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Riding Bear Back (SP RP5/RP6)

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Jackie did not let on, but the effort of running seemed to be having quite the effect on her.  She was running the same pace as Logan, but with a slight limp; the crash had been none too kind to her.  Her shoes had been kicked off as soon as soon as she had suggested running in the first place, so she ran barefoot through the woods.  Her orange hair was no longer shiny and prim, but a wild tangled mess of orange that seemed to hang on her face like a garish shroud. Her dress was fraying at the ends and smudged with dirt, grime, and leaves.  From a distance, she might have seemed to have been lost in the woods for days rather than a matter of minutes.

Yet one thing was clear: she would not stop.  There was such intensity in her gaze despite her haggard appearance; it seemed she might continue running for hours without showing sign of relent.  One foot in front of the other. It was all her body seemed made to do now; all else like thinking and breathing and feeling were just tiny little details.  So long as she continued with that, and that alone, she would not have to think about what was waiting for her in the main road.

Half an idea was in her mind’s eye; and in fact, this idea had been sitting in her subconscious for a long time.  She could run now. She could run a good way before she grew too tired to continue, even in her current state. She had a small amount of money on hand she could use for a hotel, if she so wanted.  She could then buy fast shoes and run farther the next day. Day after day after day until soon she wouldn’t know where she was. Some oblivious town with no remarkable name. Or even an unknown beach.  She would just be a nameless stranger that no one would care to know and she could live the rest of her life on the fringes of society. Bliss.

But she’d live a coward, wouldn’t she?  That was the catch to it all, the hitch to the perfect solution.  She knew the right answer was to turn around and deal with the consequences.  But in her legs would not oblige; her nature was to run. Who was she to question the one thing she’d been good at her entire life?

Suddenly Logan spoke and Jackie reeled.  Perhaps in her reverie she had forgotten Logan was there; or else she thought the woman was no longer beside her.  In any case, her reaction was immediate-- a sudden stop and a single word.


And that was it.  But there was such a tonality in her voice that suggested it was not mere inability.  No, it was complete unwillingness to even try! Between Jackie the human and Jackie the wolf, she had always seen the wolf as the better of the two.  Jackie the wolf stood to protect her family and her pack. Jackie the human was a short-sided, bloodthirsty coward. The wolf seemed far too noble a creature to use for her cowardice.  But no, it was more than that. She was afraid of it. For the first time in her life, she wondered if the beast might take control of her. Because if it did, she knew it would run straight back to the pack and deal with the consequences she so desperately wanted to avoid.


But the consequences were coming, whether Jackie wanted them or not.

The countryside was brisk and beautiful, the grassses of the fields were tall and green. Small wildflowers bloomed along the obscure road and the asphalt was covered in dirt from the passage of many trucks and tractors coming and going from the tending of land. But for the moment there were none such vehicles, only the clip-clop of many a hoof on dirt and road.

The horses were glad for the walk, it had been many months since they had been ridden by Zeit's dismissed farm hands, but even so they might have preferred better riders. Many of the people in the company had not sat a horse before in their lives, leaving plenty enough room for mistakes to be made and experiences to be gained. Yet the beasts were tolerant, going at an easy stride for the most part and dealing well with the discomfort of ill-placed commands or lack thereof.

None of the younger horses had been chosen for this particular journey. In the past years many of these beasts had been ridden and trained by professional hands, some even by the hand of Mr. Chandler himself. Such was their knowledge and nobility, taught even by a werewolf to be patient and tolerant, to expect what could not be expected.

The residents of the Chandler Homestead, all that were able, had set out immediately at the bidding of their leader the moment it was discovered that two members were missing. The horses of Zeit's stable were quickly prepared and then went out cross country.

Perhaps the only member who had not taken a steed was the leader himself, Alpha Kratos.  As a seven foot man weighing to match, Kratos could not go on horseback, nor would he feel comfortable in the confines of any vehicle. No, he went instead by foot, thus was the reason the pack diverged their course from all regular roadways to stay near open land and forested areas.

