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Riding Bear Back (SP RP5/RP6)

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Tolerance was the word for it.

Logan had come to tolerate her pack.. for the most part, she still interacted very little with most of them. One, however, she had begun to form an interesting sort of bond with, and this was Jacqueline Ryder. All things considered, it was probably the most unbelievable friendship in the whole pack.

Kind of like one of those lion befriends deer sort of things.. except one of them wasn't cute and cuddly like a deer. It was more like a tiger and a bear. Or maybe a badger and a wolverine would paint a better picture of the friendship.

And then let those kind of friends into a mall together. Needless to say, it's one of those disasters waiting to happen situations. There's where we are now.

Logan stepped into the large building, barely able to take it all in at once. There was that loud echo of a hundred voices resounding through the halls. Giant advertisements posted everywhere, enticing the zombie like youngins to buy anything from video games to overpriced clothing. The smell of fatty, grease drenched foods filled the air. The mall, what a wonderful place!

Of course, Logan had never seen anything like it. Hah! She had barely ventured into a supermarket. No, gas stops and mom and pop styled shops were more her area of expertise. She fixed her eyes on Jackie, raising an eyebrow and quietly, critically  judged her friend for dragging her into such a place. Out of all of the chaos that she had endured over the last few months, nothing came close to this mess of teenagers and hormones people called “the mall”.

“Have you been here before?” she asked, loosening her expression and looking onward, watching as an animated advertisement board flashed a woman in what barely seemed to Logan to be clothes at all. “Is that supposed to be there?” she muttered, averting her eyes and looking on to the food court. That was something she recognized. “Anyway, I’m hungry.” without another word, she continued onwards, already considering her choices for a meal. After all, it had taken an eternity to get there. Or maybe an hour or two felt like an eternity when you were escaping your pack in a vehicle you stole.


Freedom, glorious freedom.  It was like stepping in the sunshine again after seeing nothing but darkness for half a year.  Jackie, was at last, liberated. No more would the height of her technological experience be a light bulb.  No longer would the greatest reminder that she indeed lived in the 21st century be a pick-up truck made in 1972.  No more forest, no more bugs and ticks, no more waking up to noisy noisy birds at 6 am.  She was in the sunshine now, warming her skin against the blazing neon signs of new skin care products, linoleum flooring, and a noisy bustling crowd of ordinary people.  People who would know nothing of alphas, of full moons, and fur.


Jackie spun to meet her partner in crime, her eyes hardly hiding her delight.  If she was at all disappointed by Logan’s less-than-enthusiastic response to what Jackie was coming to view as the epitome of freedom, she didn’t show it.  If anything, she seemed all the more encouraged to share with Logan this marvel of humanity.

Fine fine, we’ll start with food,” Jackie replied dismissively.  Her mind was already racing, as a five year old might when they first tasted sugar.

She fumbled in her pocket, and then victoriously brought to light a thin plastic card.  A credit card. It had been eons since she last used this thing; she hardly knew if the credit card company even existed since the last time she used it.  Or for that matter, if she even paid it off the last time she had used it…

Nevermind that.  Such consequences were far from Jackie’s mind as she approached the a food stand, insistently tugging Logan in the right direction.  She couldn’t have that misguided comrade of hers going off and getting the wrong food, the healthy food, the food that did not sit in your stomach like a hard lump of grease.  This was In-N-Out, Jackie was now standing in front of, one famous for the aforementioned grease.

The only obstacle between her and her victory would be the line.  It was about a mile deep, packed full of people who knew nothing of her urgency and the lengths she would go to finally taste something that was not burned and homemade.

She raised an eyebrow thoughtfully at Logan, smiling in such a way that would have made any grown man cringe,” Shove anyone that gets in your way and curse and insult.  If you see security, play dumb and act like you’re looking for your five-year-old child. Got it?


