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Riding Bear Back (SP RP5/RP6)

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Roger did not wait long to start working. After Kimberly was rested before him, he stood up and reached for his cell phone, though a grim expression was present on his face. As he called them and began explaining the situation, he walked towards the sound of barking, releasing the animals once he discovered their location.

Kimberly meanwhile had cast her green eyes towards Ulric, wrapping her fingers lightly around the fellow's hand as she offered him a small and brief smile, before it was stolen away by a grimace of pain. She knew that the chances of her own survival were slim to none, and if she did it would be nothing short of a miracle. So it was, before her death, she had already accepted it. "W-what's your name?" she asked slowly, her voice an echo of a whisper.

The dogs, even old Axel with his aching leg, bolted up to her and approached the female opposite of Ulric. Their own concerns were expressed through a series of whimpers and whines, as they alternated between examining her wounds and licking her face and hand. She raised her free hand and sat it on Axel's head, and he in turn rested his head lightly on her chest. "It's al.. alright boys." she muttered, even through her pain her voice was lit up with it's usual peppiness. "These are g-good dogs, please make sure.. make sure they have good lives.."

Then, silence ensued. The shallow breaths became distant and slow, and her little grasp on Ulric's hand loosed. Even the dogs quieted, and the next moment her last breath had been breathed.

At this moment, Roger returned to the scene. He stopped by a tree, and let the phone drop from his ear, clicking it off and lowering his head, all but concealing his face beneath a large hand.


Upon hearing the commotion - namely, Ulric’s voice after a series of gunshots, growls and barks - Logan went back to the clearing, however she stayed hidden. From her place she could see Ulric’s form beside the body of the young officer, and no sooner than she had painted an image of what happened did she twist around to the back of the tree and stare into the night with such unbelieving and surprise, that she wished it to be a dream. She dare not go out and face the Little Alpha now, and instead she did what she was best at, when confronted with regret or shame - she took off. She stopped only when she came to a clearing with a small flowing stream. Upon reached it, she slowly sat down beside it's gentle current and one fist she slammed against the gravel, with the other hand she covered her face much like Roger had done.

The silence surrounding her was broken by the clopping of hooves against the gravel, and alerted, she looked behind her to see Daylight standing there. Standing slowly, she offered  hand for the creature to study, and when she seemed unfazed, Logan moved closer, petting her face before grasping her reins and once again beginning towards the scene.


As every mortal hand at some point discovers, Ulric had no power to hold onto Kimberly's spirit. All he could do was wait beside her to offer what comfort he could and bid her safe passage into the unseen realm.

It should not have been this way. He was a stranger to her, and it should have been her family or loved ones that saw her off. But the choice had not been his, and somehow it was he that was called upon to see her through the gates of mortality; No other responsibility rested on him more heavily, and he did the part well.

Softening his hand's embrace, Ulric gave up his will and would now wait with Kimberly for the brief time it would take before she was gone. As he did, he spoke quietly in reply to her inquiry.

"Ulric Shragron," He said, and he struggled a moment before he added, "Thank you. Thank you."

The tears surely came and they were well, for Kimberly had given her life for another in the line of duty and in the protection of her fellow officer. No honor could do her justice in this world, but for the reward she would receive in the next Ulric was faithful, and his mind wandered back to the teachings of his mother many years ago...

There would be no doubt that Ulric would see to Kimberly's beloved companions as much as it was in his ability to do so, and he made the promise known before the young woman had stepped away from them in mortality. When she had gone, Ulric bowed his head and wept with what strength remained in him. Then he wiped his face and laid Kimberly's hand gently down.

Standing, Ulric now looked to the other officer who was bent down in anguish for the action which had claimed Kimberly's life. There was nothing that could be said or done that would bring much comfort just then, yet there was a great deal of comforting that needed doing, and now that Kimberly was safe from her pain, Ulric's service was needed elsewhere. Thus he forsook his caution to reach out to the mourning officer.

The dogs, too, would need comfort after a while, but whether everything was naturally accepted by them or beyond their understanding, they became quiet, so Ulric let them be with their master.