There was not a time that Kratos felt comfortable traveling in his secondary form whilst abroad in daylight, especially not so near to peopled areas, but that was how he maintained his pace alongside the horses. Only recently on the journey had it become necessary to draw near the roads, and as they did so, Kratos returned to the form of a man and the horses slowed their pace.

At long last the destination became clear, and as the Alpha laid his eyes upon it from the distance, he slowed the company to a halt.

"All the way to Middlecrest... What were they thinking?"  The words accompanied a tone of exasperation and then a lengthy sigh as Kratos wiped the sweat from his brow. The skies had been mainly clear all afternoon and the sun had beaten down on the travelers unobscured for most of the going. The only relief was the cool breeze which occasionally stirred the grasses and drove the sweet scent of farmland over the fields.


There was a sour expression on Sabrina’s face, and her vibrant green eyes were fixed more on the alpha than the upcoming town. She would not forgive him. Not any time soon, anyway. “Get on the horse, Sabrina,” is what he said, in spite of her perfectly logical excuses and explanations why that would be a completely infeasible option for her. And besides, if he could go on foot, why couldn’t she do the same? She could change in broad daylight just as well as he could. But he would not budge. “Get on the horse, Sabrina.” And then there was that look…. as if to not mount the horse would be some direct challenge to his authority, though it seemed a perfectly ridiculous order. In ordinary circumstances, she would not have minded to challenge his authority based on some failing or shortsightedness of his in giving it… but after everything she had done to him, everything that was by now exposed, she kind of wanted to stay on his good side. So, “on the horse” it was.

But there was a storm coming, figuratively speaking. Oh yes. Like two thunderheads coming upon each other at high speeds from opposite directions, the time was fast approaching that Sabrina Sabres and Alpha Kratos would have a “talk”. Frankly, Sabrina was a little surprised they hadn’t clashed heads already. There hadn’t been a slow moment opportune enough for it up to now… but “now” was a very long trip across quiet countryside and rural highways. And the first rumble of thunder still had not even yet growled.

Perhaps she had better give it just the tenderest nudge. She blinked slowly as Kratos voiced his question. “Hmm, let’s see,” she said dryly, “They stole a vehicle and left territory without permission or escort, directly against orders. If I were to chance a guess, I would say they’re having a little joy ride and are trying to do it as far away from you as possible. Middlecrest… New York…? Hong Kong? As far as they can until they’re caught, at least.” She paused a moment and raised a thin eyebrow. “How do you propose we overtake them astride these… beasts… anyway?” She wrinkled her nose, not for the first or last time, and cast a very unsavory glance at the back of her poor horse’s head. The good natured animal merely huffed and took advantage of the pause to bow down and nibble at the grass.


Kratos cocked his head up and turned around to face Sabrina astride her horse. His expression touched on his feelings but not as deeply as he felt them.  “Right now is not a good time to be picking a fight with me, Sabrina,” he said and dismissed her comment with a glance out and around at the terrain.

It was very true that Kratos had been avoiding the unavoidable confrontation for the last two months. Ever since the discovery of Levi’s scent in the woods, Kratos and Sabrina mutually understood what would soon come. Both seemed to busily engage themselves in the business of the pack, for surely there had been no open opportunity to address the growing issue. Yet even now Kratos would not play into Sabrina’s attempts to bring about the inevitable. He knew she was upset about being forced to ride a horse, but to be frank, the pack had altogether been resisting the lifestyle on the ranch and the Alpha felt it was about time to change that.

In order to maintain a working ranch, chores needed to be done, and people were required to do them. It had been long agreed since Zeit had been forced to dismiss her hired help that the werewolves would work in their stead. But too often those chores had been neglected, and Kratos needed to see to his end of the bargain. The werewolves needed to learn how to control themselves, and the chores around the ranch needed to be done. To Kratos, both problems had the same answer.


