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Pecans in the Cemetery (SP-RP18/19)

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"So you will know it wholly, if there is a place more discernibly suited for such conversations." Chapman said, evenly in spite of the Alpha's shadow looming over him. His furry gray-and-white peppered hands were loose at his sides, but his fingers were curled in at the tips;  the many sharp weapons of them thus tucked away.

Once, Kratos had humbled himself to shake those hands in an exchange of courtesy,  the offerance of which had not been customary but perhaps telling of both Alpha's inclinations. Now on the mountain, Chapman observed the mannerisms attuned more to his second skin.

Kratos' broad chest rose and fell under the evening sun. Nonetheless, his proportions were fearsome, whether under the sun or otherwise. Presently he crossed his arms upon his chest and his large padded hands folded around each elbow in a very human manner.

"If I should retract the assertion of my presence in these circumstances, the results would be unfavorable to both of us." Kratos said. He looked now down into the training arena, where the Svalnaglas women were held captive. "They have as much to tell me as you, and I will have it out one way or another.”

One white salted-gray ear swiveled towards the pit with the direction of Kratos' gaze. His gray blue eyes followed briefly, but did not linger on the occupants. He laughed mirthlessly, a scoff trailing the tail end of the dry chuckle. His face and brow shown no amusement, and Kratos' stature--no matter how impressive--held no sway over his emotions.

"Very well. Then you will have answers conditionally. Present your questions."

Kratos lifted his chin and held his ears erect.

"What is the nature of this alliance?" Kratos said, his gaze still cast down on the Svalnaglas.

Tiffany peaked her brow and folded her arms. "Are you asking him or me, sugar?" She said, "You've told me to shut the yap up about three times today."

Kratos did not respond to this answer.

Tiffany fixed her tone to please her audience and said softly, "I told you, we're not here to cause any trouble for you or anybody."

That word 'anybody' had clear implications. Nonetheless, trouble was exactly what all three parties had, and quite on account of the wild haired woman and her friend. There was an old philosophy, well known by those who knew anything, that the best way to make werewolves allies was to pit them against a common foe; for the nature of the monsters observed the old saying, 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend'. In a three-way standoff, the first person to make an ally would win the game. Thus, in that one word, Tiffany seemed to say, "I haven't given anything away, yet."

Tiffany's reply gleaned little insight to what the day had looked like, but nonetheless it painted a better picture. For whatever reason, Kratos had held his tongue or changed his mind three times, and all three times redacted his interest.

Nonetheless, the first question she posed was quite warranted regardless of the tone, as the Alpha's interest by all indication was directed into the pit.

Therefore, Chapman did not respond. He did however turn his body and eyes to Kratos, and gave the young man a chance to try again.

One of Kratos' large white-tipped ears turned back toward the cabin. His expression was unreadable.

"I have asked for honesty and have been waiting on your generosity to receive it all day," he said, "I will not entertain your round-about way of giving information."

"If you desire my cooperation on any level then I will have it out now. Otherwise, we will declare our stance under the white moon."

"Forgive me," Tiffany replied. "I'm not accustomed to dealing with honest people. So, I'll fork one over; you make me a deal, you let me and Ami come out of this pit, - on the condition we don't leave the area til we're all on the same page, - and I'll tell you what you want. ... In my experience, it takes a hand of trust to get one."

Kratos' ear came forward again. "You want to test me?"

Tiffany wasn't feeling so sure about the answer to that question, as indicated by a slight wince of her right eye. Nonetheless, she stood by it on a hope that her terms might be accepted.

Kratos looked at Chapman again.

Chapman inclined his chin to Kratos.

He knew what faction Tiffany was from, as well as her companion; and although he didn't know the reason why they were out here, he could venture a few educated guesses. Nonetheless, he kept what he had close to his chest, as he wasn't yet keen to lose the potential alliance of Tiffany.

The proceedings were circumstantial, and it was clear each player was taking their time as they felt out the field. Every outcome had to be considered and weighed. Chapman knew that Tiffany was caught like a mouse between two impatient Alpha's, and would leverage everything she had to her advantage.