The smaller wolf  wondered what all was on her Alpha’s mind, knowing her injury should be the last thing for him to need to think about right now. One bullet had grazed her and the second had hit, but it wasn’t that bad, the bullet just needed to be removed eventually. There were other pressing matters to go after, such as wrangling up the rest of the pack and bringing them home. With all of the drama of the night, everyone just needed to get back to the ranch and sleep.  Once everyone was safe at home and rested, then Ziet could issue out the extra ranch work for punishments and figure out some tactful way to annoy Kratos, without fully irritating him and making him mad.

When Kratos stopped and issued the command to her, she did as he said. Even if she followed orders, didn’t mean should could be happy with it. Or complain. “It’s not that bad, I’ll be fine” she replied with a huff, the wolf  looking over to get a good view of the actual wound as well, “The pack needs to get home. That’s more important.”  For a moment, she took a good look at the wound, knowing it’d be a pain in the butt while it healed, but it would nonetheless, and she would get back to work as soon as she could. Aka, when she went to work and Alpha didn’t know about it.

She could already feel a slight twinge of pain in her side with the Alpha kneeling beside her, not sure what he planned to do right then and there in the middle of the woods. Not to mention she wasn’t quite comfortable with the officers nearby, even if it seemed they had learned their lesson about firing their guns at the wolves. Her biggest hope was that the officers would leave the wounds soon, and avoid trying to hunt down Jackie and Logan, otherwise the pack needed to find those two before they got themselves into even more trouble.

Ziet was about to make another remark when she stiffened, ears going up as she heard a familiar sound of hoofbeats coming back. Her body started to tense, as she tried to figure out whether to stay or to run after the horse and figure out what the hell was going on now.


Melinda stiffened at the sound of gunshot, although did not stop her progress towards the safety of the bushes.  It was a common trick many people made at that sound—to stiffen like some deer caught in the headlights, thereby allowing the danger to approach steadily closer.  But experience and foresight had allowed the woman to organize, to anticipate the event as easily as one might put paper in a file cabinet. It was by such mental discipline she managed to drag not only herself but the incapacitated officer next to a nearby bush which partially concealed the two from the scene.  It was only as Melinda breathed a sigh of relief did she dare sneak a glance to see what occurred. She gathered her breath again.

For all she might have thought of the police officers—their inconvenience to the situation, their ignorance, their bullheadedness—Melinda had not wanted harm to come to them.  They were, ironically, nothing short of innocent bystanders to workings they did not understand. Melinda looked on quietly at Kimberly’s still form, with the same detached sadness one might view a run over cat.

Meanwhile, Lyra had begun to stir.  She had, in fact, been tugging at the murky borders of consciousness for some time.  Her mind was racing at what little stimuli she could hear—impact, weight pressing on the forest floor, BOOM BOOM, a woman gasping, a man quietly crying, her body slithering over leaves, two dogs barking.  The final sound seemed of pertinence in a way she could not explain other than the tone of the animals seemed in some way familiar, in some way a comfort… the young officer opened her eyes to the horror in front of her.

The next few moments were frenzied for the young woman.  She did not remember standing, stumbling forward, or even the face of the woman that had dragged her to safety.  It was as if she had suddenly jumped in time. In one moment she had been on the ground, the next she was next to Kimberly, frantically stroking her hair and seeking for life that had already left.  Time had vanished; there was only the small eternity that contained her horror, her sadness, and her guilt. The dogs were beside her now; Lyra held one tightly, burying her face into its fur and trying not to see what had become of her commanding officer.

Melinda’s gaze did not rest long on Lyra, and thus it seemed little thought was spared.  Instead, those hazel depths busied on the situation as a whole. Cooper was crying quietly, Kimberly was dead, her ‘date’ was still collecting his senses next to the tree he had been left at, and it seemed one of the instigators had stayed behind.  The situation had shattered before her like glass, with none left capable to put the pieces back together. Melinda stood.

What is done is done.  Whether this situation could have been prevented is beyond us now” the words were cold and uncomforting.  Yet still a slight grimace was present in the woman’s face; perhaps she hadn’t meant them to be.

Do not delve further into what happened and you will find yourself ahead; this tragedy will not be repeated, I assure you.  Bury your dead and avoid this forest and the woods if you wish not to find painful answers”

Now Melinda paused.  She allowed herself to stand straighter, her full height seeming all the taller against those had either shrunken to the ground or were hunched with grief.  She walked slowly, but with purpose, until at last settling on the frightened man near the tree. He was so unlike his earlier charisma; it seemed that had vanished at the first sign of danger.  He no longer seemed willowy and graceful, but awkward and broken. His face was shattered into a thousand expressions she could not name. She allowed herself to relish the sight. It was time he listened

You will return to whoever you work for—IRS, FBI, CIA, or otherwise.  You will not speak of what happened. And if you do, I am afraid you will not be met with an open audience.  You will tell your supervisors that you found nothing. The paper trail you had followed of Jacqueline Ryder and myself was a dead end.  You will recommend that the matter not be pursued and that the case is dead.

