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Riding Bear Back (SP RP5/RP6)

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Jackie was the only thing keeping Logan from not lashing out and punching that strange flamboyant man right in the face. Her fist twitched and then tightened, and she turned her head to the left just as a couple of men put up the before-and-after shots. Wait, when did they even take those pictures? Ah, that didn’t matter! The point was, she was standing in the middle of a growing crowd  and wearing something less than ideal.

I can’t breath.. what is this? Who would wear this?” she groaned to Jackie, reaching up to tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear, only just now feeling the curls they’d put in.

“No, no, doll, don’t mess up your hair. Now, smile for the cameras!” Douglas chimed out, motioning a hand in the direction of a camera crew. The next thing she knew, an explosion of conversations and pointing erupted in the crowd. They commented on Jackie’s bright hair, on both of the women’s physique, their eyes - oohing and aahing at the after photos, scowling or poking fun at the before ones.

“Oh, our friends. We should go.” she muttered, eyeing the security men now prowling around the back of the crowd.


It was one of those rare moments that Jackie couldn’t quite decide what to do.  Go put a fist in Douglas face and give him a makeover?  Go scream at the woman in the front row, who was insisting on how “dreadfully ratty her hair had been.  Poor girl probably didn’t even own a brush!” Or should she revel in how quickly the situation had escalated?  Caught between all three options, she could only blink stupidly at the cameras, batting away the lights that were in her eyes like gnats.

She missed the security guard’s approach, but once Logan’s eyes settled on them Jackie’s did as well.  It was time to go! She was all too happy to give up her stardom. But now, how were they to free themselves from Douglas and Vanessa’s claws?  Certainly the duo had intended to play with their prey a bit longer; they wouldn’t escape that easily. And they couldn’t make a mad break for it; that would draw the security guard’s attention in no time.  As it was, Jackie was hoping their new “transformation” would prevent any immediate recognition.

Option three…?

Oh Vanessa, Douglas!” began Jackie in a smothering voice, “This is all too much!  I don’t even… I’m speechless!  No one has ever given me such a gift as great as you two”.

A few dramatic tears leaked forcefully down her cheek, leaving a tract down her recently applied makeup.

Oh, oh no!  I’m not presentable for the cameras!  I need to get ahold of myself so I don’t ruin the makeup more!  And Logan here,” Jackie put her arm artificially around the woman like she was a giant teddy bear, “Is my emotional support.  Please excuse us!

A thick sound came from her throat; a sad enough imitation of a heaving sigh that Vanessa and Douglas both cried “poor dear!” in unison and allowed Jackie to scamper down the stage with Logan in tow.  The security guards eyed the two with suspicion, but made no immediate move to pursue.


More than relieved to duck away with Jackie - though she definitely failed to put on an act like her fiery counterpart - she quietly slipped around the corner behind Jackie and then glimpsed back cautiously. Nobody had followed, amazingly, and it seemed Douglas and Vanessa were already off to finding another poor soul or two to torture "in the meantime". Hah! They were kidding themselves if they thought Logan was coming back.

"Maybe the mall wasn't a good idea?" she muttered, slipping off the glaring red high heels and pushing them with her foot against a wall as she passed. She glanced down at her reddened toes with a scowl.

"Oh, but see what they had, I took it on the way out." she held out an retro style instant photo print of her and Jackie on the stage. "There is an understanding that the boys never see this, yeah? It is good for a memory, though." she added.

She peered into the various shops that they passed, the salons and electronic stores and..

She stopped, peering into a Gamestop. "Jackie? What is this kind of shop?"


This seemed to be going well; well, beyond the blisters that were forming on her feet from the blue pumps Vanessa had insisted on.  Jackie paused warily, scanning the teeming crowd for any sign of pursuers. But no matter how hard she looked, she couldn’t see either the security guards or Douglas, reaching through to snatch them up.  For now, they had slipped through the cracks. It seemed they had some time before the consequences would catch up.

Jackie took the photo Logan handed to her and held back a snicker.  Now that was really a painful sight! She spent some time trying to decide which transformation seemed most unlike the “before”; but that proved an impossibility.  After a few moments Jackie gave up with a shrug.

Yeah that’s agreed.  This,” she swished the photo like it was an old, smelly boot,” dies with us”.

