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Riding Bear Back (SP RP5/RP6)

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Logan gave a cold hard glare to Jackie; her patience was quickly running out and she had long grown tired of this game! At the same time, she knew that it was a matter of pride. Like herself, Jackie didn't seem to get along with the idea of backing down from a challenge. Still, Logan didn't usually drag someone else into it on the side, and at this rate, it wouldn't be long before Jackie had the consciousness of a sack of flour. At this point she was needlessly prolonging the inevitable. Logan's fist tightened on the handle and she looked forward now, but remained silent.

Now the Serge was pulling up right beside Jackie and Logan. "Ready, steady.. fire!" he shouted to Jennings, quietly hoping to himself that, if the officer didn't have a shining moment at any other point in his career, now would be the time to make one!

"I don't care if you have to shoot out every tire, I want these women out of that car!"

And while Jennings was given the chance to busy himself with that, Chapman looked down at his radios. He could see now that there were incoming calls, and he turned it back so that all transmissions could get through.

"REPEAT: All officers in chase and barricade to withdraw IMMEDIATELY or be revoked!"

Now he picked up his own transmitter, "By what power, you lily livered cowards? Get out here and put some weight on those weak little hearts! Anyway, I'm going to stop them if it's the last thing I do as an officer." he responded, before again switching the radio to communicate strictly between their own car and Jennings.


Trevor was trying to hold the gun steady, but that was awfully hard when your partner drove like a maniac.  He had always heard  of police officers shooting out the tires, but certainly they had never done so going 90 miles an hour, had they?!  He tried to take aim at the tires, but it was no use; he would more likely shoot himself in the foot then find a good position on those tires.  He shook his head, rolled up the window, and holstered the gun.

Sir, I don’t think it’s a good idea.  I can’t get a steady aim and I’m afraid I might take out the two women just as much as I might take out the tires.  We aren’t authorized to use that kind of force

Trevor clicked his tongue, a thought forming.  Surely the Serge had known that? He was, after all, a man of significant years with a great deal of experience.  Yet ever since this adventure had started, the weathered old man had been throwing caution to the wind. He had even turned off the radio and disobeyed a direct order!  When this was all over, it would be hard to say if the Serge would even hold his rank; or for that matter, be allowed to walk free from the bars.

Sir…” he whimpered quietly, “Maybe we should just let these two go.  All police cars have GPS. We could track where it ends up.  Get it back. And put up the figurative ‘Wanted’ poster for these two nut jobs


What next?, thought Lyra as she saw Melinda issuing orders to men twice her age.  Even if she hadn’t been so pushy about it, Lyra doubted she would have liked the woman.  There was just a look about her that Lyra didn’t like; her bun seemed just a bit too tight on her head, her lips drawn into too tight a line on her face, and her hands gripped that awful brief case of hers too tight, like someone might snatch it from her.  If a human being could be a windup toy, Lyra would have said this one had been wound up far too tight and might break at any moment.

Her commanding officer, Frank Calypso didn’t seem too happy about it either.  He was usually such a good humored man—but something about this woman’s aura had made even his rich blond curls droop on his head.

And on top of all that, there was the IRS man.  As of yet, the little wisp hadn’t done too much.  He hadn’t even introduced himself beyond flashing his identity.  No one had cared enough to check his name on the badge so the officers had continued to refer to him through point and “IRS man”.  This didn’t seem to bother him; in fact, he kept approaching wary police officers with what appeared to be good natured conversation.

Melinda got off her cell phone and her eyes seemed absolutely livid.  Now Lyra was quite sure she was going to burst apart! She retreated a few steps instinctively.

Have all police cars been recalled?

Yes ma’am,” Frank Calypso replied mechanically.  A brief pause, “Most patrol cars have already checked in”


“Err well, one still hasn’t checked in… The Sergeant's car still seems to be missing.  But I’m sure he’s only out for a cup of coffee or something; you can’t expect him to go running around like the younger men without a quick bite.   I’m sure he’ll be back soon. ”

“See that he is,” Melinda retorted pointedly.