I am afraid if you think yourself clever and try to continue your investigation.  Well there are some things even you do not wish to know. If tonight taught you nothing, know that appropriate consequences will be met to those who pry.

The date is over, Tom.  Enjoy your evening”

Melinda did not wait for her words to settle.  She turned sharply and walked away, her form blending quickly into the darkness.  The poise in which she walked suggested she had just ditched a rude date rather than witnessing an unspeakable terror. Much needed to be done, but now it could be done without others to impede her progress.


One could only imagine the thoughts swarming through Rogers mind, not unlike a stirred hive of bees. He could hear Melinda speaking but the words themselves were lost to him. He could only wait in silence, sinking against the base of the tree and unable to cast another glance towards the body of his fallen officer. Not all of the condolences in the world, nor any gesture would calm his mind right now. Kimberly was shot and her life swept away, but her death undoubtedly left Roger and perhaps even others with mental wounds that no medicine could touch. Instead all they could do was wait. For some, it could be days, for others months, maybe years to heal.

Lyra needed comforting, but Roger had nothing to offer himself, firstly because his own mental state was in ruins, and secondly he could not face her. The shame and guilt weighed on him like a heavy shadow, and he swore to himself that he would never hold a gun in his hand again. All through this, Ulric’s presence was unknown to him, and yet, like a fire that Roger did not see, there was a warmth that sunk into his subconscious. Had the lad not been there, it wouldn’t be far fetched to say that his pains would have sent him into the darkest and most self destructive pits of despair.


Gently pulling Daylight Dreams along by the reins, Logan followed her senses until she came to Kratos and Zeit. At first she had considered going to Ulric, but somehow, Ulric in his sorrow would be so much harder to face than Kratos in all of his wrath. Entering the area slowly, she held out the reins so that Zeit could take them, and when at first she had come up with her chin up, she let out a breath as though she had been holding it in, and with that she turned her head away and again looked to the ground. There was nothing she could say that would be worth speaking at this time, but the things she wanted to say were many.

And still, if you would perhaps see her face in the right light against the darkness, you would realize the veins of salty tears running down her cheeks, then her remorse might be plain to see.


Kratos took one short look at Zeit's wounds before meeting her eyes with his own and breathing deeply.

 "You have a very high pain tolerance ma'am," he said respectfully, speaking while his deep voice remained unaltered. "But that does not change the fact that you are in need of medical attention."

The Alpha lifted his head to consider what needed to be done, but ere he had the chance he suddenly became aware of an approaching presence from behind, followed by the heavy clop of horse hooves and the rustling of the underbrush with which they were concealed. Thus flashing a careful glance over his shoulder, Kratos' bright yellow eyes caught sight of the approaching figure. But it was not with alarm that he recognized her, rather, the person was a familiar one, albeit she was not as she was when he saw her last…

Logan came leading Daylight Dreams by the reins, her countenance was fallen, and she offered the animal back to its proper owner without so much as a word. Kratos acknowledged that her appearance was changed before him, he had never seen her so dismayed and disheartened. The cause of it was known to him however, and he guessed that Logan had seen the outcome of what she and Jackie had undoubtedly intended to be a harmless little romp. But there was no place in his heart for anger when he saw her; he knew the lesson she was learning to be a hard one, and compassion, more than discipline would be called for to help her understand it.

The Alpha himself had learned this lesson a long time ago, when as a consequence of neglecting to heed the warnings and council of a wise father, others fell in the path of harm and he was powerless to prevent it. Yes, indeed he knew it well, and it was why he had set out so many years ago.

As surely as the Alpha could see beyond the darkness through the eyes of a man as well as that of a beast, Logan's tears did not go unnoticed by him. However he did not draw any attention to this matter, but arose from the ground and lay a large firm hand on her shoulder. The moment was brief, and he did not say anything, but the gesture was left to convey words unspoken before he withdrew his hand and looked again to Zeit.