So distracted with the brightly colored stalls and the hustle and bustle going on, it seemed Logan had hardly heard Jackie while she explained to her the "rules" of malls and lines. "I think." she replied absentmindedly. Of course, the line sort of vanished behind them and a couple of teenagers in front veered off at the presence of the two women, giggling to themselves and casting glances back as they walked off. But, who could blame them? The typical mall was filled with your typical crowd; young boys and girls between ages 13-18, primarily. And said girls tended to be closer to 5'0"-5'4" in height, petite.. it doesn't take a scientist to come to the conclusion that Logan was certainly out of place.

When her mind had caught up to her, she simply turned and nodded at Jackie, glanced around for any security guards, and began on her trek past and through the line. Most people dodged out of the way and didn't do more than cast a dirty glare in her direction.

At the front of the line, there were a couple of older men, each with a bluetooth in their ear, talking to some unseen character about business matters. Logan made a move to shove past one. He quickly whipped around, telling whoever on the phone to "hang on a minute". Instantly his demeanor changed and the polite business affairs man was gone in an instant.

"Who do you think you are?!" he snapped. "You can wait five minutes. Good grief." He quickly continued his phone call, rolling his eyes and turning around.

Oh, it had been all too long since Logan had a tussle with someone who wasn't covered in fur. And she wasn't quite sure she was ready to. Besides, this guy was crazy, talking to invisible people or whatever. She looked back to Jackie with a questioning gaze. Surely the fiery red head could handle the situation.


Jackie followed in Logan’s wake, apparently seeing no need to add any more of her “charm” to the situation.  There was advantage to having a friend over the six foot mark… and that was Jackie did not have to do much in the “intimidation” zone other than follow close behind.  People were remarkably easy to manipulate; they only need to see Logan’s stature and they suddenly they weren’t too eager to fight back.

Until the Suits came.  Jackie had nearly forgotten about those men, who came attached to their office like a phone corded to its house.  As technology had adapted, these slimy little beasts had evolved as well them as well; now they were mobile with their bluetooths and they could trod anywhere ordinary man could.  They were sadly a little feistier than normal man, bred as they were on hostility.

Look here, mister,” Jackie snarled, her teeth flashing in a strange sort of joy,”I’ll have you know my friend here got food poisoning when we went here last week.  We’re here to lodge a complaint and we are NOT waiting in some line just to do it

Jackie’s paused, perhaps contemplating what she was going to say—or, more likely, adding in a pause so her words could have the most dramatic effect.

If you have a problem with it, then you’ll have to take it up with the man upstairs.  In fact, get yourself a new monkeysuit when you’re there”

This was not the phrase to say to say to Tony Barkley.  Although perhaps shocked by the red-head’s insult, he was by no means frightened off like the other customers in line (who at this point, were keeping quite a few feet back from the unlikely duo).  It was time for Security.

Excuse me Mr. Colesan, I’ll have to get back to you,” Barkley  replied to empty air.  He turned to his associate, who seemed only to nod absently and continue on his conversation.

I think I will,” the Suit smiled sickly at Jackie, turning to march off towards Security.

Jackie didn’t need to be a genius to understand what was going to happen next.  But this did not seem to be very unusual to her. She merely shrugged.

Well we got five minutes in this line if we’re lucky, so we better order quick,”

Jackie strode to the front of the line, motioning for Logan to follow.  By this time, the other customers had decided it might be a very good idea to let Jackie have her way.  At least until Security came.


And so it was, Jackie worked her magic. Logan quietly noted her tactics. The redhead was certainly confident in them, and she had a way with words. Maybe not the right way, but.. definitely a way.

Marching forward, Logan ordered two burgers, fries, and drinks, which were promptly served up. Of course, they had to pay, but then they could be on their ways.

"Here's yours." Logan handed a bag to Jackie, before making her way out of the cafeteria. She had a feeling the gentleman in the monkeysuit would be back shortly, but the longer they could avoid being kicked out of the mall, the better. She hadn't even had a chance to look through clothes and she wasn't about to make her trip to the middle of kingdom come one just for a sloppy burger. "Come on," she commented, making her way around a corner and to a seating area in a hall between stores.

