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Riding Bear Back (SP RP5/RP6)

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Logan had long done exactly as the Alpha instructed, she stayed in the vicinity of Zeit, sitting against a tree although she sat at an angle that left her facing away from the female, so she hoped to feel isolated from the other in her shame and sorrow. Surely now the night was growing thin, and they would be back at the cabins soon, but maybe sleep would favor some more than others this night..

Now the wailing of the sirens were clear, and soon even the flashes of the lights could be seen against some of the more distant trees and brush.

Roger received a call and, with a dry and raw voice, he began to guide the emergency response team through the forest and to their current position. Once the beams of their flashlights became apparent, he stood. His tall beanstalk body trembled but supported him anyway, and he moved to greet the crew and guide them the remainder of the way..

Most of what would transpire over the upcoming moments would be as so; the team would arrive at the scene, unaware of Logan, Zeit and their animal not far off. They would find Tom and Lyra, and they along with Roger and the dogs, would be ushered into vehicles (Axel and Tyranny designated to accompany Lyra) and given trauma blankets. Of course, Kimberly would be declared deceased.. All standard procedures were covered, and as soon as they came they would go, leaving only the trees and those who were concealed within their shadows to whisper and consider what had happened.


Diane followed as closely as she dared. Though there was nothing said that made the puzzle any more clear, she was still gathering the small pieces which might bring to light a fuller picture.

It was curious when both voices hushed together, and Diane paused amid her considerations to listen now more carefully. Her back was to a tree, her chin turned over her shoulder, and her ear in the direction from whence the voices became silent - interrupted by the sound of a brief struggle.

Steadily, and very cautiously, Diane hazard a glimpse beyond her cover to see what might have happened. There was a great deal of bramble to obscure her view, but she thought she saw one of the two still standing, while the other had gone out of sight. That seemed a nice enough clue if any to what had happened beyond her view; Diane knew from recent experience and observation that the rogue werewolf was not a team player, therefore the interaction could be assumed...

After catching this glimpse, Diane withdrew and listened ever still. It was her intention to await patiently what would surely come, she would keep her place unknown and trust her companion to do the same for his.

It was then, quite suddenly, that Diane became aware of another presence in the area. It was not seen, but she felt it; to her, it seemed the very atmosphere of the forest changed on account of how well attuned she was with her surroundings. It was chilling to recognize that no small or insignificant creature could have caused such a change, and more alarming still to have felt its presence without being able to pinpoint its location. Surely there was a predator here, one that could go confidently unseen, which was not good news to Diane.

Instinctively the dark haired woman lowered herself to the ground and became more defensive of her position. She did not know if her companion was attune enough to have felt the change she had, but she did not gesture for him to do the same, instead she gave careful attention to what he might do for himself...


The actions of Jacqueline Ryder were not lost completely from Silas' current position, near the thin line of forest trees that lined the roadside. At first, his figure had been crouched somewhere mid way on the branch of the tree, studying the fiery haired women, who was soon without the company of the other..

Then, an eerie silence befell them.. it was that kind of silence that Silas knew very well. It made every breath, every heartbeat, feel as though it was a heavy drum against the backdrop of the night, and it would make one contemplate even a miniscule bead of sweat located on their body, lending them to wonder if it might hit the ground with a noise that could shatter the sound barrier.

This was the quiet he was trained for.

He backed up into the base of the tree and sunk against the branch, slowly, carefully but most importantly without a sound, melting easily into the shadow of it's large body. Diane's own movements were known to him from his position, and from then on he kept a watchful eye on his ally. At this point, every glance, breath and movement was calculated by Silas beforehand. The rocks, shrubs, trees.. not one thing that was in his line of sight was left unconsidered, and for what he could not see, he listened intentively, so that even the smallest shudder of a leaf would not be given a mental nod of acknowledgement.


Melinda nearly tripped as her feet met the asphalt.  As she steadied herself on the black road, she glared back into the forest like an indignant, ruffled bird.   Things had not gone as planned; one too many deaths had occurred on her watch, a few too many secrets lingered in the air, and dear sister’s motives could only be guessed at.  The road would bring her home to a cozy bed and a hot meal—her shivering grumbling body urged her to do so.  But too many questions in those woods remained unanswered; Melinda was obliged to answer them. Nothing would deny her that satisfaction—certainly Jacqueline was not a force powerful enough to even stop her.

Fuming, Melinda found herself stumbling back into the woods again.  The night was so dark that without Jackie’s guidance, the woman found herself clawing in the dark to navigate the thick trees.

Alright sister, what is it you want?  A clean record? A clean start?  A real family?”