 "We need to get you to Sabrina." The Alpha said decidedly, then he looked around at the forest as if seeking something, and at last rested his eyes again between the respective parties.

"Logan, I need you to stay with Zeit," He said, and he spoke in the same deep voice that was gentle to those that knew it. Then he pointed forcefully at the ground by the tree, adding, "And Zeit, stay here. I'll go find Miss Ryder, and then I will look for you two here. If I do not find you, there will be worse things to come."

"Stay here." Were the words repeated before Kratos left. He would waste no time and he went swiftly into the bramble to search for Jackie. What he would find, he was not certain, but it was not necessary that he be certain; All that remained was to get his family home before morning...


Ulric stayed nearby the weeping officers, as he would continue to do throughout the night until help arrived. He did not know what good he was doing, or how to do more than just be there, but his whole heart yearned to comfort those around him and strengthen them in a way he knew not how.

It was in that moment that Ulric would call upon the memory of a dear woman who knew better than he how to treat a wounded heart and comfort a broken soul. As a child it was not in his ability to understand the influence of her example, but he had observed with the attentiveness that all children give when they feel the importance of their parent's teachings, and as a result it had stayed with him throughout his youth.

So it was that Ulric knelt beside Roger in his mourning and would not let him be alone, he would stay by him when words and action could not be enough, and remain there as a hand to keep him from the consuming darkness for as long as he was called upon to do so.

It was during this tender time, as he waited beside Roger with eyes downcast upon the black ground, that Ulric overheard the words of Melinda as she spoke to Tom.

Whether the woman had spoken quietly to the fallen man alone or otherwise, Ulric did not know, yet because his ears were keen he heard every word. Even so he could not understand them, and what was more perplexing than the words was the cool way with which they were said. It stirred deep confusion in Ulric's mind, and this confusion in earnest to be contradicted caused him to lift his eyes and behold the woman who had spoken. However, though his gaze rested upon her, it brought no greater understanding, and as the darkness shrouded his vision of this character, he saw naught but a shadowy silhouette step away into the night.

Ulric wondered how this woman could say such things and walk away, when a heart was in need of healing and she had arms to offer an embrace to Lyra. But after she had gone he did not think anymore on it, and though he wondered after her ways and the things she had said many times after that night, he did not judge her and looked to his own responsibilities.

So it was that he would watch her go, baffled by her foreboding words and having understood only one thing that she had said; that being the name of Jacqueline Ryder...

The night would be long, but help was to arrive shortly and already sounds of it could be heard drawing nigh through the woods. So Ulric would wait with the officers until then, and only then would he slip back into the bramble from whence he had come. No one but Kimberly would ever know his name, and he would go solemnly home to consider all that had happened that night...

Many more times before morning tears would dappen his face, and Ulric would be utterly spent ere he returned to his pack as the sun rose over the ranch.



The very air had a luxurious quality, as if the night were a fine cloth that hid those hapless souls who dared stride in its depths.  All the forest creatures had made their way to bed—no crickets could be heard, no night birds could be seen fluttering beyond eye’s reach, nor any moving shadows.  Yet it was not a stillness that gripped the heart in terror, for truly what could be seen was mesmerizing in beauty. Scattered diamonds twinkled through the dark shapes of trees.  An outline of a stream trickled like a fine wine. Even the trees were dressed in their finest foliage and bowed a slow waltz in the wind.

Yet there was a reason all creatures that could move had chosen to tuck their paws, claws, and beaks into the safety of their homes rather than attend this lavish party.  Such beauty was a measured thing that did not come cheap to see. Already one woman had died to be a part of the evening’s festivities. The woods promised more entertainment to offer its anxious guests that evening.


That was the third time Melinda had passed the same tree.  It was easy enough to recognize, with a large scar running the length of its trunk and the thick swath of vines which engulfed it.  Perhaps such unusual botany might have been interesting to observe on a sunny afternoon, but Melinda was all too aware this was not the case; it was not just the darkness that set Melinda on edge.

The forest had eyes.  Some belonged to the birds, crickets, and squirrels which had hidden themselves away into the brush.  Yet some of those eyes belonged to nameless presences that hid in the trees, watching her every move like it might be her last.  Every time Melinda spun to meet these observers eye to eye, she would find nothing. Yet occasionally she would swear to have seen the slightest amount of movement flicker at the edge of her periphery.