Strolling down the mall with Logan, Jackie supposed she ought to feel normal.  But that isn’t what she felt. No, she felt more like some kid playing dress up in their mother’s closet.  Or a circus clown. The sooner she could ditch the ugly pink sweater and the blue pumps, the happier she’d be.  Her eyes scanned the shops, seeking for something more her speed until—

“Oh those are… well actually Logan, just go in.  I think I found a good outlet for your aggression”


Logan entered into the store with the dumbfoundedness of someone who had just woke up on the moon. Alright, terrible analogy but, her expression was definitely one reminiscent of an airhead. And then the clothes..

While one gentleman was behind the counter, taking a customer call, the other stepped out and clasped his hands together. They both had a look on their face - they knew their type of people, Logan and Jackies (or, so they thought!). The girly girls who knew every shade of lipstick there was, but they could barely figure out how to turn on a TV. This Steve, going by his nametag, was having a slow day, and you could bet that he would reap every ounce of entertainment from these airheads. They would probably storm out angry and flustered at their own lack of knowledge, or maybe just walk off poking fun at the "game nerds", Steve was used to all of it.

Now Logan had made her way to a poster for the newest Tomb Raider game, a trailer for it playing on a screen below the image.

"Wow, why is this video so..  strange.."

Her attention was now caught with a new Mario game.

"Wow, that is bizarre. Ah, this is how you change the channel, yeah?"

Logan stared at a controller, poking the buttons, relatively confident in her latest assessment.

At this point, Steve was already having a field day. He turned his attention from Logan and to Jackie, and gave a big, cheesy smile. "Can I help ladies find anything today?" he asked innocently enough, but the gleam in his eye said differently. He bit his tongue, barely refraining from mentioning the salon just up the hall, but he wasn't quite that careless with his job.


Steve may have thought he had a new form of entertainment; but sadly this was just the thought Jackie had as she spotted the little nerd.

Yeah…,” Jackie leaned in close to his shirt, evidentially reading the name tag, although there was again that same artificial trace in her mannerisms,” Steve.  My friend… Stacy here is looking for some new game for her cousin

She twirled her hair and leaned her weight on one hip.  There was a sick glimmer in her eyes, but either Steve didn’t have acute enough social skills to notice or he was too excited to notice his “airheads” weren’t all that they seemed.

He’s a real brat, actually.  A bit of the violent sort, doesn’t play nice with others.  But see, Stacy promised her sister she’d actually try to be a part in his life bla bla bla family gossip and such.  Help some girls out? And make sure Stacy can sample all the games; we want to make sure you don’t go short-selling us mister!”

Oh well, of course,Steve began, debating which approach to begin with, “Let’s start with Skull Smash 200…


While Jackie and Logan enjoyed their time terrorizing Steve (and Steve regretting ever speaking a word to these two she-devils), the two security guards Logan had spotted earlier were having fun of a different sort.

Kyle Barker, the younger of the two, seemed quite excited.  His light blue eyes had the look of a puppy that had just discovered a new bone.  His hat was a size too large and kept falling over the tops of his brows. And his limbs, though powerfully built, seemed a bit on the gangly side.  He kept touching the radio and baton at his side, as if trying to remember how official it made him look.

Hey, Krieger, when do you think they’ll be here?

The other security guard stirred, his eyes tired and lined.  He didn’t acknowledge the youth beside him at first; much like an old hunting dog, he found the little puppy’s endless enthusiasm grating.  All the same, there was a little excitement in his eyes as well. It was harder to see than Kyle’s, but should one look at the right moment, there would be just the subtle bit of energy in his glance as he shifted.

I dunno kid, just don’t wet yourself before they get here

But Daaaave, this has to be the biggest thing this mall has seen.  Ever. What if she disappears again?

Look kid, she’s been missing for this long so I’m sure she can stand to wait around a little longer.  And anyways, I doubt she’d be clever enough to get out of here, with all the exits being watched”

Kyle simply crossed his arms, trying to keep as still as he could but still twitching and shifting despite himself.  After what seemed a small eternity, the static of David Krieger’s walky-talky rattled.

Police are here… to verify identity…. Over

Copy that.  She is within sights… we will wait for reinforcements



Steve was half smiling and half pleading as he showed the women to another game; although his voice said “Why don’t you try Call of Duty…?” his body language was saying “Please don’t hurt me!  Just leave, please, just leave!”

In what seemed to be a subtle glance, Jackie observed the goings outside of the window.  The air in her posture changed.

Hey Logan, as fun as this has been… I think it’s time to hit the road,”

Jackie didn’t point, but she didn’t have to; as she spoke two more men—police officers—joined the two security guards outside the window.