Now Logan's lips grew tight and her jaw clenched, and she raised her head as she looked down at the other. Whether in rage or pity at the sight of the mess that was Jackie, or some strange hybrid of the two of the two emotions, it could not be certain. It would be a lie for Logan to suggest that this was all Jackie's idea or that she hadn't enjoyed it, but it had become so much more than a rebellious field trip to the mall and in fact, the original endeavour seemed innocent enough in comparison to what it had become.

Loosening her stance, she reached into a pocket and pulled out a small key, undoing the handcuff from Jackie's wrist. Now her previous ideas were gone and if Jackie was going to run without stop, then she was better off doing it without Logan to hold her back.

Now she let her back fall against a tree as she pondered over something that had been tugging at her mind for some time now.

"Jackie.. I don't understand.. I am far from home and have no allies with the pack, except you." she added the last bit on hesitantly, and muttered an "I think" under her breath before continuing, "Then you have been here much longer, yeah? How is that you seem so.. ah.. what is the word... unconnected? from the others? It is almost like a fear, I think.."

Logan never had a great ability to understand the deeper inner workings of people, but Jackie was another story altogether. She seemed like a controlled fire, at some points calm and obedient to an extent but regardless still a fire, and others she went completely out of control in every way. In any case, she burned endlessly and from Logan’s viewpoint, it seemed hard for others to approach her.

Now as she settled against the tree, Logan was realizing the fogginess that grew in her mind, the throbbing in her head, and that her body craved the rest more than she anticipated. She let herself slump a ways down the trunk, and even as she spoke her eyes began to slip into a close.

"Go ahead, I will just need a few minutes to catch up.." she trailed off.  Somewhere in her mind she knew they needed to keep moving; already she could hear the barks and whines of the dogs not too far off. But it became lost to her, and they sounded many miles away.


Meanwhile at the mall, all of the more "petty" issues had been dealt with; whether they be customer complaints or taking witness testimonies. Any officers at this point who had nothing else to do were dismissed for the day, and you could almost hear the collective cloud of relieved sighs from them over the fading chatter that went on in the mall. Morning had turned to afternoon and afternoon to evening, but only now as the daylight grew weak did things seem to settle down.

Of course, people like the "IRS guy" and Melinda were left to do as they needed, and one poor officer who had arrived at the scene later than the others was elected to stay behind and watch the mall until closing time as a "just in case" sort of fellow, but now the efforts were concentrated in a group of about six officers at the scene of the car crash.

Now Jennings had been excused for the day if he so wanted to leave, and Mr Chapman had been excused for two weeks under the pretense that his actions were a "senile mistake" caused by "too much work" and of course, it couldn't happen again. Chapman did not argue with them, he knew he was out of line, and he bid them goodnight (and good luck!).

You might say this was a matter of good cop, bad cop. Chapman left, and in his stead a man by the name of Roger Cooper took his place. A fellow in his late fifties, he was tall and thin though he did not lack strength. His eyes and wavy hair were brown his skin a light olive. His veins protruded around his temples and in his hands, and even has he cradled the end of a cigarette within his lips, they were curled downwards into a tight frown. He stared onward into the forest with such intensity that you would think all of the trees caught in the line of his gaze would wither instantly!

Now he dropped the cigarette and smothered it under his shoe, rubbing at his forehead as he began to speak.

"Listen, these two have caused plenty of trouble for the day and if they are not brought into custody by the end of this evening then you have failed me and you can join Mr Chapman on his temporary leave, is that understood?!" he barked.

The first to reply with a loud and firm “yes sir!” was Kimberly Roberts. One of the younger and few females on the Middlecrest police force, she was elected this evening for her skill with the dogs. They took to her with a bond greater than any before seen within Middlecrest between officer and dog. They obeyed her every command willingly, quickly, and would do as she said for hours on end without giving in or losing willingness.