It was paranoia, of course.  Without guidance in the forest, Melinda found herself hopelessly lost in dark and unfamiliar territory.  She didn’t even know what direction she was heading, let alone where the road might be. Whether it was cruel irony or her own hubris, by disposing of Tom, Melinda had lost any hope of navigating the woods with accuracy.  Her earlier confidence had vanished like fire in the rain. She was lost, alone, and powerless to protect herself from any sinister forces that lingered in the woods.

The bushes ahead began to rustle urgently and it was all Melinda could do to stay standing.  Her heart was an urgent, fluttering thing that would be barely contained within her chest. No longer was it amusing to consider how quickly she had broken Tom’s persona against that tree.  Rather, she found herself wondering how long it might take herself to fall under similar circumstances...

The figure approached and Melinda relaxed.

Hello Melinda.  So lovely to see you again after all this time.  You never call, you never write. I would have thought you could spare more thought to your dear sister

Melinda drew her lips into a stern line and reclaimed her poise.

I see you haven’t dropped your games, Jaqueline,” her eyes narrowed pointedly at Jackie’s playful banter,” But if you wish to still call me sister then by all means, go ahead.  Perhaps you will treat a sister with more courtesy than you treat your coworkers”.

The air began to ring with silence;   Melinda credited it a talent to have brought the red-head at a loss for words.  Yet this was far from the truth. Rather, Jackie was considering her next words carefully.  Even her demeanor changed from a jovial grin to grim focus.

Actually sister, I’ve decided I am finished with games tonight.  I think it’s time to clean up the mess

Melinda hesitated, but only for a moment, “Walk me back to the road?  There are many things that need to be discussed


While somber events bloomed in subtle tranquility and secrets were in concealment exchanged, two witnesses watched on in silence unbroken, and made unspoken their stay. Like the forlorn wind their presence was felt but not recognized by human hearts; it was invisible beyond the bramble, unseen and unknown in the darkness, and yet surely there...

Lengthy shadowed boughs and thorny vine entanglements assisted in camouflaging Diane with her environment, her figure appeared one with it, and so she was, for the night was her element of many generations. Her sharp green eyes were as reflective steel foil while her long dark lashes dulled the unnatural glint thereof. Her gaze was keen on those who she watched, but it would not betray her to their sight.

What had those eyes seen? Perhaps an easier question to answer was what they had not; Diane had not seen the exchange between Ulric and Kimberly moments before the Officer's death, nor had she seen Alpha Kratos reveal himself and then depart with his Beta. She could not have gotten close enough without being detected when the first few shots rang through the air, but she had heard the gunfire and the roar of a creature whose might was spoken without words. When Kimberly died, Diane was in the shadows and she saw many things that the others did not, but such things would not be known in this story, and she slipped off soundlessly in pursuit of the one who had drawn her here in the first place...

Surely Diane had never gone too far away, though she had slipped from the stage to the curtain, holding her act beyond the notice of audience and performer alike. Yet now she was called to the scene once more before all to take a bow, and this time she brought with her another who likewise danced beyond the spectator's view; Though once unaccompanied Diane was no more, and thus watching on with eyes keener than even her own, the dark haired princess gathered the pieces of a puzzle unknown.

 "Quite a pity." The words stayed upon her lips and were not put to voice, yet spoken readily enough in contemplation.  "That ignorance should overthrow devise and fear consume compassion while secrets prevail, with no light to illuminate the mystery... Yes, tis a pity. But while I yet linger let us see what I may have, that perhaps tomorrow might shed some new enlightenment upon all that has transpired this night."

It was Diane's upset at having her curiosity so abruptly demolished and her plans ravenously frustrated that set her thoughts in this way; truly she had sought the name of Officer Kimberly with purpose and had been pleased with her success, but now it was for naught and a story ended before it had begun. However, her aggravation would not be seen by her companion, and though she felt the turn of events unforgivable, she would learn to put it aside.

Now Diane's focus was trained on Melinda, and the werewolf rogue whose identity and loyalties she wondered at while the two passed just out of sight.

 "Interesting." Diane whispered softly as she watched both transcend beyond her view. Glancing to her much taller companion, she almost seemed to inquire after his observations for the answer to the riddle. Yet the notion was dismissed a moment later when she came gracefully from hiding and took soundlessly forward to follow her objective.