"You're good with people. Kind of.. straightforward? I never was good with words." she admitted awkwardly, washing down a bunch of fries with a quick swig of cola. "No, where I come from, words come second to actions. So this is new. Where were you raised?" she asked, setting down her refreshments on a little coffee table.


Jackie couldn’t speak for a good minute.  Which was about the time, incidentally, it took for her to inhale her burger and fries.  She had missed this kind of food, far more than she had expected to. It was nice to taste something Zeit hadn’t made.  It was also nice to taste something she hadn’t burned. And it was nice to have something that was already beginning to clog up arteries within the first two seconds.

She wiped the grease away from her lips and suckled thoughtfully from her soda.  She wasn’t quite sure what to make of Logan. The two had only been united earlier on their desperate desire to break free from pack life, which admittedly was as far from normal as the sun was from the earth.  But away from all that, back in the real world, what were they?… Friend? Foe? Some strange thing in between that lacked any sort of definition?

Sounds like a nice place,”  Jackie mused thoughtfully.  She spun her straw a few times around in its cup.  After such kind words on Jackie’s straightforwardness, it was strange to think it was now she was beating around the bush.  How she was raised…? that was another thing Jackie thought lacked any good definition.

In France, with my mother and aunt.  But childhood… eh it was pretty bland overall for such a romantic place,” Jackie shrugged,”Although technically I’m Canadian, not sure if that helps any


In the few moments it took Jackie to respond, Logan finished her own meal and was left to sip on her drink. The straw soon suffocated on itself, no more liquid sugar left to be swallowed up, and Logan tossed the cup to a nearby trashcan, watching as it hit the edge and landed oh so neatly on the ground beside the can.

"I thought Canadians were peaceful." she responded, throwing herself back on the round leather seat so she was draped lazily over the back. "You'll have to tell me more sometime." she replied, looking up at the mannequins which lined the entryway to the store in front of her. Or rather behind her, since she was still looking backwards. She noticed then, in a display mirror, two bulky men, complete with suits and shades, followed only by the man Logan remembered fondly as the "loud strange guy" from the line.

Popping up from her seat, Logan pulled Jackie up by the arm and pushed her towards the main hall of the mall. "I think he talked to the higher ups. I don't know about the other part." ducking into the crowds, she fought against the onslaught of teens headed down the hall, using the advertising booths to help hide the duo, when.. BAM! She managed to bump right into someone hosting a sort of promotional event. A small crowd gathered around him, and he had fallen back into the wall at the force of the brute's body hitting his. However, he quickly bounced back with a grin.

"Looks like we have some very eager volunteers!" he chimed, the small crowd laughing and clapping. "Wow, you ladies aren't from around here are you? Country girls? We'll fix you right up. Vanessa! Get the dresses and show these women to the changing rooms. We'll take these rugged country girls and turn them into lovely ladies to be envied, using only the products on display here!"

Without so much as being given a chance to protest, they were ushered into some dressing rooms with a set of dresses by a woman who looked all but completely done for the day, and the door was closed behind them.



Clearly you do not know Canadians,” Jackie snorted, rolling her eyes.  She yawned, twirling her straw some more in her nearly empty cup.  She was disappointed… weren’t malls meant to be more fun than this?  Particularly when you came to them in a stolen car, insulted half a dozen people, and came with a friend who made giants look tiny?  The outside world was more boring than Jackie remembered it.

It was then, as Jackie liked to say, “things got interesting”.  This Jackie had a very clear definition for. Which went, as followed

One.  Insult

Two.  Start a scene.

Three.  Prepare for a fight.

Four.  Run like you’re life depended on it.  Because chances are, if you followed steps one through three perfectly, it probably would

Jackie saw the security guards just as Logan did.  Heightened werewolf senses had their advantages; before the security guards had even a glimpse of this strange duo, the two women were long gone.  Advertisements and crowds, while tacky and loud, were all perfect for exciting getaways. It was a surprise more action movies didn’t take place in malls or movie theaters.