Meanwhile, the IRS man had suddenly found interest in the conversation.  After excusing himself politely from what seemed to be very relieved police officers (he had just been describing his coin collection in depth and going off on the difference between different makes and their years), he approached Melinda with a beaming smile and a wave.  Lyra couldn’t help but think this would be the last smile he would ever have.

“Oh, I’ve heard about you!  You’re from a special division, I’ve heard?  Or so these lovely chaps seem to be saying”

“Yes,” Melinda replied stiffly.

Which one is it?  I do happen to know quite a bit about the goings of our government.  I’d be curious to see if I know any of your coworkers. Such dedication they have, I’m sure”.

“I’m not at liberty to discuss it.  If you would like, I could give you some of my references and you may call the numbers to verify my identity”

“Oh no no,” the IRS man said with a genial shrug of his shoulders,”I don’t mean anything like that.  I’m sure if Frank hasn’t found anything wrong, then I won’t either.  Although it is quite the curiosity on why a single woman might attract such attention!  From what I understand from these lovely fellows, just a few hours ago she was only a missing person that caused a bit of mess for the security team.  Oh, and not to mention some financial disarray sprinkled in the mix. But overall, nothing too serious. But now, oh boy this will be the case of a lifetime for this police force!”

Do you have a point?”  Melinda’s demeanor had changed, Lyra observed.  By changed, she meant the woman had gone from a little wound up to as stiff as a statue and as glacial as an iceberg.  Lyra eyed her temples, wondering if she could spot the artery that was about to burst.

Only that I hope this resolves itself quickly. Or such an incident might attract far more of the government’s attention than you’d like.  You’ll have quite the competition!”  The IRS man chuckled like he had told quite the joke, but no one else could find any humor in the situation.


Ohhh, let’s see this does complicate things doesn’t it?”

Jackie was eyeing the rearview mirror.  She could see the quivering gun held by Officer Jennings.  He didn’t seem to be too steady with the thing, did he? Although to be fair, he was going some 90 miles an hour… But regardless, Jackie was as concerned as Jennings was that he might miss the tires altogether.  The redhead’s grip tensed on the wheels, preparing to make yet another wild serve that would have sent one’s stomach up to their mouth—

But Trevor withdrew his gun before she could.  Well at least he had some sense to him! The Serge, on the other hand, was still faithfully tailing behind.  If she didn’t act fast, this fun might end sooner than she’d like. She squinted ahead against the dying light; certainly there had to be some alternative?

But try as she might, she could only see the growing forest to her right.  If she pushed her sight farther she could see what appeared to be a shallow ditch just off the roadway, maybe some twenty feet down, and a trickling stream.    There wouldn’t be enough time to stop the car and run out into the woods, would there? Unless…?

A terrible idea filled her.  It was quite clear to see it was terrible, because Jackie’s demeanor changed from simple delight.  There was a sick look in her eye and her arms were trembling on the wheel. Her hands had a steely grip on the wheel so her knuckles were white. A savage cry of primal joy filled her throat; it sounded strangely like a battle cry ancient warriors might have shouted some thousand years prior before a massacre.  At that moment, the redhead looked like the poster child for a mental asylum.

Hey Logan, how do you feel about heights?”

As she spoke, the ditch was growing ever closer and her speed was growing ever faster.




Logan's expression went from serious and irritated to a fear not usually present on her face, her eyes popping wide open as she watched the world speed by, the ditch becoming clearer with every second that passed. And now it seemed knocking Jackie out would only make matters worse, there was no way she could move the woman over and take the wheel and brakes in time to safely stop!

"Control yourself!" she shouted, immediately followed by her fist bluntly meeting Jackie square in the right cheek. The blow wouldn't be enough to knock her out but if she could only knock an ounce of sense into her currently deranged friend, she would be satisfied.

Of course her next instinct was to take the wheel, but she refrained; while a quick turn at these speeds may keep them from flying into the ditch, there was no guarantee the car wouldn't go rolling instead, and Logan didn't know which was more dangerous.