It's a good thing that Douglas and Vanessa were really good at what they did, because at this point, Stacey.. Logan? may have racked up some expenses in damages due to a couple of broken game controllers (and one maybe very possibly broken television screen).

But it seemed that Steve would get his way. Logan broke away from what she was doing and looked to Jackie, noticing the change in her demeanor.

And you can only imagine what poor Steve was thinking. Wondering if he was part of some elaborate and horrifying prank, he rushed outside now and began talking with the officers.

"Ah, I think you're right. Do you think they remembered us finally?" she questioned. "Oh, certainly they came to look at your pretty outfit, you should wave to them huh?" she joked. But something told her this was one of those situations where you didn't try to joke, and she was quiet.

She couldn't hear what they were saying - this specific Gamestop had it's own closing doors, so everything beyond the glass was obstructed.

Now Logan's eyes shifted around, and she found the back door, likely where they kept back stock and certainly there was another way to leave the store from there.

"Jackie? We can probably get through there, if we have to." She nudged the other female and glanced to the door, wondering what was going through Jackie's mind.


Jackie glanced at Logan suspiciously as she told her joke—not displeased, necessarily, but certainly surprised.

I really shouldn’t have taught you sarcasm… well, yeah let’s go through the mysterious door.  Assuming Steve wasn’t smart enough to lock it…”

As it turned out, Steve had not been smart enough to lock it; while he spent avidly explaining his woes to a disinterested police officer (“They came out of nowhere sir, it was weird!  These she-devils just barge in and start breaking everything!  I hope… have I been Punk’d? Because my manager will kill me… is that guy a camera dude?!  Wait, where you—“) Jackie took the time bought by Steve’s ramble to open the door and slip inside, ushering Logan to follow quickly behind her.  The door was shut behind with an unsettling click.

It was, in fact, the back store room.  Jackie had never seen this part of a store before and found herself fascinated by the boxes stacked in the corners.  A few of the more popular games were already removed from their boxes, ready to go to hordes of eager gamers. She clicked her tongue, as if considering what mayhem she might be able to wreak unsupervised.  Jackie might have gone through with whatever half-baked plan she had in mind; but thankfully the sound of the police officers investigating outside and their hot pursuit on their trail snapped her back to reality.

Right so… this goes where?  Down the rabbit hole, I suppose,” Jackie mumbled, squinting into the darkness ahead.  She hardly dared to turn on the light now, in case it might attract their pursuers.  She could only hope her eyesight would be sharp enough to go through the narrow walkway without sending a cascade of boxes to the floor.

Easier said than done.  Just as she reached what looked like the edge of the room, she heard a click that sounded an awful lot like an opening door!  In the panic her waist bumped into a poorly positioned box; with a crash, hundreds of copies of “Tomb Raider” were spent sprawling across the floor.  Betrayed by the video games she sprung forward, her arms blindly reaching for what she could only hope was an escape.

Logan, you see anything?  Because I could really do with a convenient getaway about now


Logan briefly stumbled through the stockroom, nearly tripping over the mess of games once as she worked her ways towards Jackie. "Do you think we'll go to jail if these catch us? Ah, Kratos would not be pleased then.. unless we don't tell him. But he'll find out.. he's like my grandfather, he can smell deception I think. Scary." she mumbled to herself more or less, feeling in front of her as she walked. Finally after what felt like minutes with the knowledge that the police officers would barge in any second, she grasped something promising. A doorknob, that was also left unlocked. This opened up to a large lit room, containing breaker switches and the radio toggle switches for the most of the mall. What's more, it opened to a larger area with two docking bays for diesels to unload stock.

And as if Christmas came early for the duo, it seemed to be truck day! Employees had rails laid out, a seemingly endless stream of boxes being loaded onto them, employees bustling everywhere. At least a dozen, so many so that they didn't even pay attention to a couple of "employees" coming through one of the store exits. Even brightly dressed ones. They'd probably been there since the early AM hours, and were half zombified, their legs moving without their consent and their bodies nourished only by the copious amount of Red Bull in their system. And then if the trucks docked here, there was a door that opened to the outside world.. Logan quickly laid eyes on such a door, and tugged Jackie towards it without hesitation.

Shoving the door open with Jackie in tow, she slipped out into the glaring sunlight. It had felt like ages trapped in that mall, nearly suffocated by the thick of perspiration and perfume! Logan had enough of malls for some time now.

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