The female had dirty blonde hair, kept up in a messy bun, and her eyes were a shade of pond water green. A few freckles found their home on her face but her fair skin was free of any blemish.

Now her dogs, both male German Shepherds, were Axel and Tyranny. Axel was an older dog with a limp in his back right leg. He was due to be retired soon, and when he was, Kimberly would take him as her own pet. Tyranny was relatively new, though he learned quick and had a great eagerness to be taught and praised.

"Remember, we are not sure of the exact nature of these women, so you must take caution. They may have found a weapon in the car but until you know for certain, act otherwise. Still, if they show continued hostility or threaten any of you, I want to see that you do what is right and necessary to protect yourselves and the people of this city." there was a grim hostility to his voice. Right now, his top priority was see these women behind bars, as he was thoroughly fed up with their game.

No sooner than when he had finished talking did Kimberly and her dogs shoot into the forest ahead.



The cuffs fell away from her wrists and onto the earth.  This is what she wanted, wasn’t it? The leash had been figuratively cut and she could go wherever she pleased.  She’d seen videos of wild animals returning to the wild; the cage door would click open, the animal would uncertainly test the new boundaries, then scamper or fly or swim off to its new home without a second’s glance behind to its sobbing caretakers.  She took a few steps forward. Surveyed the forest. The lush green growth seemed inviting and warm; another step forward. The sound of sirens. Two steps forward. Logan with her eyes closed against a tree. A step backward. Although the cuffs were gone, she could still feel their invisible weight on her skinny wrists.

Drat.  So close to sipping a martini in Hawaii.

Gettup Logan, this is no time for a nap,”  she kicked the woman briskly with the ball of her foot,”Unless you want to be dog chow.  We still have work to do”

A weary sigh.

No more running.  If we are clever enough, we might be able to outthink our way out of this one”


The day had been none too kind to Melinda.  Her tight bun had since sagged down on her head.  Her perfectly applied makeup had smeared. Her eyes carried the sign of a long day with little food.  But as to what she had done the entire day that had made her so was beyond all that observed her; she had simply strut about, occasionally barked a few orders at nervous cops, or else typed quick urgent messages into her phone.

Lyra had observed this progression with notable intrigue; having been one of the lucky few elected to stay behind for the chase with Roger Cooper.  She wasn’t sure whether to be pleased or weary. She decided to keep to a corner until called upon.

She also noticed something else; since Cooper’s arrival, Melinda had grown even more nervous.  Her eyes were darting around like a nervous rat trying to avoid a cat. Certainly the man was terrifying, but certainly someone as “classified” as Melinda ought to be able to handle him?  Unless there was more to this situation than poor Melinda had let on? Lyra continued to watch with the same undue respect she gave the soaps she watched at home, her breath teetering on the edge of her throat.

And who would come slinking up other than IRS man himself?  He seemed just as chipper as ever, having just informed a few of the remaining police officers the difference between two very similar birds found in the area.  He as well had done remarkably little during the situation—as to what business the IRS might have was beyond her, as he had spent little time at all asking any questions about finance.

Ohhh Melinda, how goes the work?” IRS man hummed,”Busy busy, I take it?  You certainly look like you’ve put in a full day of work

Yes.  It’s been a long day,” Melinda was uncannily steely, but some expression flickered at the corner of her gaze.  Lyra tried to place the momentary flash, but could not.

Quite the case we’re having.  In fact, I’m surprised it didn’t get more attention from the law than it did.  Imagine, a police car stolen by a reck-loose? Why, this police force will be quite the joke for some time to come!”

I am certain.  Although this is not my concern”

“Oh no, it is not? How very interesting,”  IRS man readjusted his thick frames.

Have a good evening.  But I am afraid I am too busy for this chit chat,” Melinda’s voice was arctic, her expression almost as still as a lake on a windless day.  But beyond the surface, there was more to be seen, she was certain; prying into the woman’s micro expressions and posture, Lyra could almost place the emotion that had crossed her features earlier.  But not quite, still something was missing.

