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Riding Bear Back (SP RP5/RP6)

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A hush moved over the wooded area and everything became still.

To Diane it was unnerving. She listened over her shoulder for informing sounds or breaths in the least, but the world fell quiet. She had no visual, and as the silence deepened it began to play on her mind. She began to wonder if the other two had already somehow slipped off without a sound, but she knew this could not be, the timing was all wrong, and this mere feeling alone would not convince her to alter her position.

It seemed as if a great moment passed, all the while Diane became stiflingly conscious of the slightest rustle behind the branches. Even her own movements seemed to cause such a startling racket that she scarcely dared to breathe. It was as if there was no wind at all, like the bushes themselves were ready at any moment to betray her. While her anxious ears awaited a sound that delayed its coming, the solemnity of the night caused time to slip from precision and reason.

Cautiously, Diane now turned a glance up at the trees wherein Silas concealed himself, perhaps hoping to find a sign in him to detail what was taking place beyond her view.

However, despite her hopes, Diane and her companion would find that nothing further would be known to unwanted eyes as with ears. The great Alpha did not move nor did he speak, and no eye save Jackie's alone glimpsed what was hidden beneath his brow.

When Jackie lifted her eyes to meet Kratos for the second time, it was then that he opened the truth of the matter to her, and for her alone to see what was there.

Surely it was the face of a beast that met her gaze, because it was nothing like the face of a man. It was long and dark, covered in thick fur from beard to brow. And yet, every feature boldly declared that this was not an animal, neither slight nor great. There was deep emotion behind his eyes that nothing less than a man could comprehend, and in those eyes was purpose and understanding far greater than could be described in the gold and red fibres that composed them. How strange it was to behold. It was in this moment that something was expressed far beyond words; an acknowledgment of the harm that was done that night and the hurt more than anything else.

Kratos did not say a word, though a complicated puzzle unfolded in Jackie's view, and still so much lay beyond sight. It was in eyes as clear as glass, and expression as soft as the fur that framed his gaze, that there was found a deep abiding sorrow and tender compassion. He conveyed an understanding, so much so that it could not be doubted that he felt the hurt as if it were his own, and yet he did not show how this could be, for whether it was experience or empathy alone was uncertain. Kratos said nothing, and although it seemed as if this brief time prolonged itself in the hearts and minds of those present, the moment did not last long, and soon Kratos withdrew.

He had not forgotten that Zeit and Logan were still waiting for them.



Jackie did not look at Kratos again after his gaze dropped from hers.  Her eyes stayed steeled on the forest floor, watching her feet move one in front of the other.  The bite of the wind tunneled under her thin, ragged dress but she did not flinch or shiver.

Almost there

She acknowledged to herself, though she did not know where ‘there’ was or how long she had been walking with Kratos.  She tilted her head just a few degrees up, to scan the new foreign trees and catalogue the new location. They were farther from the main road now but not close to the river either.  By all accounts, they were in the middle of nowhere.

But no, that wasn’t right.  With a tired acknowledgement, she could sense something familiar in this place.  Was it a tree she could recall? Or else a scent? She was too tired to pin what it was she was sensing and simply concluded this: Logan and Zeit were near now.

At the thought of Logan, her fingers automatically strayed towards the pocket of her dress.  Before she could understand why, she brushed against something wet and smooth inside that resisted her touch.  Her grip closed around it, retrieving it from the depths of the pocket, and her eyes squinted against the dim light to make it out.

It was a photo.  She couldn’t tell what it had been.  The moisture had caused the ink to run in a multi-toned wash of color.  There was a distinct form here or there, a finger, part of an eye, the edge of a collar… the image of Logan’s grandfather.

She shoved the image back into her pocket and pretended she had seen nothing.  Logan would be better off not knowing tonight.


‘Remember... like everything that falls into the water, no matter how big or little, every action you do will have a consequence, and, likewise to water, every action you do in life has a rippling effect that may or may not affect those around you, positively or negatively. Except, life isn’t always as unpredictable as water, and you can decide how your actions affect others.’

She didn’t understand it at the time, but now as she sat, dazed and tired, it was the only thing that was clear. She stared down at her hands, considering all that had happened.. if their actions caused ripples in water, then what had happened that day, which began as such a seemingly harmless venture, would attribute to a roaring wave.

