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Pecans in the Cemetery (SP-RP18/19)

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This role play takes place on the timeline immediately after the main thread,

"Werewolves (RP18) How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

and simultaneously with the character arc,

"Silly, Simple Nonsense"

Eventually when Saber was full, his mind slowly came back to the matter at hand, his anger and aggression returning to his eyes. He stared at Kratos intently, a soft growl escaping his throat. While he was grateful for the food, the man still stood in the way of leaving the cabin's premise safely. He eyed the front door and carefully moved towards it, watching Kratos carefully.

Kratos stood tall in the kitchen. Saber's mood changed but, having eaten his fill, he was far less dangerous. Now, the only decision that remained was what to do with him during the full moon. Kratos lowered his chin, considering…


Chapman let Bianca talk, and his eyes wandered back to the cabin.

"Grandpa?" she asked, looking expectantly at him. It was then that he realized he hadn't processed the first time she had said the word.

"Yes?" he asked, turning his head to look at her.

"Are you alright?"

It was a loaded question. Bianca didn't need to know the details of his pack, the recent outbreak between two of his own beta's, and all that it entailed. She didn't need to know about his high blood pressure (but if she were attuned enough she might smell the medication in him).

"I think..." he rested his forearms on his steering wheel so that his hands extended past it nearly to the glass of the windshield, and in that manner he interlaced his fingers,

"That man in there has a hard road, and will have to make difficult decisions with very little foresight." he said, somberly, as he looked at Bianca before turning his eyes back on the cabin.

"There are circumstances that will arise and you will be--out of necessity--left in the dark. Fear of the unknown is your greatest weakness, and nobody can hold it against you."

Bianca was quiet and contemplative at the words.

"But listen to me; even when you're uncertain, stand by him and support him, and I guarantee you will be protected, and grow to do great things. Life will be different, and this is the life you chose-I know you to be resolute in your decisions, and I am not beyond belief that there was Divine intervention in your coming to this place."

The trajectory of the conversation was not desirable.

"Bianca." the word was said with such a weight attached that it caused her heart to sink.

"You cannot come back to Middlecrest. I have called your father to keep your sisters out of the state.  I will not be returning to this mountain after today."

The wolf moved much slower than before, but showed less anger now than when he was hungry. He was cautious, keeping his dark eyes on Kratos’ form, only momentarily checking his trajectory towards the front door before turning his gaze back on him. Once the door was reached however, he paused and waited, watching Kratos carefully as if he expected he would do something.

Kratos was passive to Saber’s advance to the door. He watched him and did nothing more.


Chapman saw Bianca shut down, as tangibly as a lightbulb burning out. A strange, calculated coldness came over her.


"We can't find your mother." her father said.

"Bianca?" Her grandfather asked.

"I need you to say something." Eleanor pleaded.


Bianca turned her head and looked out the window, at the chain link fence. Chapman could see her swallow, but she said nothing.

Meanwhile... his pager buzzed at his hip and he angled it to read the text, before resting his gaze again on the cabin.

After some time the standstill passed, and the wolf moved. He stepped away from the front door to the nearest window. He was still eyeing Kratos carefully before turning to the window. He peered out the blinds and found Chapman in his car with Bianca. The wolf's growl grew louder at the sight of the officer. He met the officer's eye, his anger stirring.

The wolf moved back to the front door. With another glance at Kratos, he cracked open the front door ever so slightly. His eyes darted from the slim view of the outside world, briefly back to Kratos, before returning to the door. The door creaked open some more as the wolf pushed it just enough for his head and front paws to poke out and get a good look outside. He listened intently, one ear now moved back, to what was behind and in front of him.

Chapman passively observed the werewolf from his vantage, behind the dark tinted windows.

The wolf looked back towards Chapman inside his car, before briefly eyeing Bianca beside him.

Beyond the young blonde, it seemed the pack was nowhere to be seen in the front clearing of the cabins, but their smells lingered in the different directions they had headed off to. The wolf surveyed the clearing with a last sweeping glance before stepping cautiously out the door. One paw after the other, slowly and carefully he moved off the cabin porch and away from Chapman's car. His ears were erect, his nose sniffing the air intently, his eyes constantly returning to Chapman, watching for his move.

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