Melinda stumbled on a rock and some breathe was knocked from her lungs.  But no matter, there was plenty more of it.

You could have that, you know.  You don’t need to fight against us to get these things”

The woods were growing eerily quiet.  Even Melinda noticed it and her spine was itching with suspense, but the woman was too stubborn and too tired to stop her search.  In any case, she had most certainly lost the road again in the inky black night and no other path existed but to stumble forward into the woods.

Well Jacqueline?” Melinda hissed lowly like a tea kettle, “Are you going to keep hiding like a terrified dog in a thunderstorm, or are you going to face the rain?  You’re in too deep to keep running. If you don’t face me then you’ll have to—“

Hands shot out of the darkness, wrapping around Melinda’s mouth and restraining her with urgent force.  She squirmed against those hands, her mouth struggling to make a sound despite them until—

Idiot,” Jackie’s voice growled and Melinda stopped squirming at once, “You were supposed to leave.  Now we’re both going to have to face him”

Jackie’s hands released Melinda so she was free to tumble into the woods as much as she wished—but she didn’t dare.  It was too late to run; her arrogance had ensured that. The forest had fallen so quiet not even the leaves dared to rustle. Stupid, she had been stupid to think she could play with the monsters in the night.  She most certainly could have been at a hotel by now with a warm stew and clean clothes.


There was a heavy sigh in the darkness, a sound loud enough for every ear to hear.

The hunter had come. With what ease he brought himself there, no one could say, nor from which direction. Had he come carefully, or was it with foreboding confidence? There could be no sure answer, yet he had come in silence, and left scarce doubt that the moment his breath fell in with the night it was intended to draw upon all to witness for themselves what stood nigh.

Staring out beyond the black obscurity the steely gaze of the beast was seen. He watched, but he did not move, and yet all too suddenly he was revealed! Not moments ago what was perceived as more of the same black bramble was suddenly breathing, and as if the eyes lifted the blackness to their purpose, the full magnitude of the monster was uncloaked for all to behold!

Diane likely was not the first to set eyes upon him - a massive black form standing amid the trees unmoving in the darkness. He had not seen her, but even from her low position Diane had seen him. His large body was bent over as if upon the forest floor, but even so in comparison to the tall trees by which he stood there could be little doubt that the girth of his shoulders would exceed the average height of a man.

Fear was instinctive, so sudden was his appearance, and every moment reaffirmed the truth that what Diane beheld was no natural beast nor timid hunter. His silhouette against the blue and grey hues was terrifying and bold, especially with all that she immediately observed about him; her eyes unnaturally keen and trained; primal initiative had his size and position accurately guessed within an instant, even with deep thickets and heavy entanglements such as obstructed Diane's view.

Yet for all the natural responses that were ignited, Diane was still in mastery of herself. Her breathing was paced and awe quickly replaced alarm as she gazed around the tree where she stood. The monster was not near enough to be an immediate danger to her discretion, nonetheless her caution became exemplary.

That the attention of the great werewolf was not turned in her direction was a small comfort to Diane, one she utilized to steady her own instinct. She could see his eyes as clearly as could the others, and she knew he was watching the woman Melinda, but with such great attentiveness it seemed his gaze so unrelenting that Diane cautiously receded from him. However, she continued to watch on from her position to see what would unfold...

But as keen as her eyes were, Diane was mistaken in her observation; Kratos' sharp yellow gaze had not one, but two targets, between which his attention carefully swayed. He was not here for Melinda.

Save for his earlier breath meant to alert the others to his presence, the great hunter had become quiet again. Silence and foreboding hung in the air, but it was clear that the time of decision had not been fully passed to him, and it yet remained in the hands of another to decide.


The morning was peaceful, and the baby blue skies seemed to almost hum with content.  Recent rains had provided water to a small crevice in a grassy-green hill. It had become a child’s dream, rich with frogspawn and cool water to relieve the heat of the day.  In the distance, it could be seen one such child had found interest in this pond. But Melinda, a young lady of sixteen, had outgrown this kind of delight. With an air of a miffed cat, she continued down the dirt path.

The path dappled morning light pleasantly on her face.  The overhanging trees were low, low enough to climb even, but Melinda was hardly tempted.  She’d seen what happened to Jacqueline whenever she clambered in those boughs; she came back covered in mud, bugs, and scrapes.  Instead she walked down the dirt path, her long pink skirt flowing like liquid in the breeze. Melinda continued forward, clutching papers to her chest with clear poise and purpose.

