with new energy, the excitement and fear of her next ploy feeding the movement of her feet.  She was terribly noisy as she ran, but the redhead was not concerned. What she had planned would not require stealth.



Though already leaving as Jackie spoke, Logan had caught her words, and had plenty of time to consider them while she caught her breath.

Somehow, they were more abrasive than her other words - the sincerity of her tone standing out like a high pitched bell in comparison to her typical sarcastic comments. It caught her off guard and she wasn't sure exactly whether or not she was used to it or relieved by the new demeanor, not that was something she intended to get used to hearing from the sour female.

Logan pressed her fingers to her temples and wondered how she became allies with someone so.. Jackie. She was certainly a unique individual, and just when one might think there's nothing to her but a mischievous fiery haired female with a heart and spirit equally ablaze with that tyranny, it might come to be that she was more perplexing and hard to read than anyone could imagine.

With a short sigh, she stood slowly and in her frustration she laid a blow on the tree behind her, before beginning towards Jackie all with irritation, interest and concern. The redhead was already lost to Logan's vision but her smell still lingered, and lacking any deep set motivation on Logan's behalf, the trail was followed.


Stepping quietly through the clear spaces under the trees, Ulric ventured through the quiet wood. He was feeling very much out of his element and was as uneasy in this area as he might have felt roaming on the war-ravaged front of enemy territory. Steadily he began to wonder whether or not he dared travel in his first or secondary form. The additional strength of his secondary form would no doubt prove an asset in the case of confrontation, but as of yet he knew not which kind of folk he was likely to run into.

It had not been long after Ulric entered the sparse grove that he detected the scent of various people, many of which were not werewolf and carried a similar smell over their individual scents that gave rise to concern that the police were involved in this peculiar matter.

Yes, Ulric had found that individuals which often spent much time together in the same sorts of places often smelled alike under their individual perfumes, colognes, and natural musk, in the same way that members of a pack smelled alike. And though he could not place it, the smell he detected made him think of law enforcers. He did not know that it was the equipment they carried, which he had smelled many times before, that originally ignited this subconscious suspicion.

Ulric was worrying what he should do or say if he happened to encounter anyone other than a werewolf at this dark hour, thinking of course that it would be obvious should he meet the aforementioned. So it was when he suddenly concealed himself behind a tree in great alarm!  His heart was beating fast now as he peered around for a second glance at what had caught him off guard. There he saw, laying in the dirt and bramble, what was clearly a human body and two smaller figures. The night was not so dark as of yet to prevent him from seeing that these two other figures were dogs, but outside his secondary form it was a little known fact that Ulric had a hard time seeing in dim light. So he stared a moment or two before withdrawing behind the tree again.

After looking hard for a second or two, Ulric was almost certain that the figure was a woman and a police officer. He did not however know if she were alive, or merely unconscious, for the lighting and distance worked against him. Yet though his eyes were poor at night, his sense of smell was quite dependable, and he was sure that there was not a noticeable scent of blood.

The young man’s heart was still pounding fast, his senses which were once keen were now fully attuned with adrenaline. He made no move until he had caught hold of himself, which luckily did not take long. Then he peered around the tree for a second time, and felt prepared to make a judgement call as to whether he would approach or wait nearby for others to find the fallen officer. Yet he never made a decision to do either, for there was a sound nearby which prevented any further plans -- Someone was coming!


Jackie’s process through the woods was strangely uneventful, but this did little to put the woman at ease.  There was the sharp scent of danger in the air—not one that could be smelled literally but could rather be felt on the fine hair of her arm.   Move carefully, the air seemed to say, or else you might find yourself in worse shape than you had started.  Just beyond the veil of leaves, she could almost hear the others, though confirmation of such was just beyond the conscious reach of her senses.  These woods were a gravity well for dangerous and powerful characters. Jackie suspected she was neither in comparison to what lurked beyond that leafy veil.