Well do take care Melinda, and work hard.  You know what they say; a watched criminal always boils”  The willowy man chuckled deeply and once again, he was the only who laughed.

Melinda turned to walk away, her turn far too sharp and her pace far too quick.

Ah, it was fear.   But this begged the question; what could be so frightening about IRS man?  To all that had seen him, he had been nothing other than a good natured government employee.


Logan disregarded the kick with a weary glance up at Jackie, as though she were just some annoying mosquito that she need only mentally flick away.

And as Jackie suggested that they think their way out of the situation, you could actually see a smile on Logan's face! Though her eyes and brows remained unmoving, dimples formed at the pits of her cheeks. It was near impossible to make out what she was thinking, but it wouldn't be far fetched to say it was along the lines of "you're off your rocker" or perhaps she was inwardly laughing at Jackie's suggestion. Ideas were not her strong point, and especially not when it involved thinking with a cloudy head.

And then, as she reached up and with the heel of her hand rubbed away some of the crimson blood that had collected on her forehead, she did get an idea. Sinking to the ground, Logan began to fish around for something that would work, and conveniently - something actually went right! - she found a sharp rock that fit comfortably within the grasp of her hand. Crouching, she held her other hand with the palm facing upwards and, drawing in a deep breath, she brought the sharpest point of the rock into her hand and made a quick incision, deep enough that it would be useful to her, but she avoided injuring her hand beyond something that would just a couple of days to mend. Now she clasped her fingers inward, watching as red beadlets fell to the ground. She had to act quickly, while the wound was fresh. And so it was she proceeded to wipe her hand on the tree she rested on, grasped the branch of a nearby bush, and she even tore a sleeve on her shirt and let it absorb the blood before she left that on the ground.

"Start moving, I will catch up."

Now she took off in a random direction, leaving these false trails on rocks or plants or just on the ground in random places, before wrapping up her hand with another torn piece of her dress and finding her way to Jackie.

"So, we will need to run a little.." she commented, nudging Jackie and then beginning forward with renewed vigor.


"Kimberly, wait." Mr Cooper barked, and before the blonde could get more than a few yards away, she turned back around, though you could see the sheer disappointment on her face reflected in the dogs expressions as she did so.

"Take officer Lyra with you, she looks bored enough. And she needs the experience that comes along with being in these circumstances."

"Yes, sir.”  Kimberly nodded to him before walking over to Lyra. "Hey Lyra. You can take Tyranny. If he barks twice, then he's on the right trail, and if the suspects begin to run, take him off his lead and click twice with your tongue; he's small but he can bring down a full grown man and hold them long enough for you to get there." she smiled warmly to Lyra before turning and beginning her trek into the forest again, with all too much pep in her step for someone who was going to attempt to take two crazy women into custody!

Now while the remaining three officers organized, Cooper cast a glance over to Melinda as he lit up another cigarette. Anybody who knew him could tell it was a bad day when he had more than one in an hour.  Ms. Channing seemed like a hot ceramic dish, and should you pour cold water on her at just the right time she might just shatter into a hundred pieces. For as long as his cigarette lasted, his eyes did not falter from her figure. At last when it was snuffed out like the last, he turned away and began to radio updates to the officers at headquarters.


If Logan had been looking to Jackie for a voice of reason, she had chosen the wrong companion for such a thing.  Jackie eyed the crimson smears not with disgust, but dangerous enthusiasm. There even seemed to be a new level of respect in her eyes as Logan stalked off to set a trail for the dogs.

But, it would not be enough; not quite.   The redhead felt an awful lot like an artist looking at an unfinished piece; something was still missing to paint the picture.  Logan had left a trail blazed in red, but where would it lead? A “What if” bubbled in her head and a smirk of untelling trouble blossomed on her features.