Soon the young lady stopped; she had become aware of a second set of feet following close behind.  She spun on her heel with the eloquence of a ballerina, only to meet the eyes of a grizzled old man with blue eyes and grey hair.

“Sir…? ,” the girl intoned lightly, so the word served both a formality and a question.  She clutched her papers tighter when the man did not answer, forcing her to clear her throat and phrase the question appropriately, “ Mr. Falker, is there something I need to do?  I’ve brought all the papers you asked me to study outside.  The day looks nice. But if I’m needed inside…”

The man studied the girl, his eyes lingering on both her papers and her studious expression,” Interesting you would think a day like this is meant for studying.  Why not join your sister? She seems rather interested in that pond…”

Melinda’s cheeks flushed immediately,” She’s not my sister, she’s just another stra—“

A look in the man’s eyes silenced the girl, “Perhaps not in blood, but that is no reason to reject her in spirit.  She is your sister”

A bile taste filled Melinda’s mouth, the kind that made her tongue want to argue further, but she clenched her jaw and swallowed it, ”Y-yes I understand, I just, well,” she stared intently at a cloud for a passing moment, reaffirming her thoughts until her voice was once more clear and precise, “I just don’t like a muddy pond like her.  I prefer the words on the pages, that is all.  They make sense

The man smiled to this and Melinda thought this meant she ought to be happy too—but something always held her at guard in sharing his happiness.  It was often a fleeting thing, and when it disappeared, moodiness was far too quick to take hold. She managed only a quick smile in return.

Ah how different my two girls are.  It’s truly lovely to see what fine young women you are becoming.  Melinda with her sharp mind and dear Jackie with her adventurous spirit,” the man’s smile turned bitter, “A shame we could not freeze this moment forever”

Melinda dared a question, though her instinct rebelled against it… “Sir?”

Was it sadness Melinda saw in his eyes right then, or something else?  She dared not to look into his eyes longer than she must, “Nothing can last forever Melinda, no matter how hard we try to the contrary.  While your talents are only for play now… I am afraid there will come a day when they will find a much more serious purpose,” the man’s eyes lingered hard on the girl playing in the pond and when the man spoke, Melinda thought these next words more an idle thought than a thing meant to be said aloud, “I am afraid some sacrifices will have to be made”

A distant cry could be heard.  The girl in the pond had found something and was splashing urgently in the water to grab a better hold.  After shoving the thing into her jacket and restraining it harshly, she began racing up the dirt path with her find.  The thing was thrashing violently and hissing in her jacket, but the girl’s mud-caked arms held it steady and her smile was almost as bright as her red hair.

Papa, lookit what I found,” the girl cried.  She cautiously lifted a flap of her muddy jacket, revealing a wriggling scaly leg.

The man studied the leg with some interest and dared a faint smile, “That appears to be quite the snapping turtle Jackie.  It doesn’t take one of ordinary skill to catch one barehanded and not lose a few fingers”

It was now, at a moment of perfect bliss and ease—a day that ought to be framed in her memory of perfect happiness that a cold chill crept down Melinda’s spine. Falker’s cold blue eyes were looking at the girl as though she was something different than a child and less than even a human, the way one might weigh livestock before sending it out to be slaughtered.   Falker insisted she call this girl ‘sister’ but she had never known it common practice to befriend a lamb marked for slaughter.

The morning light never felt so cold on her shoulders.



Melinda was pressed against a tree tightly.  She was not even attempting to hide herself from the dark beast that approached, but rather hide her eyes from its form.  It was terrifying to even hear, it’s heavy steps making a faint thud that could be felt in the tremors of her spine. It was like a basilisk; she feared a full look at it might paralyze her.

She did not hear smaller footsteps approaching, but they must have; for soon Melinda felt a warm hand bracing her firmly on the shoulder and ripping her harshly from her tree.

Listen up pea-brain.  You are going to leave this time.  He’s not interested in you and won’t care if you leave”

Melinda couldn’t make her feet move.  Jackie exhaled harsh air from her nostrils.

Are you stupid?  I said run. The road is close by, even you should be able to find it,” Melinda felt herself once more being shoved, her feet struggling to hold her weight.  Melinda exhaled quickly and her panicked eyes steadied. It was time to go.

Melinda gripped tightly into Jackie’s palm, her fingernails leaving a faint mark in her skin.  Melinda tugged, so subtle that the tension could barely be noticed. Yet Jackie stiffened regardless, her hand unyielding to even that faint force. In unison, the two women shared a quick glance, one so fleeting it was gone as soon as it was created.  But in that small look, a mutual understanding had been made.