Yet despite the warning in the air, there could be no turning back.  All metaphorical bridges had been burned, the police car crashed in smoking ruins by the road, two police dogs and an officer tranquilized in the woods, one mysterious werewolf playing her own game in the night, and all nice coordinating dress and shoes were in ruins.  If she was to make it out of these woods, it would be only by walking forward regardless to what lay beyond.

Her heart was beating a storm in her chest and her entire body seemed to be vibrating.  Jackie could not place the emotion as fear or excitement; although she suspected it was both.  With one shaky outreached hand, the woman pushed back a low-hanging branch to see whoever was waiting for her…


For all Lyra’s uses that evening, courage was not among them.  The young Officer Kendels found herself led along by two mysterious strangers, but lacked the nerve to ask where they were going or what they intended to do with her.  She had, of course, tried to answer all the questions they had asked her. Perhaps in retrospect this was not the best of ideas… but given everything that seemed to be lurking in the woods, making friends with these two mysterious ‘agents’ seemed the wisest way to survive the night.


It was Melinda’s voice, full of ice and command.  Lyra noticed that even IRS man heeded her words so quickly he seemed mechanical; this was disconcerting with the pleasant expression on his face.

Melinda dear, did you find a troubled guest in the forest?”

Melinda did not answer; instead, she kept a hand poised in the air to keep the two behind her from continuing forward.

No.  I did not.  I merely think it is time we stop playing house and put our cards on the table”


“As fun as this has been, I would rather not walk into a dangerous situation without knowing anything of the people next to me.  I think you will agree, regardless to how ‘classified’ you may be.   In an act of good faith—which I expect you will return if you wish to survive—I will begin.

I am Melinda Channing.  I do indeed work for an organization that is interested in Jaqueline Ryder’s trail; and I imagine my interest is, in part, similar to your own”

“And what might that be?” IRS man continued with a trace of a hum in his voice.

That Jacqueline Ryder leaves an interesting police record wherever she is.  However, this is not my primary concern; nor should it be for you either. That woman is dangerous.  Perhaps not directly herself, but in the company she keeps. She has a habit of attracting danger without even trying; and so it seems she has found a few ‘friends’ that possess more raw ability than any natural human.  Some may even venture to say they are ‘beasts’; although I imagine that is all matter of perspective. So when I say approach her with extreme caution, I mean it”

Lyra gulped at the words, although she was not sure why.  Melinda had not said much more than they had already known.  Jaqueline Ryder was a suspect and it was not a jump to say she had a long-standing criminal record; after all, anyone who crashed a police car could not have been a first-timer.  That this woman had dangerous company was again easy to believe given her commanding officer and furry partner were now unconscious in the woods. The only thing that made little sense were these ‘beasts’; Lyra couldn’t even feign to understand what Melinda had meant by such a word.  Melinda must merely exaggerating; although in the short time she had known the woman, she had never once known her to exaggerate…

Lost in her reverie, the young officer almost missed as IRS man spoke.

Very well Melinda, if you insist on cutting our date short.  I admit I am a little heartbroken; but no matter, I am certain we can continue another time. “ IRS man winked and Lyra almost gagged.  Fortunately the expression was fleeting and the willowy man’s demeanor suddenly changed to be quite serious.

“You are indeed correct.  I am interested in Miss Ryder’s ‘paper trail’ as you might call it.  And a few of her friends, too. I’m afraid I am not at liberty to discuss more—you know the IRS, ever so protective of their intel.   It is quite lucky both of us are on the same page; although I am a little surprised at your exaggeration Melinda. Regardless to whatever criminals Jacqueline and her friends may be, I would hardly venture to use the word beast.  Why I am looking at you now and you seem perfectly harmless”

Melinda smiled hollowly, as if pitying her ‘date’.  “When I said friends, I was not talking of myself.  Very clever of you to see our connection, but you will see soon enough.  Once you see them, you will understand”

Again, Lyra was at a loss.  Not much had been said; and what she thought might be important, she did not understand.  She shook her head; clearly these two were content to continue their riddles and mysteries.  Lyra, however, was not. While she doubted either would press more on the direct subject at hand, still one mystery bothered her.