Logan clenched her fists. Never again did she want to lead others to pain by her actions. Now she realized Kratos wasn’t her enemy or against her. Rather,  he simply didn’t want to let her actions bring anybody else pain.

‘How ironic..’ she thought to herself, ‘He is really like grandfather in his wisdom, but a creature my grandfather hates so much..’

So now she vowed to herself to do whatever it would take, to only affect others positively, or at least neutrally.. and if serving Kratos and the pack with obedience and humility was the only way to achieve this, then she would accept it with an open mind.

Yet little did she know, this would not be the last time she would unrest placid waters, and place those around her in way of roaring storms.

Now hearing the footsteps and catching the familiar scents of the Alpha and Jackie, Logan stood, supported by the tree behind her and looked expectantly in the direction from which the sounds were present, and began herself towards them.

She first spotted Jackie, but did not pay her more than a moment's glance, before she looked to Kratos and then to the ground again.  “Alpha, I want to go home.”


When all was said and done, the night felt cold and forlorn. There was neither the earlier foreboding of danger, nor the liveliness of the nocturnal world adrift in the air. Whoever had been the host of the events that evening had declared an end, the night was now worn, the guests all retired; The stage was left empty of performance and the grand halls without scarlet gown or trimmed lace. There was no decor to hide the despair of that night.

The boughs hung in solemnity and silence, too weary of the events to mourn, and yet their stillness was almost reverent in nature, as if a song played beyond the hearing of mortal ears.

The absence of the crickets that had been felt earlier was no more. The gentle thrumming, quiet and slow, was now the only thing to be heard outside the subtle footfalls of the werewolves, for the sirens had faded long ago.

Kratos did not say anything when he came and found Zeit and Logan waiting near the tree. He came as a creature out of the dark, walking amid the shadows, and in a moment was a man who knelt beside Zeit's quiet form. Whether she was awake or asleep, the Alpha took the Beta up in his arms and sat her on the horse, then he took the reins of the beast and began to lead it along.

Daylight Dreams was pleased at length to have a familiar rider, and she knew Zeit the moment that the saddle was filled. But the emotions in the air were not unheeded by the gentle beast, who offered not the slightest huff to break the stillness. She walked with Kratos in quiet willingness.

For a long time afterward, not a word was spoken. The course was pathless and dark, but in some way known only to himself, the Alpha led the wanderers homeward...

There was still some hours before morning when the first wind that had been felt in a long while came rushing over the travelers, awaking them to a realization that they had left the woods behind. Here, at long last, Kratos stopped, and turned to check on Zeit.

Spread out on every side around the werewolves now were blue fields, dancing and swaying in the cold wind, while a brilliant white moon stared down out of a starry sky. Out here, the lights of the city were far away, and for the lateness of the hour the sounds of cars were seldom to be heard in the distance.  The moonlit acres were outspread around the wayfarers and the wind exposed them to the emptiness between earth and sky. Somewhere nearby, but out of sight, a quiet brook was watering the fields...

“She'll be alright…” Kratos whispered as he withdrew from Zeit. He knew that sleep was brought on by healing, and Zeit would be able to endure until they reached the ranch. But it was a long way home, and it would be better if Sabrina could meet the company halfway.

So the Alpha turned and walked a short space from the others, facing eastward where hidden valleys were too deep to be reached by the blue light of the moon and darkened the outlay of the further fields. Near the edge of the horizon a black silhouette cut a void in the stars, outlining the form of the Phantom mountain range.

Once again in a breath, Kratos was changed, and his form increased significantly. Then standing among the tall grasses he lifted his head to the moon, and out from his mouth came a low and melancholy sound that was deep and loud and carried far under the night sky. It rose and fell on a single, powerful breath, and when at last it came to an end, there was silence...

Kratos lowered his head and listened. Faraway a solemn voice replied.

The Alpha turned then, and walked back to where his pack members stood. Right before their eyes he was changed for the final time that evening and stood before them, a man once more. Then he looked upon them, and saw that there was great weariness had by all, but now that they were out of the briars and weave, he was brought upon to speak once more.