By the time she had finished considering the options, albeit briefly, it was already too late to act on any idea that might have flipped through her head in those moments. No, they were going into the ditch. All Logan could do was brace herself.

And it seemed in the next instant, she found herself looking down at the earth below as the car shot out over the ledge. Soon after, gravity began to pull it's victims to the surface of the earth, and then, there was nothing.

Of course, all the while that Trevor spoke, Serge had ignored him, only twitching his moustache in disapproval. But then something happened, and he watched the situation unfold in disbelief. "She's not really going to.." he muttered, "Oh, good heavens, she is. What kind of maniac..?!"

He picked up his radio again, finally setting it for open transmission for the final time. At the same moment he heard the crash of the vehicle meeting the earth below, and soon after, smoke began to arise in a small but steady stream above the ditch.

"This is Sergeant Chapman; the two suspects just shot off into a ditch. Request an emergency vehicle; I have yet to make a visual assessment of the women."

He didn't think it was fatal, not unless the hit the ground at an angle and flipped. Though that could be a possibility.

And then he sighed and laid the radio down, slowing as he neared the ditch. "Ah, Jennings.. I knew this would be intense but I didn't see her doing something so reckless."

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as he continued steadily towards the ditch, but unlike Jackie, he made plans to stop before getting there.

Logan began to come to, although in a fog. She pushed at some lumpy, smothering object in front of her (decidedly the airbag) and began to fish around for the seat belt buckle. Such a simple task that proved rather difficult, but after what felt like minutes of struggling she managed to unclip it and felt a certain relief wash over her at the sound. And then clumsily she ran her hand across the door until she found the knob, and popping it open, she slipped out with the grace of a drunk badger. Suddenly the setting sunlight seemed a cruel enemy, beating upon her eyes and sending her head screaming out in protest.

And then she wondered what had happened for sure. Where were they? What were they doing? Where was Jackie?

"Jackie?" she wondered out loud, looking at the car. The smoking car.. why was it? Oh! She rushed around to the other side of the car and popped Jackie's door open, pulling the red haired female out and propping her upright against the car. When Logan didn't find any signs of her immediately waking up, Logan plucked her up by the neck of her dress and dragged her over the stream, dropping her in the cold shallow water. She wasn't necessarily trying to be mean but she wasn't exactly in the mood to be gentle with the other right now either.

Only now did she reach up to shield her eyes from the sun, and now it was she realized the trickle of blood slipping down from her forehead. She was tired, aching, and so ready to be out this stupid outfit! Surely jumpsuits were comfortable, and if Jackie didn't get up and start moving soon, she would dig out the handcuffs from the wreckage and take care of the problem herself!


The corners of Frank Calypso’s mouth were curling.  Lyra almost thought he was smiling, but on closer look she could see it was a strange grimace.  To prove her assessment, the man offered a long sigh and shook his head in confusion. He had just gotten off a very lengthy phone call—and of course there had been the radio.  Everyone on the force had heard it.

…Two suspects just shot into a ditch.  Request an emergency vehicle”

There was a pregnant pause in the air; even the IRS man had stopped talking in length about the best shrubs that could be planted in the area.  No one dared to so much as murmur until—

Well they just had to do it, didn’t they?”  Calypso growled, “They had to go make everything friggn’ CRAZY around here.  Keep up at this rate and we’ll have every police officer in the county and the FBI crawling all over us.”

Lyra had to disagree.  They already had everyone and everything crawling all over them.  Just look at IRS man and wind-up lady; if that wasn’t enough, then she didn’t know what was.

Just doesn’t make sense,” Calypso continued with a disgruntled shake of his mane of golden curls, “Who goes out of their way just to make trouble out of nothing.  This isn’t an action movie”.

Again, Lyra had to disagree.  The way things were going, she wouldn’t be surprised if these events didn’t in some way make it to the big screen.  She could only hope actress who played her would be attractive and funny. Kate Beckinsale might work. Or maybe Lucy Law?


