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Pecans in the Cemetery (SP-RP18/19)

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And so, Kratos followed. Allowing for Saber to lead at some distance, Kratos casually came out of the house behind him. His large black head came out of the doorway, his yellow eyes catching the light before his fur did. Once again he had changed shape. 

Slowly, the alpha followed behind Saber, watching him. 

Saber's ears swerved back at the sound of Kratos exiting the cabin behind him. The wolf turned back, his growl growing in intensity. He did not want to be followed. His dark eyes angrily glared at Kratos. But before he could do anything else, his body suddenly grew alert to something else.

The wolf sniffed the air, as he turned towards the chain link fence. He darted towards it, suddenly all his caution from before seemingly gone. He continued to breathe deeply of the air, before his nose fell to the ground. The dirt carried fragmented pieces of the tale from hours before, but it was enough.

The wolf walked up to the fence and looked down in the pit at the two captives inside. His dark eyes stared at Tiffany briefly, then intently at Ionone.

The kitsune had seen much that day. She had come from the mountains and battled her wit and strength against the elements those many weeks. She had seen safe passage of her companions, only to encounter the Calgathrom pack and be thrown to the pit. She had been told their salvation 'might' be so at hand if only they offered the right information... only to be thrice set aside by the pack's alpha. And finally, the police officer had come likewise to bargain for Tiffany's alliances.

A kitsune must never be captured. And if she was, then she must ensure none of her intelligence fell into the enemy’s grasp. Thus as she raised her head briefly, she did not betray a sliver of recognition. She met the wolf's eyes and then lowered her chin, slumping it back against her chest as she feigned sleep once more. Yet even this was a kind of betrayal, however slight - for she did not need to raise her head to recognize someone was near. Indeed, it might only be useful to confirm the appearance of someone she once might have known.

Yet this was all the warmth that wolf would receive for all their years of former friendship. For indeed as much had been stated, that last night they had met. If not in words, then surely in subtext: she had urged him to go far from the lands of the Svalnaglas, for indeed if they met once more, it would be more likely as enemies than as friends. Such was the law of their kind, and the one Saber had been thrust into by tooth and blood. There was no kindness in this life. Only survival.

"I'm sorry, Bianca." the old officer muttered, solemnly.

A quick flash of silver. A muffled sound like gunfire; and a red pompom on the end of a plunger in Saber's neck.

The anesthesia would act quickly, within a minute at most.

Chapman stood in his alternate form in the doorway of the car, the pistol still in his furry hands, and his weight rested on the hood of the vehicle. His eyes were set intently on Saber, with an ear towards Kratos.

Bianca watched frozen, only blinking once, wide-eyed, as the trigger was pulled.

Ionone did not betray a sliver of recognition. Tiffany, however, was not so careful. In the very moment Saber's face appeared above the enclosure, Tiffany’s charcoal brown eyes softened in definitive reflection. She recalled the smell of the damp... The cold... The dark... She remembered the howling and jeering... She knew all the frightening forms and faces, for they were in her mind as well as in his. Yes, Tiffany was there the night Saber was chased out of Pinerich.

When she saw him, she recognized him.. but Tiffany had barely opened her mouth to speak before the trigger was pulled…

The wolf saw Ionone move to acknowledge him, then the dart pierced into his flesh. Saber flinched at the gunshot and impact, a whine escaping his throat. He stumbled back in shock. He stood still like he couldn't process what had happened, shock and fear pulsing through his system now. 

Slowly the anesthesia took hold, and his eyes grew drowsy as he struggled to keep his head up. The world spun, before the wolf eventually collapsed, his breath and heartbeat slowing down from the anesthesia, his eyes still partially open. For a human eye from a distance, the wolf appeared the same as dead.

Chapman came around to the passenger door of the cruiser and opened it for Bianca.

“Inside,” he said, Saber not once removed from his line of sight. Bianca complied quickly, and her grandfather stood watch as she crossed the distance to the cabins. She went in, and as soon as the door shut, Chapman turned his focus on Kratos.

Kratos had not gone from the porch. As yet, his crimson-black hackles swayed in a soft cold wind above his white-tipped ears and he said nothing. He had come out to watch Saber, only for Saber to fall victim to an impatient alpha who had been left waiting too long. Kratos’ yellow eyes followed Bianca briefly as she passed him by, perhaps, to gage her mood and discern what he could of her needs. Few things indeed had transpired since she left him that morning, but her spirits were shaken; having fallen from when he saw her last.

Kratos turned his attention on the other alpha and blinked his eyes slowly. He sat like a beast on his haunches, with his massive black hands splayed on the ground, and his tail drawn out behind him...

Chapman wandered over to Saber's limp body, and observed him. The the officer crouched on his feet and adjusted the young werewolf to a more comfortable position, ensuring his head was laid sideways and that his breathing was normal. When he was satisfied with his examination, he returned to a stand.

He looked down at Tiffany in the pit over his shoulder, and her companion, his ears erect and his blue eyes and face conveying no emotion whatsoever. Then he turned his gaze back to Kratos and lowered his chin, and the sharpness of his eyes and a low brow casting a shadow over them told a different story to the Calagathorm Alpha.

'You've put us both in a compromising position by calling me here. Explain yourself.'

He seemed to say, without words.

There was a chain link fence, and a soft mountain breeze, and the sound of birds in the clearing. There was a house with a torn wooden floor, and the smell of river trout and elk blood in the air. There was a black werewolf laying on the ground, and two alphas staring each other in the eye. There was a weighty matter to discuss, the souls of men and women to determine, and for a moment all the time in the world.

Tiffany had bargained for the souls of men before; long before she knew John and had bargained for his life, long before she had seen Robin and Uno to bargain for their lives, she had made bargains for the lives of others. It was something, perhaps, even Tiffany was not conscious of, for she did it at every chance, as naturally as a fish swims down a pipe, and never told a soul. Such a bargain had saved two lives the night Saber was chased from Pinerich - his life, and that of his attacker. But he did not know it, and she would not tell it. Perhaps, when one is accustomed to playing risky games, and holding cards that every day put one's own life in peril, bartering for the lives of others isn't so strange at all.

Is it simply the natural order of things, some sort of karma, or some divine factor that seems to turn the tables of one's actions to them again? Whatever thing working behind the curtain, the unspoken law of deeds was active in this moment for Tiffany.

Kratos lifted his head and stepped down off the porch with his broad hands spreading out before him, and the mountain soil giving way til he stepped on the gravel road. He walked slowly on all four paws until Chapman's shadow met his face. His bright yellow eyes seemed the brighter to enter therein, and some memory from the mountain seemed to enchant them. Then Kratos stood up, and as he did so his face came out of Chapman's shadow and he stood tall over Chapman and Saber both.

"We have taken it on trust alone that the family of my pack is my kin." Kratos said, and he did not seem to care that Tiffany and Ionone listened on. "But you and I both know the danger in that. Today, I will know the nature of your alliance with the Svalnaglas, if we are to make a better agreement."

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