Melinda released her grip, her arm falling slack at her side as she turned away from Jackie entirely.  In an instant, Melinda was stumbling through the woods like a panicked rabbit escaping a certain danger.  Jackie did not watch her disappear into the woods, but rather starred onward as the black beast approached with a gaze that betrayed neither fear nor relief.

Some sacrifices had to be made.


This seemed a waiting game.

At least, until one loud and sturdy breath came about and broke the tensity of the silence. That was all it took, one breath.. and now Silas had a chance to observe from his perch the massive creature that had loosed it.

Diane was not alone in her awe. She was however, in the recession of her caution.. Silas would not afford this monster even a grain of predictability. He peered on from his position, as well as he could to study the yellow eyes that seemed so focused.. and yet he could not help but carefully consider Diane's position. This was no large brute.. everything about his posture, from the way Silas perceived it at least, was calculated. Every movement, every breath, was surely being considered by the massive beast. This would set off warning signals in Silas' mind, and though he would certainly not let his emotions and body betray him - he was too skilled for that - the idea that something so large could possess stealth that perhaps even exceeded his own.. Silas being someone who had many years to hone such a skill.. it was not an easy thing to comprehend, let alone come to terms with.

Melinda was gone again. There was some mutual understanding between she and Jackie, it seemed, though that was their own secret to know, and then the woman was gone. All the better - she was only going to make things complicated, although his interests in her were not simply snuffed out in that instant either; rather they were carefully tucked away in Silas’ seemingly endless reservoir of things to research.

Now as he observed as the two remaining strangers, neither one oblivious to the others presence, stood in waiting. He felt again at a standstill..

There was much yet to be learned, but Silas felt like, for now, they had reaped enough knowledge from their venture.. quietly Silas retreated to the opposite side of the tree, where he would carefully remove a small blow gun that was tucked under his belt.. after which point, he proceeded to load it with a dart, never betraying his silence. And then he turned back round to the other side of the tree, holding his breath and having already lifted the weapon to his mouth. With a quiet and trained breath, he sent the dart flying - and the small weapon landed just before Diane's foot, in a patch of dirt so it would not make a sound. He could only hope it was just as silent in the ears of the beast, and more so that Diane would understand what he was trying to translate to her...


Of all the titles that could be given him, blindness was not one of them, for if he were known as ‘Kratos the Blind’ surely he would have no claim upon his position.   No indeed, the Alpha saw much and more still, all of which went unsaid, but none so apparent to him more than that Jackie stood to defend the other woman, even from him. Perhaps it was for this reason that he did not at first approach, but it seemed unlikely, for surely had he intended it nothing in the area combined could have hindered him...

Rising slowly now from the forest floor the Alpha's gaze steadied upon the red-headed woman before him, and at last he moved forward. He came so quietly, and it was almost inconceivable that not a branch was heard to give way beneath him though his great girth weighed down deep into the earth. At last his eyes became level with that of Jackie, and now he stood near enough for his breath to warm the bitter draft out of the air around her.

"Come." His voice was so low and deep that it seemed to vibrate the air, though it was but a whisper. "We cannot stay here."

Diane adjusted her position. While she had hidden beneath the bushes she had made several observations, many of which could not be confirmed visually. Yet the thickets were not so thick as to completely obscure her view, and she had spied something about the great werewolf that had intrigued her enough to draw her up from the ground.

In truth she was no less cautious now than she had been a moment ago, however, her change in stance appeared questionable. Diane reasoned that at times there were things that could not be helped, and the desire to be certain of what she saw prompted her to sacrifice her stealth to make an expertly precise though perhaps unwise move; Her guard had to be significantly reduced in exchange for greater visual advantages, so having thus risen steadily from the ground in order to peer over the brambles that had served as her cover, Diane spied the object of her interest.

"I daresay, is that what I believe it is?" She thought to herself, and immediately she was certain. But no sooner had the thought been confirmed in her mind when suddenly she became aware of the dart at her feet and instantly her sharp green gaze lifted in alarm.

What an insult! Had he believed she were incapable of judging her own position that he felt it his obligation to remind her? Diane's alarm was replaced almost instantly by offence, and yet she credited Silas that although his action seemed nearly akin to a threat, he had not taken the liberty which was so very clearly in his hands.

So withdrawing a pace to appease her comrade, Diane followed the tree at her back again to the ground. She knew of course that now that she had secured the information, it was time to retreat as Silas had suggested, lest things turn in their direction and they be discovered. Yet she could not help feeling that there was more to be gained, or at least that the safest retreat would undoubtedly be to simply wait until the other two had moved off. Therefore flashing a glance up at the trees, Diane very clearly made her mind known. "Keep your position." She instructed, and turned her ear again toward the other two werewolves.