Smoke was curling around the crumbled police vehicle like a horde of grey snakes.  The air carried the smell of burning, but no gas. All life had scattered far into the woods so not even an evening bird cried out in the dull orange haze of the setting sun.

Jackie’s eyes opened, assessing the situation as best as she could.  Smoke. Possibly fire—but no gas in the air. The gas line must not have broken.  And… wet? Cold? This didn’t make sense. She turned her head slowly, trying to determine the source.  Oh. Logan.  She moved to sit up, but a hammering pain in her head kept her firmly in the river bed.  Maybe she’d stay in the cold water a little bit longer.

Now what?  They had maybe ten minutes tops before the first of the emergency responders came to the scene.  Last thing Jackie wanted was another hospital visit. And she certainly didn’t want to add a nice trip to the jail on the list.  Unless…? There came that word; a possibility had hit her frazzled, tired mind.

Logan.  I need you to cut the gas line.  Try to get it to ignite. Then we should run.  Can you do this?”


Logan could only stare down at Jackie at her last suggestion, with an expression on her face as though the other had just asked her to commit a murder. And for a moment, it would seem that Logan was regretful that she even survived the crash. A sort of defeated look, but not lacking agitation, pressed itself on her face and she twisted around. The next instant, you could hear a door opening, then began slammed shut, before the hood of the car popped open.

Using snips she found that were surely made for fixing emergencies, not creating them, she cut the gas line, in such a way that it would give them time to begin off safely, and then turned and move back to Jackie.

Now she grabbed the other up by her arm and clicked something round and cold onto her wrist. A handcuff. And then, clicking the other end onto her own wrist and tightening, she stared down at Jackie with a firm expression. "No more cars, no malls, and no funny business, just running, yeah? We will do my way now." she commanded, shoving a finger at Jackie's chest, before tugging the other along to clear the wreckage. It seemed Logan made it to the tree line and ducked beneath a small overhang in the ground just in time to miss the explosion! Surely the mess would keep the officers occupied for some time.

Now Logan stood and began forward, but with no sense of urgency.

"Jackie, I'm tired. Why is this? Something is not as usual, even for you. What are you thinking about? You know we cannot live like this for long, and soon enough the Alpha will know too. Probably we will both be put in the pit." she sighed.


Meanwhile, the Serge had come to a stop just where the the ditch dropped off, and he stared down at the wreckage with a look of awe on his face. While had hadn’t seen Jackie and Logan leave the vehicle, nothing suggested that they had been ah.. so terribly destroyed by the explosion.

“I don’t know what her game is.. she’s just digging herself deeper at this point.” his thoughts reflected Calypso’s closely, and her rested his fore and middle fingers on his lips as he wracked his mind over it. “Alright, I give up Jennings, lets leave this to the other guys. I don’t want to destroy my car to follow them, and I’m not climbing down there. I don’t have THAT much kick left in me.” with a huff of defeat and completely perplexed by the situation, he turned round to climb back in the car and make his way to the mall. He had a little bit of explaining to do on his own behalf.


Jackie did not answer Logan immediately; in fact, she seemed content to let the silence fall.

The fire was licking the hood of the police car, now.  It was hard to see through the foliage, but if she peered with enough intensity, she could see the flames were peeling away paint.  The gray metal of the car was being revealed from underneath, like the bones underneath flesh. There would be no deadman’s smile, of course; this was just a car and it was limited to only impartial gears and pipes.  But once licked clean by the flames, then what? She liked the think it would be a smooth, featureless grey; the figurative bleached longhorn amidst isolate terrain. But no, that is not how cars burned. It would be blotchy and blemished; the glass would shatter, the metal would be streaked with black soot and rust, the tires would deflate, the cushions would singe into black masses, and some of the resins in the car might melt to a clear puddle.  Nothing about the fire would be clean. It would be messy.

Her left hand involuntarily twitched, feeling the weight of the handcuff on the other.  She tried to look annoyed about it to Logan, offering a poisonous gaze to her capture. But in reality…?  In reality, she was beginning to wonder if the world would be a whole lot cleaner if it didn’t have these hands causing paint to peel off the hoods of crashed police cars.  The cuffs seemed to belong on her wrists like jewelry.