 "Logan. Jackie." The Alpha spoke, and his voice need not be loud to be heard. "It would not be fair to anyone to let this night pass without asking ourselves why this happened. I have been greatly disappointed by you, but should I let this question go unanswered, it would be the death of the potential I have seen in you and the confidence I have placed in obtaining that realization. So I will ask, why did you leave the ranch this morning?"


We went to the mall…” Jackie ventured delicately.  She let her voice die there; she couldn’t think of an efficient way to explain actions even she herself didn’t understand.

There was certain solemnness to the woods, one that would not have matched the gleeful outing a trip to the mall should entail.  It would figure that she couldn’t do something normal– and the sad part was that it had nothing to do with being a werewolf. She closed her eyes, gently;  she wasn’t even sure how dresses had turned into a high-speed police chase had turned into… well she didn’t even know anymore. At some point events had slipped beyond her control.

Beyond her control?  The woolly bits of her tattered dress were sticking to her skin like mud; or rather it was mud sticking her dress to her skin.  The tiny photo she had promised to protect had become ruined without a second thought. There was a police car crashed into a ditch, Melinda was back, and the woods felt so quiet, so dark, as though someone had… died.  Chaos had worn her inside out; maybe she hadn’t wanted any of this to happen, but she certainly hadn’t resisted that little joy ride. If given another chance, she’d probably still do it all again.


For once, Logan wanted a complicated answer. Some deep, long winded reason so complex that it would nearly justify the chaotic and heavily weighing series of events that followed what was (mostly) intended to be an innocent outing. She wished desperately that they had a good reason. But there was none to be found.

Jackie spoke first, and Logan nearly held her breath, her brows furrowed and her lips tight as she looked at the other woman from the corner of her eye. 'We went to the mall'. That was it? It was what they did, yes, but perhaps not even the reason for why they did it. She clenched her fists, and when it became clear that the other had nothing else to add - seemingly lost in her own mind - Logan's eyes dared to venture to Kratos' face and she examined his expression solemnly. She only need to think for a moment to find the reason why she had left the pack grounds.

"I wanted to feel in control." the words came out quieter and hoarser than she would have liked, and those few words acted like a wedge and hammer, splitting the expression on her face and opening a reservoir of emotions she had tried so hard to conceal. When her expression betrayed her, she lifted a hand to her face and lowered her head just so, to neatly hide what was otherwise bound to be exposed. And still there was a tremble about her shoulders and head.

The irony stung like a finely sharpened blade. Never before had everything been so far out of her control, and she need only kick the rocks of a metaphorical landslide into motion to let that happen. Was she remorseful? “Sorry” wouldn’t begin to describe the swirling pools of regret in her soul.


Kratos' solemn face looked from Jackie to Logan as each gave an answer. More than the words themselves, the replies of these two strong women told more than they could say, and contrasted so sharply with one another that the Alpha did not at once reply.

A breeze rolled over the blue fields and caused all the trees to stir in their own quiet way. Then at length the Alpha spoke, and though his voice was deep and firm, it was full of concern and exhaustion... Almost, it seemed, like the voice of a tired parent, who knew the pain of those he was teaching as if it were his own.

"Jackie... Some months ago, you and I stood together in the orchard and I made mention of the many things that separates us from the rest of mankind. But I told you then, as I tell you now, everything we know that can be used for great good, if neglected, will be used for great destruction." The bright yellow eyes that had so often watched them among the ranch territory vanished slowly and reappeared as the Alpha blinked. His attention turned and he looked upon Logan.

   "I know you cannot understand right now. By no fault of your own you have come into a world that you do not recognize, and you have entered our lives feeling much the fear of it... I am not here to command you. I have felt too much compassion, and I have seen all too well the struggle you face to want that for you."

Kratos looked upon his pack members with tenderness, but his words were strong and powerful.

“Our existence is separate from all others, and though you were once a part of that world, you cannot understand the danger that entering it again brings - to us and to all others. If we do not protect others from ourselves, then we become what you most fear; that of a natural being, driven by instinct, without compassion and without remorse. It is no less than what it is for regular men - a temptation to act on our selfish desires and passions.. but if we are to give into it, then truly we become the animals that they see."

A heavy breath came from the Alpha and it seemed in the dark that his arms tensed and relaxed.