S’cuse me, IRS man,” both swiveled their head to look at her; she was certain they had forgotten she was still listening.

If we’re being so honest, then would you mind telling me your name?”

“Tom,” the willowy man replied quickly.

Is that your real name?”

“Most likely it is not”

A silence settled and no one seemed eager to break it.  The three began trekking further into the woods, either ignorant or uncaring to those who lay inside it.


Oh, did her pack have a storm heading right for them.

It had been a great start to the day. Fresh air, nice breeze and her few crops seemed to be doing quite well. Everything had seemed like it was peaceful, and that there was nothing to worry about, nothing could bother the great striped one today. And she even thought she could sit down and read a book without worry about some stray showing up on her porch.

But now, that perfect day was ruined, and there was ---- to pay.

It all had gone downhill when a certain Beta noticed the lack of wolves roaming around. Something which she partly ignored, due to the fact there was a vast amount of land for the pack members to roam around without needing to worry about safety. Well. That was most of the time anyways... But the Beta really noticed something was off when she walked into her stable looking to saddle up her horse and take a ride to check on the cattle.

What she noticed when she neared the was an eerie silence, which already had alarm bells ringing off in her mind. What put the wolf on high alert was the fact some of her trained horses were missing from their stalls. What blew a gasket in the Beta’s head was the distinct smells she caught, and which wolves they belonged too.

Whomever she caught first would be very sorry. The rest would be lucky that she’d be distracted for a bit before she hunted the rest of the wolves down. Even Kratos wouldn’t be safe from the wrath of this small Beta.

The werewolf quickly changed into appropriate clothing, glad she had stored an extra set of her shifting clothes in the tack room, before she shifted into the striped beast. She growled, her body tensing at the opening of the stable, before she shot off like a rubber band, ready to sink her teeth into her first victim. She was lucky, while she may be small, what she lacked in strength, she made up for in speed. She bolted easily over the landscape, tracking down the different scent trails, noting at one point the trail split into two.

The beta quickly selected on trail, mainly because she’s deal with the Alpha later, he couldn’t just run off with her horses without asking or taking her along with him, and because the one wolf was by himself. A much easier target to hit up first before dealing with the of his companions and whoever had cause this whole mess.  As she got closer to her victim, one would say she had a malicious grin on her muzzle and a look of murder in her eyes. Like one of those Disney movie villains, just with less and singing and in need of a badass costume to make her stand out.

She’d have to remember that for the next time.

The Beta  moved forward with easy after making a slight sound. She launched herself out  at Ulric with a loud growl, working to pin the male down and hopefully get some answers, and maybe strike some fear into another werewolf’s heart.

What the ---- is going on?” Ziet snapped at Ulric, fur standing on edge, “And why did you take one of my horses?!


Unfortunately the young man had anticipated an ambush from a different source, and of all the things Ulric had expected to come suddenly out of the woods, his pack superior was not one of them.  So before he had chance to realize his mistake, Ulric found himself fiercely engaged with his teeth bared and struggling with all his might against his attacker before abruptly recognizing her and submitting penitently to her force.

Adrenaline having eased his transition from his primary form, Ulric was panting hard on the ground beneath Zeit when he replied as calmly as he could manage, "Beta, you scared me to death."

He was not necessarily relieved when he spoke, for to be on the wrong side of the Beta's wrath could not be preferred over facing down an unknown opponent, even should the two be similar in apparent predictability.

The light had grown ever dimmer, but in his secondary form and with senses more keenly attuned with alarm, Ulric did not take much notice. He had been knocked to the ground by Zeit's confrontation, and could see the branches above her head quite clearly. Nonetheless his ears were pinned back as he remembered the fallen police officer in the small clearing behind him, and hastily he desired to make sure that there were no others that had heard his foolish snarling.

"There's another werewolf around here somewhere, and Jackie and Logan have gotten themselves into trouble." Ulric tried to explain in a hushed voice. Already feeling guilty for having left Daylight Dreams in the field behind, Ulric couldn't find an excuse to pardon himself, especially as it had been Kratos' order that Ulric and Sabrina come along only on horseback. So although he desperately wanted to fling himself to his feet, he dared not fight the Beta again and remained patiently on the ground.