Melinda could feel the woods bowing aside, brambles sharply piercing exposed skin, and dimly sense danger growing farther away.  Time had ceased to function as she knew it; she could have been running for no more than a few minutes, or perhaps even hours. When she would recollect on the night’s passing the next morning, Melinda would recall nothing more than a few scattered images of the entire passing.

It was some indeterminate time later that Melinda arrived on the road.  Her hands were shaking. A thousand angry red lines were traced all over her exposed legs and hands and stung bitterly in the clear air.  Her legs began to quiver violently and the call of gravity grew stronger by each passing minute. Before she realized what had been happening, she found she was seated on the asphalt and her legs limb beside her.

How long Melinda sat on the asphalt was a thing to be speculated.  Even she found time once more eluded her. And if she were to consider back on whatever has possessed her mind in that passage of time, she could not recall what it was—other than, perhaps, fear of being alone in the dark.  Yet as the bright headlights of a passing vehicle illuminated the road, the darkness was broken, and Melinda became alive as she scrambled to get out of the vehicle’s way…

A squeal of tire on pavements—a police car stopped.  A flustered driver came out and cursed profusely, only to notice the clearly dazed shock of Melinda as she stood but a few yards from the tires.   The officer asked her a few questions, of which Melinda could manage no more than a few worded-answers. A metallic blanket was draped over her shoulders and she was offered a ride back to the station.

It was only once she was several minutes she became aware she was not alone in the back of the police car.  Poor ‘Tom’ was staring at her and a thousand words were caught at the edge of his throat. The man had not made so much as a sound to interest her attention; though much of his face was draped in shadow, she could still see the broken expression he had worn last time she had seen him.

You don’t want to know” was Melinda’s only reply.  That was all that was needed.  Tom never glanced at her again, and Melinda was given the peace she needed to gather herself for the slurry of questions the police would have.


Jackie was as still as a statue as Kratos approached.  She seemed more a sculpture than a woman, with her body possessed with such stillness it seemed unnatural.  She didn’t so even blink or breathe for those few moments. It was as though she were nothing more than a mold and the human underneath it all had been spirited away.

It was only as Kratos spoke did breath and tension to escape her.   Her legs threatened to bow beneath her and her arms shook with the warm vibration in the air.  It was only her eyes that had kept their intensity, filled with an emotion that could not be named beyond its clear strength and seemed scarcely contained within her eyes alone.

I know,” she mumbled, her eyes cautiously meeting the black beasts’ yellow gaze.

She could feel every expression begin to leak out through the cracks of her face, and her limbs to shake with the powerful emotion she had sought to keep in.  The emotion wouldn’t be put back in its bottle, try though she did with strangled breathless cries. There was no explanation she could offer, no apology worth words.   The revelation made breathing feel like fire.

But Kratos was right; such was not the time for these things.   The forest was filled with eyes and nothing could be said without an audience knowing.  She stared at the trees for a few moments, detecting nothing but still knowing someone had already seen her at her most vulnerable.  The thought filled her with bile anger and she was half tempted to scream at the trees until they answered… but she swallowed the bitter taste.  It was not the trees she was angry at.

She wiped the scalding liquid from her face with the sleeve of her dress, and then glanced swiftly towards Kratos.  She once more locked eyes with him, perhaps seeking his opinion, before motioning her hand weakly forward as if to say ‘lead the way’


Silas caught Diane’s offense in her posture, and mentally shook his head at the reaction. Still, her previous alert had piqued his curiosity, and he couldn’t help but wonder if she might share with him what was seen from the bramble below.

All other thoughts aside, he turned his focus on the two figures who interacted with a guardedness of themselves.. Perhaps Diane was right in staying until they had left; it seemed the  time of those they watched within the shadows of this forest was growing stretched and worn. From what Silas had observed, it was assumed with some confidence that there would be no more struggle. Even for the fiery female, the night had smoldered into nothing but a weak and faltering ash pile. Though it was not immediately obvious, it could be well assumed that everyone's spirits were tired and beat from the events, and their bodies would feel the aches of the day well into the next.

Silas’ eyes rested on the large black figure and they narrowed in consideration..

‘What about you, big guy? Members of your pack are defeated and beat.. do you stay as you are? Or are you wearing a facade for their sake? Surely you’re still a man, and will share a few tears with your pack, if only in secret..?”


Meanwhile, with the horse and Zeit, Logan had drifted off into a rest,  though one that would tread between a true sleep and being fully conscious. She was ready to go home, whenever that time would come.

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