"If you will understand, if you desire mastery of yourself, then place your confidence in me as I have ever placed it in you.” He said after a moment.  “I would not be here if you were beyond the ability to understand. But if you do not want it, then there is no reason for you or I to be here... I have seen death before, for much the same reason as it happened here tonight; Had I but listened, it could have been prevented."


Kratos words felt like a swift punch to the gut. It was like they weren’t even words at all but rather a thousand tiny insects burrowing into her skin and nesting into the core of her person.  She couldn’t look the man in the eyes. In fact, she couldn’t have even looked herself in the eyes in that moment. She was consumed by something more than guilt that made wearing her own skin a painful and bitter curse.

Without even realizing it, she sunk low to the ground, a prisoner of gravity.  She was on her knees and yet she still thought maybe she should go lower.

I didn’t want this,” emotion tugged at the corner of her voice like a child at the verge of tears,” I just… no one was supposed to get hurt”.

Far away she could hear the sirens and the quiet chill in the air.  Yes, someone had died tonight-- she knew without being told directly.  Someone had died tonight because she had gone to the mall. She let the thought sink in like daggers.

When she looked up again, her face was hot and her cheeks slick. Easily the expression could have been mistaken as a show of guilt for those who watched her.  But what she said next was not said to Kratos or Logan. It wasn’t even said to herself, in a moment’s reverie. It was for the ghost she could feel rustling in the trees.

I just wanted to feel normal”

The explanation was a poor trade for the life it had cost.


The words sunk in as easily as such weighing topics could. By the end of it, Logan’s face was hidden behind her arm, and though she made no response to Kratos, he was heard.

Jackie spoke again, then it seemed all was quiet. In a few hours, morning would come again. And with the light of the new day, many souls would be rejuvenated, ready to press forward. Others, like those affected during the night, would be left to contemplate the reasons for why such a hard thing had come to pass. In time, all would know the reasons for why such hardships were bestowed upon them and they could begin to heal. Logan had her reason, and though parts of her soul would linger for some time in the darkness of sorrow where light does not reach, she resolved silently to do better, and to push forward, that she would not see herself falling into such a grave mistake again - nor let others find themselves on such a mangled path.



By morning the werewolves had made their way home, the sun stood at its eastern corner overlooking lively green and yellow fields. Somewhere unseen a rooster crowed and the wind passed through the sun-touched leaves of the mountain trees. Phantom Mountain still slept in long shadows, though all its inhabitants seemed to be stirring.

Ulric stepped onto the wooden porch of Zeit Chandler's cottage with his head downcast and his feet sore for the walking. His heart was heavy, and his eyes rejected the daylight for their weariness. The morning was still cool under the shade of the porch, though the golden warmth of the sun was pouring out over the fields at all sides. Ulric heard a cow lowing somewhere nearby.

After standing on the porch in silence for a moment or two, Ulric looked at the figure seated there and asked in a voice that tired and quiet, "Is Zeit alright?"

The large man sat with his knees higher than the seat of the bench and his arms crossed over his chest, his deep brows had shaded the gaze that had watched Ulric from a long ways off.

 "Sabrina is looking after her. She will be fine." Kratos said, his voice equally as quiet. He looked at his brother,  and saw the weariness of body and soul. "...How soon was she gone?" He asked.

Ulric breathed heavily, "It happened really quick." No other words were of any comfort, so Ulric said nothing beyond that.

Kratos nodded his head solemnly and was quiet for a time, then he said, "I had clothes set out. Go inside and get yourself cleaned up."  

Ulric relented with a nod of his head, and turned to the door, but paused and looked again at his Alpha and brother who turned his eyes out toward the fields...

"Are you alright?" Ulric said. His voice was full of brotherly concern, but his strength to express it was all but gone.

Kratos slowly looked at his brother again and, blinking his eyes, shook his head. Nonetheless, he bid Ulric go inside to rest.

As the door was closed behind Ulric's back, the great giant bowed his head, and at long last wept... No man or woman saw how that Kratos mourned for the life that had been given for him that night, nor was his grief ever known.

The words the Alpha imparted to Jackie before leading everyone home had been left to hang in the air forever, and burn deep within every heart that heard it…

"Jackie, what was lost was freely given, and if you and I will but take it - knowing we cannot give it back, then it will have saved more than one life in return."

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