Unfortunately for Tiffany, her charms seemed to be lost on the present company. Her barter, meanwhile, didn't seem to give much advantage to the Calagathorm Alpha; how much information could she provide him that would be useful once outside of the pit, and how much could she learn that would be to her own advantage?

Chapman shook his head and peered down into the pit sideways as he said, "If I were in your position, I'd rather get cozied in for the night. The fence and walls do more than keep you in."

He returned his gaze to Kratos.

"I'm in a bad position." he said, openly. "Let's look at the facts. If you're going to let them go back of her own volition, what I say--or don't--could put good people at risk. Regardless of where I stand, my intentions have never been to see people get hurt who don't need to."

As he spoke, he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a worn old leather billfold, and carefully his opaque nails withdrew a photograph, which he then extended to Kratos out of sight of Tiffany.

The photograph would be telling enough; "this is where my alliance stands, this is the reason I answer your calls".

Kratos looked at the photograph in Bob Chapman's hand. Both his ears came back to their forward position.

"By that same token," he said, "Our purposes are not dissimilar."

He turned aside, though it was not far aside, and looked at Saber resting at his feet.

"Whatever the stance of the packs of Middlecrest and Pinerich, I see that nothing can be agreed to in these circumstances." Alpha Kratos looked at Chapman again. "So we return to our original purposes. I asked you to come here to take Saber from this mountain. Are you still agreeable to it?"

“I am,” Chapman said,

His eyes following the Alpha to the unconscious werewolf, and returning as his did.

“Should there come a time when he is ready willing to integrate into a pack, I will contact you.” He said, even as he went to the trunk of his car to retrieve the tools with which to prepare Saber for the trip back to Middlecrest.

He worked gently, and bound Saber’s wrists and ankles.. and muzzled him, too, although appeared displeased in having to do so.

The binds were made of leather and reinforced with steel mesh, the inside being padded with nylon so they were not terribly abrasive.

The anesthesia was not likely to wear off without a reversal drug administered, but driving through towns with a werewolf in his second skin in broad daylight was not ideal. Should Saber at some point return to his human skin, he would naturally be released from the binds.

Chapman opened the doors to the backseat so that Kratos could place Saber inside. Opened and without the tint of the windows obscuring them, it could be seen that bars crossed across all of the side and back windows, and that there were no seats in the back. The vehicle was evidently designed for such emergencies.

Tiffany frowned as she watched Saber be restrained. She knew all too well what it was like to be bound foot and mouth; and with the hunter's implements still fresh in her memory, her hand unconsciously wandered up her throat and chin. She could remember the coldness of their clever devices while trapped in the mine. Chapman's manner was not so cruel, but any human being would feel the depravity of cords. Like the hunter's iron, however, Tiffany's voice was suppressed; this was not a matter in which she could have any say at all, so she stayed quiet...

The ones to whom the decision rightfully belonged seemed like their minds were made up. Saber was not a member of the pack. He was a stranger, a loner, and a hazard. He also needed an intervention. He was at the bottom of life's well, out of luck and out of choices. Chapman dealt in matters of intervention daily. This was the best option. It may not be what Saber would choose for himself, but life is seldom fair to those who expect their way in every particular. Decisions, and choices, are limited in dark places, and today, the decision regarding Saber's fate was left entirely between Kratos and Chapman.

Kratos stood over Saber while Chapman bound him and said nothing. Yet, if one was conscious of it, one might feel a growing sense of agitation moving in the great werewolf alpha. Evident expression of such feeling was never easy to see, for there was nothing on the surface to indicate or evoke it. Kratos did not move or say anything. Yet, there was a rigidness in the ground, and a heat in the air, that, if one wasn't careful to mind, would sneak up on the approacher unawares.

At last, Chapman's work in binding Saber was done, and he opened his vehicle and stood aside. It was clear what he meant by it; he was waiting for Kratos to surrender his captive willingly.

... But Kratos was unwilling to do so.

"I have changed my mind," the Alpha said suddenly. He took Saber into his arms and brought him and laid him on the porch of the cabin.

Tiffany could no longer see Saber, or the large black head and shoulders of the werewolf who claimed him, but this change in affairs was entirely unprecedented. She aimed to know who her captor was, but all she could discern from his actions was unpredictability.

"Remove his binds." Kratos said.

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