But in the meantime she could hear the wail of approaching sirens.  The old fire returned to her eyes. Her hands may be cuffed. But. That didn’t mean she couldn’t run.

“I’m a complicated gal with complicated needs, Logan.  Wouldn’t mean I’d expect you to understand.

But, in the meantime, I vote for a nice hideaway to lose the dogs they’ll send after us


How long had the game been intended to go on? It looks as if it had been cut short.”  

These words spoken in silence were the thoughts of the woman in the mall who watched on.  With lingering interest her eyes stayed upon the police men and women as they attempted to settle the situation. Keenly she observed their interactions and considered their individual positions, she summed each personality up with the grace of a snake. None seemed too competent and apparently the officers knew nothing about conducting official matters, but that did not matter, since they were only a catch of small-town Mall Security Officers. The only true person of interest present, was the lady Melinda Channings.

On a glance the seemingly nonchalant spectator had a guess as to what business this Melinda was on, but as for herself, Diane was almost invisible in her element. Her hair was sleek and raven, her nails and lips scarlet. In a setting such as the mall, she was as common as a breeze on a spring morning. But Melinda was undoubtedly a woman of private agenda, one whose superiors had safe-guarded her with care that she might have full domination over the situation.

“How interesting…” Diane whispered to herself while her thoughts continued on in silence. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say their suspect has an alternate identity… Strange, seeing as mall affairs don’t usually catch my eye…”
 Diane’s thoughts were sarcastic, for indeed she truly wished to mock the officials for their handling of the situation. But she needed to retain her look of obliviousness regardless, real police officers would not approve of the attention she was minding to their goings on.

In the suburban town of Middlecrest, a place small but near enough the city to have a larger crowd than the surrounding rural towns such as Banker Bend, Diane had seen fit to lodge herself at present. Her own interests were far from the regular frolic and mishap of most individuals in the town, so it was happenstance that found her in the mall that evening as chaos spread in the wake of the out-of-town visitors. What she had not been expecting to come upon so casually that afternoon was the scent and scandal of two reckless werewolves.

The mall was thickly crowded, yet despite not having been there earlier that day, Diane had been alerted to the odd events and linked them quickly to the increasingly frustrated officers at hand. As a spectator and a member of the daily crowd, Diane could not help but overhear the shouts and exclamations of Officer Calypso and was steadily gathering the pieces.


Logan looked at Jackie with a sort of pity now. How long would, or could they continue to run and hide? Jackie seemed so determined to save face, or avoid letting the situation die out, Logan was sure she would run herself to death before she would be caught!

The ridiculous dress was stained, the curls in Logan's hair now began to lay limp and the makeup was faded. Ah, she did not feel so tired even after a full moon, but she gave a nod of compliance to Jackie's request. It would only be a little longer before she grew tired of humoring the other and stopped, turning them both in. The daylight waned, and now she found herself actually wishing to be at the cabins. Maybe they would be caught and kept for months in jail! Then a terrible thought crossed Logan's mind; how could they be in the jail on the night of the full moon?! Her heart pounded quickly in her chest. No, in that setting there would be nothing to protect them, they would be behind bars, transforming into beasts, and the frightened police men need only to pull the trigger a few times and both of their lives would be snuffed out! Getting caught for even a little while could be the death of them. And already they were mid way through the month. How naive had she been, to not think of the situation earlier. And who was to say the officers would wait until they were furry beasts to do anything of the sort? Already they must have been considered maniacs and a threat to others.

"Jackie, I will run but, we might not be quick enough. Can you become a werewolf instantly on your own?" she asked, even as she moved forward at a pace that steadily grew quicker. However her speed as a human was just as laughable as when she was a wolf, and even more so now with the clumsiness of running in such an uncomfortable fitted dress! She came to a dead stop altogether, giving up on the endeavor, considering the other options quickly. If one of them at least could transform, they could perhaps throw the dogs and search party off while the other could escape and seek out help.

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