No sooner had Jackie drawn aside the leafy curtain when she was suddenly seized by a massive force! Large and black like a tree was its silhouette, it dragged her in with a strength prepared to meet any resistance, and then held her firmly in its powerful embrace!

Though the identity of the captor was not yet revealed, the deep sound now very near the captive's ear seemed a testament to the tremendous instrument working within, and the expanse with which each breath was drawn boldly declared the might of the beast.

Then its head was drawn down, and in a voice that seemed like the growl of a lion though it was but a whisper, Kratos said, "Where is Logan, Jackie?"

The Alpha had not intention to harm Jackie, but nor did he intend to so easily free her until she was calm. He had heard her heart pounding before she drew aside the entanglement which had concealed him from her view. Nonetheless he had not covered her mouth, so as not to suffocate her face beneath his large padded palm.

How Kratos had maneuvered through the sparsely wooded area without being detecting remained a mystery for all but himself and nature, who knew that the greatest dangers to humanity could walk unseen in plain sight.


Two seconds was all it took for Jackie to be uprooted.  It took much longer for her to become aware of what had happened; or for that matter, why it had happened.  As she struggled to move, she found herself securely pinned by Something. All the more alarmed by this discovery, she struggled more urgently—and in the meantime, a part of her that was less terrified was slowly observing the Something’s stature and texture and shape… slowly concluding what this mystery attacker was and why it had not moved in for the kill.

Jackie stopped struggling as soon as the alpha spoke.  She was still nervous and her heart still raced, but there would be no possibility of escape either physically or verbally.  By a force that felt almost alien to her, Jackie could feel the words coming plainly from her mouth like water.

Logan is… Safe.  Over… there… Towards a cove of trees, left of the river.  Told her to… Wait”

With the concluding word, Jackie lost any further animation and slumped pathetically to gravity.


Logan could have followed Jackie. Could have, but she didn’t. Nor did she wait. Whatever mess Jackie was about to get into, was her own mess. Logan just shook her head and instead, attempted to study the area she was in, as there were a great many deal of things to study.

Firstly there was a familiar scent that wafted to her, caught on the breeze - or was it two familiar scents? She could not directly place them so they must have been some ways off still. Ah, and what had happened to the officer and her dogs back in the clearing, and was the silent assailant still lurking about? What were their intentions? Where did Diane get off to, and would she be back? There seemed to be no real structure behind her so called plan..

With the night almost completely descended upon the forest, Logan found her nose to be the best tool. It seemed she had begun back in the direction she came, and there was a very familiar and prominent scent that she grew closer to. She realized it to be the scent of Ulric. The raven haired woman continued forward now with a little more vigor in her steps.. but imagine her surprise when at last she did not see Ulric, but a horse instead!

Her brows furrowed. Then, looking around and listening, she attempted to find any sign of the other werewolf, before slowly approaching the horse..

Now, Roger Cooper had not been sitting idle through this event. Especially once his girls stopped replying to his calls, he knew there was cause for concern. However, his trek didn't get him far before he stumbled upon an unusual sight - a horse sitting alone at the edge of the forest. He only need to briefly consider the prospect before coming to one of two conclusions; that the horse belonged to a camper or someone out on a nature trek, or that whoever had left this horse behind was in that forest, involved in the events going on beneath its shady boughs. In any case, they would be back for their horse, and he would wait for them.

Having horses himself, Roger was no stranger to their behaviors, so when at first Daylight was surprised by his appearance, he took all of the appropriate steps to calm her. Then, he sat by a tree near to her and waited. Until...

Daylight spotted Logan, and immediately became unnerved, more so than when Roger had initially approached. It was obvious Logan was not good with animals; the werewolf did not get along with them, and them with her! At this point, Roger stood, offering calming words towards the beast, but his eyes were fixated on Logan with malicious intensity.