It was one thing to observe what had previously befallen the groups that they studied.. watching the events collapse into place like a bad train wreck. To process all that had happened was not something an outsider could do so easily, however that didn't mean Silas was completely unreceptive to the weight that the air carried. When Diane cast him a glance, she would only see bitter contemplation. Nevertheless, all of these emotions were forced into a corner of his mind that was seldom visited, and he returned his full focus on the task at hand.

Silas followed Diane, although he followed or matched her pace while taking a slightly different, more roundabout route, so to stay near to the thickest lines of trees where he felt most comfortable.

While Diane's focus may have been on the red head and the mysterious and cold Melinda, his focus jumped from one place to another in a trained pattern. No one place was focused on too much or too little.. he had heard the voice of the large beast, the alpha as he knew it, and surely this man would not let his lost sheep stray much further.. unless she was not his main concern, which was a possibility as well. It seemed anything could happen at any time, and Silas could hear the sound of the ambulance growing nearer yet.. the game had to be coming to an end by now.


Melinda did not put further thought into the invisible eyes that were watching her with great interest.  Bedraggled, shivering, and tired as she was, she had no time to concern herself over the motives of those prying eyes.  It was all she could do but to glare into the trees, daring these invisible gremlins to even try to block her walk home to a nice warm bed.

Jackie was less brazen.  Her expression was guarded and even the slightest noise would cause her eyes to dart wildly and investigate the disturbance from her periphery.  Though like Melinda she could not actively sense the beings lurked beyond night’s veil, keen senses allowed her to sense the slightest whisper of their presence.   Sometimes she would catch the slightest movement from the corner of her eye or the rattle of foliage in the distance. When investigated more thoroughly, she would find nothing; what she heard or saw could easily have been a startled night lark.  However, the night had held too many secrets for her to believe she would be so lucky.

Melinda tolerated Jackie’s silence for a time, perhaps amusing herself on what signs she was reading from the air.  But patience was not a thing that ran in a reservoir for Melinda and the silence shattered into the air.

You said you wanted to talk? Talk”

Jackie did not turn to look at Melinda, as her eyes were still busied on some distant sight or sound, but she answered her sister all the same, “We’re almost at the main road.  It can wait until then. “

Melinda chuckled cruelly,” Really now Jaqueline, this caution isn’t like you.  I’m sure nothing of great importance could be said here that would compromise us”

The change was almost immediate.   Jackie’s busy eyes and stony expression fell away like morning dew evaporating in the sunlight.   The early visage of calm and certainty had been but a mask, Melinda could see it now. There was a guarded weariness she had not expected to see, as if she were a cornered wolverine ready to attack anything that came near it.  Melinda might have almost feared it, if she weren’t more afraid by the other things in the forest.

Well if you insist, dear sister of mine,” Jackie stopped abruptly, so suddenly that Melinda nearly tripped.  Had Jackie not instinctually steadied her, Melinda suspected she might have.

I’m tired Melinda,” she growled harshly,” I’ve had fun playing criminal for the evening and now that game is done.  Scrub the police records, silence the newspapers, and write this away as a ‘misunderstanding’.  I’m done”

Whether it was daring on Melinda’s end or an attempt to quell her growing anxiety, she laughed.  It was a cold shrill laugh that made even Melinda’s hair on end. Still she curled her lips as though that atrocity had not happened.

You think it’s that easy, do you?  You think it’s like when you were younger; a few speeding tickets here, a minor criminal offense for stealing jewelry was or starting a bar fight was nothing to erase.  But scrubbing a major case like this in a town this small?! If I had that kind of power, I’d have made myself a millionaire”

“Don’t pull me around Melinda,” Jackie began walking quickly towards the road once more,” I know what you’re capable of.  With father’s help, you could rename a species if you wanted to.  So you will do this. And then you will leave me alone”

It was a few moments before Melinda spoke once more, but once she did a steady confidence held her tone,” You like to call us family.  And yet, you never think much of what the word really means.  Family never leaves Jacqueline. Perhaps you ought to reconsider what we are to you.”

“I have thought about it,” Jackie steadied her eyes on Melinda, her gaze lingering perhaps a second too long, “And I decided I’d like you to leave”

Melinda’s gaze was filled with steely contempt,“You have a duty, Jacqueline! That cannot be forgot—“

With a forceful shove, Melinda was sent stumbling onto the road.

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