Logan, make it lead to the main river up ahead!  There should be one, since we saw the small stream.  And if you can, tear a piece of your dress off and put it on a sharp branch.  A branch that looks like a person could fall or trip on”

Her eyes were closed as she considered her newest creation from the eyes of an observer.  Two women were being chased. They crashed a police car. It would be assumed they would be injured.  As the two women exited the car, blood from the injuries would fall from the ground. Perhaps the women, being so fatigued and delusional might not notice the roaring river up ahead.  Perhaps one would trip on a branch; and down down into the river she would go, too weak to struggle against the current.

Still, what of the other woman?  Would it be so such of a gamble to think she fell trying to rescue her fallen companion and fell in as well?

The picture was still incomplete; with enough time any police officer might discern the true story underneath it all.  But it would buy time for them to get farther, buy time for her to paint a better picture.

In the meantime, they would need to hide their scents as best they could from the mutts.  And what better way then a quick dip in the pool?

How good of a swimmer are you again, Logan?”


Lyra visibly jumped.  She had been quite ensnared by her own thoughts, that she had not noticed Cooper’s approach.  It was only as the hair raised on the back of her neck and the man’s booming voice thundered her orders that she suddenly became aware he was right behind her.

Alright… sir.  I will do my… best? … Best!”

Now Lyra was terrified, hoping the sergeant’s steely eyes wouldn’t rest on her for some invisible wrong doing.

She returned her attention to the dog (Tyranny was it?) eyeballing it suspiciously.  Even though in the guise of a cute adorable German Shepherd, she got the sense she was looking more at a loaded weapon waiting to be fired.  She only had to make sure she did it right, or Tyranny might mistake her for the target if she blinked three times or scratched her chin!

Alright… good boy.  Let’s just get some baddies, okay?”  Lyra tried to project what she hoped a dog might see as confidence.  Unlike people, she could not discern what was going on underneath that doggy gaze and found herself biting her lip in uncertainty

Meanwhile, as Lyra debated the exact length of Tyranny’s teeth, Melinda’s innermost goings had escaped her.  In fact, most officers had come to disregard this woman; while she had been quite confident and unyielding in the day, her presence no longer seemed to command the utmost respect.  This suited Melinda just fine at the present; she was secluded in the center of the parking lot, her voice muttering quick low words into her phone.

Yes sir, I know  this needs to be done fast.  It can’t be—“

“Yes sir, I know  what will happen if it’s not done fast.  But the situation is—“

“Look, I didn’t put the idea in her head, stop blaming me for it!  Go yell at her for it if you want to get any—“

Melinda shook her head; know her features seemed harder and more tired.

Yes sir, I know.  The longer I wait around like sitting duck, the more likely proper authorities will fi—“

In that instant, Melinda jumped.  Had it been possible, she might have had just the strength to jump out of her own skin.  Her breathing was almost heaving, every muscle and tendon clenched. With urgency she slammed her phone shut.  She closed her eyes, trying to regain some semblance of a calm confident woman and not the crazed cat-lady aura she seemed to be giving off.  Coming up right behind her was—

Oh hello Miss Channing, fancy seeing you here in these parts?” The IRS man beamed with delight as if he had stumbled on a charming old acquaintance,”You know I was just going out for dinner.  Do you care to join?”

“No, I really couldn’t—“

“Oh no please, I insist!” The IRS man chuckled good naturedly to Melinda’s frantic babble,”  You seem to be working yourself quite hard today.  I am certain we will relate quite well, fellow government employee to fellow government employee, can’t we?  I am afraid to say this is not an optional request. I do hate to see a lovely young woman go without dinner”


Even from here, Logan could smell the stream just up ahead; there was that sort of refreshingly murky smell that would catch on the wind and waft over to them every so often. Already she had begun to follow Jackie's orders when the fiery female mentioned swimming. Even as Logan stood, grasping her left arm in such a way that it would force a stream of blood out of her hand, she could only pause and stare at Jackie, before lowering her brows and giving a quick and simple, "No."