"Not a horse person, I see." he began. Logan was unmoving. How had she not caught his scent? Perhaps she had been so fixated on Ulrics scent that the strangers was "invisible" to her. And yet she could not believe that entirely.

"Lets call it a night. We're all tired. We want to go home. And tell me, where are my girls?" he asked. Logan said nothing.. it was not something that could easily be explained. If she said she didn't know, she would be lying - she knew where one of them was. But would it be worse that she knew? Surely he might assume the worst of the situation.

Roger began to approach her, cuffs in one hand, his other hand on the holster of his weapon.. Logan didn't need to see more than the silhouette of his beanstalk figure approaching to know that he did not mean well.

"Come on, lets get this mess cleaned up. That’s a command, not an offer." he added, but his voice had almost reduced to a snarl. Without a second thought, Logan turned on a heel and as quickly as she could, bolted back into the forest. At this point Roger stomped his heel against the ground and tossed the cuffs down, uttering a sharp curse before turning and climbing onto the back of Daylight! When at first she seemed stiffened by this action, he calmed her, then commanded her to begin forward into the forest - soon they were running full speed towards Logan!

The female, moving as quickly as she could, used every advantage possible to throw Roger off and keep him behind her, but it was not an easy thing. She pushed herself until her heart pounded so hard she would wonder if it might fail her, and still Roger was on her heels!

Now she came to a clearing with a shallow but wide stream of water and began across it. At this point, Roger lifted the weapon and fired a warning shot that just passed beside her and landed with a sharp splash in the water. However, the noise had caused Daylight to falter, and it gave Logan a moment to gain some ground.

Her eyes shot around frantically for anything she might use to her advantage, but the forest, scanty of many trees or brush, offered little to help the female, and soon Daylight would be on her heels again. The situation looked increasingly bleak, and with nothing more to lose, Logan opened her mouth, releasing a word that in almost any other situation, her pride would never let her utter; "Help!!"

Just as she loosed the word, another shot rang out. She did not feel it immediately given thanks to the copious amounts of adrenaline in her body, but the bullet grazed her calf. The next shot, she assumed, would not miss it's mark.


The silence that ensued between Lyra, Melinda, and ‘Tom’ would not have been broken from anything short of gunfire, an attack, or a plea for help.  As it so happened, the three were fortunate to witness all three occur at once. The sharp crack of gunfire shuddered through the air, a not-so-distant cry for ‘Help!’ was uttered, and through the foliage a dangerous scene could just be seen unfolding right before the trio’s eyes… The silent spell was lifted and at last the air was filled with sound.

What was that?,” Lyra shrieked despite herself.  The poor girl had forgotten herself a police officer some time ago.

Quiet,” Melinda hissed, “We won’t know for a while and we best keep quiet if we wish they don’t notice us”



Don’t be so cruel ladies,” the newly-named Tom hummed cheerfully, as if he were only  scolding children to share their toys,”I do believe someone requested our help”

Before either of the two women could process what had occurred, the willowy man made a start through the foliage and into the scene ahead.  There was no falter in his step as he strode towards Roger and situated his body so Roger would be unable to shoot Logan without endangering ‘Tom’.

Officer,” the man had continued without a beat missed and without affording any in the situation a moment to understand what had happened,”It would seem you are attacking a young woman that has no weapon and, to my knowledge, has made no directly aggressive moves.  That would be unlawful of you, would it not?”

The willowy man rummaged in his thick coat pocket, apparently seeking for something of great value, before at last he palms settled on it.  Then, in a manner so which only Roger would see the object, he presented it briefly to the sallow man before allowing it to sink back into his thick jacket.

I presume we understand each other?  This issue is under my jurisdiction and, I assure you, I will take every measure to return your officers and apprehend any criminals.  In fact, as it so happens… “

For once, Lyra was right on cue.  Never in her life had she been so pleased to see the stern-faced Roger. The young woman stumbled through the leafy veil, her arms struggling to keep her sprinting frame aloft.

Sir!  I’m… alright.  You’re… here?,” the woman was wheezing as she faithfully settled beside her commanding officer.

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