You kidding?” Jackie’s voice was rough whisper behind an advertisement for bags that read ‘Fake is for Last Night, not Handbags’ ,”The ‘get a new suit’ was the best part’

It was almost too perfect.  Even Jackie rarely had a consequence-free  outing. Unless—

A hand seemed to come out of nowhere, as though finish her thought,  tossing the bewildered “country gals” before their roaring audience of Vanessa and Smiley.  This would not be a consequence-free outing; Jackie had been foolish to think such a thing to happen.  She had jinxed it.

She fidgeted with uncertainty, staring at the small gathering before her.  Quizzically she exchanged a look with Logan. Should they make another break for it… or see where this little escapade went?  Jackie was about to grab Logan’s arm and run as far and as fast as she could, until she spotted the security guards worming their way through the crowd.  If they ran now, they would certainly be caught.

But if they stayed here… what was that saying?  Ah yes, they would hiding in plain sight. With that thought, Jackie found herself herded into a tiny stall and a very ugly pink sweater.

I think you could do with a makeover Logan”


“Huh?” the confused grunt was all Logan can muster, and she looked on at the dress with a more than confused expression. Baffled, quizzical.. there were a lot of words that could describe it. But all of that went away and it was soon disgust.

“Am I supposed to wear this?”

She rotated it, trying to find out what was what on the strange item.. the complexity of such an object was beyond her. In reality it was a rather simple pink zip up, business esque dress. “Where are the bottoms?” she pondered out loud.

She let out a sort of confused huff, before fiddling with the lock to her dressing room. “Agh! This is a stupid design!” she growled, kicking the door open and breaking said lock in the process. She whipped around and moved to another door, yanking at it and hearing an unfamiliar voice, “I’m BUSY!”. Then she moved to the next one and peered over, finding Jackie and working at the knob. “Open it, I need help.” she murmured, trying to force the door open.


By the time Logan was pounding on her door, Jackie was almost halfway dressed.  But… dressed would not be the word for it. The sweater had almost eaten her, engulfed her even, like some strange lifeform from a faraway planet of pinky fuzzy lifeforms.  Jackie was only too glad to step away from this painful process, delicately opening the door as though trying to show off.

Geez it’s a dressing stall, not an action movie,” Jackie clucked with disapproval as she eyed the mess Logan had made of her changing room.

Suddenly Jackie seemed endlessly amused at the thing in Logan’s arms.   She immediately snatched it up, examining it in the light a few times before suddenly realizing it was meant to be a dress.  The woman had a hard time trying to hide the smirk that lit up her face; as it was, there seemed to be a terrible glimmer in her eyes as she explained this strange garment to Logan like you might to a little kid.

Um yeah right… well this is a zipper.  You unzip it…”

By the time Jackie had finished explaining and mocking and in general looking down upon Logan’s lack of knowledge, the two were dressed to the nines.  By which point “Vanessa” had found her two little victims and snapped them down into the torture chair, sprinkling and smearing and spraying strange things all over their faces and hair. Now meeting their new reflections, they seemed like some strange beasts out of a teenage fashion magazine.  And for that reason, Jackie couldn’t help but think that’s what made them look so--

“Wonderful!,” cried Douglas, their perpetrator,” Just wonderful Vanessa, these country gals look like they’re ready to hit the streets of New York!”

That was not the word Jackie would have used to describe the situation.  But there was such a look of utter glee in Douglas’ eyes that not even Jackie could dare to tell him otherwise.  She could only force herself to give a small nod and a bashful smile, before exchanging a glance with Logan.

Um yeah… thank you, we…. Appreciate.  It? Anyways, we have to—“

“Oh but girls, you simply must stay.  I’m sure every reporter in the city would love to hear this fantastic tale, of how two country gals transformed and blossomed before our very eyes into hot city girls ready to prowl about for some action!”

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