With no reason as to why, she continued with the plan, making a little trail that led to the river, clear up to the lip of the water. Now she looked at her dress, trying to figure out just how much could be spared. She took one strip and tore that one into two, one for her hand and another she hooked onto the thorns of a bush that rested by the water.

Now she examined the river; perhaps there was a way to get across, a shallow point. If they could only cross to the other side, the officers would surely be kept busy long enough for them to make their big getaway! Or maybe she was dreaming, but anything would be better than whatever scheme Jackie had left up her sleeve.


Ulric had taken to his steed remarkably well for one who had never sat a horse before and had lived most his life in the city. More surprising still was how well the horse seemed to have taken to Ulric. The golden-chestnut appaloosa, snowflaked from neck to flank in white spots seemed to like him very much, and Ulric need only be instructed once or twice on how to ride her before she began teaching him. Ulric was a good student, he would mind that horse nearly as well as he had minded his own mother, and it wasn't long before he knew which commands he could give that she would accept.

The horse's name was Daylight Dream, Ulric liked calling her Day, and this was how their friendship would begin.

As Kratos beckoned the company to a stop, Ulric steadied and slowed Day. Briefly watching the exchange between Sabrina and the Alpha, Ulric quickly understood that there was something that needed to be resolved between the two and that it was not something that could be resolved with the pack watching on.

Leaning in Day's saddle, Ulric ventured forward. "Kratos, the rest of us can go on ahead if you need to walk a bit..."

Kratos set a hand on his side and rubbed the back of his neck with the other. He considered Ulric’s offer carefully and weighed it over, ultimately coming to the conclusion that the walk had been long and that he could avoid the problem no longer.

After a moment the Alpha sighed and gave a firm nod of his head. “You all head on over to Middlecrest and see if you find them. We’ll be along behind you.”

Ulric smiled understandingly and turned Day aside, then he tapped her on and she headed off at a good trot down the road.


Diane faded in the background of the mall like plaster on a wall, and she was content to be forgotten. But she had not lost interest in the conversation in the parking lot. The exchange between Melinda Channing and the higher ranking government official was quite an intriguing one and Diane could only find more interest as the evening wore on. The last part of the conversation between the two could not be heard at the distance from which stood Diane, but she noted their body language with special interest and she read their lips to the best of her ability.

When the excitement around the mall had begun to die down and the police force began to divide to their ordinary stations or else to track these renegades, Diane was inclined to do a bit of tracking of her own.  It was unfortunate that to do so she would need walk in the shadow of the police or else cross their path, but that was a small thing when compared with her objective in doing so. Therefore Diane followed in a roundabout way to keep attention to herself at a minimum and at last arrived near the scene or the earlier crash.

The afternoon had grown old now, and evening was waning. Diane did not attempt to approach the the immediate area where Officer Cooper had taken command, but then again she knew that she need not get any closer in order to obtain the information she needed.  At her position she could easily scope out the terrain, she could see in which direction the car had been headed, though now its burnt skeleton was crumbled in the ditch. Nearby was a thicket of trees, and all around were fields and suburban homesteads.

Where would a werewolf go when it does not wish to be found?” Diane thought silently to herself, then added out loud a moment later in an ironic tone, “To where buildings are tall and trunks are thick.”

The dark haired woman narrowed her eyes on the forest and tilted her head, blinking slowly back toward the ditch and the policemen. They were a long ways off, but she saw the moment when the dogs were brought out and their trainers raced into the thicket. Again Diane looked toward the trees.

“Hm.” She hummed to herself. A thin scarlet nail was tapped against her chin thoughtfully, then the corners of her equally scarlet lips curled and she smiled.  Her long dark lashes folded slyly over her eyes and she turned away. She could not approach at this angle, nor in this form…

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