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Trail of a Lost Soul (Tito & Zander)

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" I am." The officer replied simply to Zanders inquiry. 

Hughes then turned back to Tito who looked like he might just melt from the several degrees hotter he felt. Something in the back of Tito's mind knew he was in trouble. He had missed something important, he just knew it, there was something-

" Tito, have you received any contact from Lee recently?"

Tito froze. He swallowed hard as he tried to hide his expression. Still, his face looked like a disgruntled mess of anxiety, shock and feigning innocence, just heightening the underlying guilt his countenance showed.

Tito turned away from the officer as he stammered, now rubbing his neck as he tried to decide if he should tell the truth or not.

He had no idea how Saber could do this- to lie on a daily basis like he had done when he led a double life. How he could keep his cool and be so calm and casual about it. How it all seemed to come so naturally to him. Tito would've been jealous of it had it not been such an awful and damaging trait; It ruined Saber's life and almost destroyed their friendship.

No. Even though the truth was borderlining on crazy with talk of werewolves, Tito decided he had to tell the truth the best he could. He couldn't lie again.

" I have-" Tito finally managed. " I got an email from him last night…"

Officer Hughes' eyes narrowed. " Why didn't you contact us when you first got it?"

Tito winced as if the question hurt. How was he suppose to explain the next part without digging a deeper hole for himself…. The truth would sound absurd.

" Umm…" Was all he managed to reply with. He was certain he was going to land himself in jail for this. Again, how Saber weaved his words elegantly around striking the perfect balance of lie and truth to get his desired outcome seemed like such a handy ability right about now, but still, Tito knew better.

" Well..." He slowly tried to start.

Zander watched the exchange with conservative glances.  His mother had always had strong words for those that lied.  She'd been staunchly against it.  Once he'd let a classmate copy off his test. When his mother had found had, she'd hear nothing of it. She'd insisted he march straight up to the teacher, confess both his guilt and his companion's, and take the mark against his record.  That had been the end of his lying days -- it was no good, after all, for a perfectly abiding citizen.

Of course... there was something to be said in how much a person would say. If you happened to give perfectly true statements that together, could be taken to mean something else, that didn't make it a lie, did it?  Not that he asked his mother for advice.  In the world of a loner werewolf, you either learned some tact or died holding fast to your ideals.

Tito didn't seem to be a good liar.  And of course, Zander wouldn't dare lie to a police officer... nor would you willfully stick his nose in business that wasn't his.  But supposing he was perhaps musing something to himself, supposing perhaps the police officer believed it... supposing perhaps such statement might keep the police officer from inadvertently learning about werewolves and putting himself into harm... well...

"Anyone can send an email," he shrugged, "It sure didn't sound like Lee, did it Tito?"

"Do  you know Chapman in the Middlecrest police department?" he asked brightly, as if struck by a stray, happy thought,  "Good man..."

Officer Hughes gave Zander a steely look. " And what is your relation to Lee?" He questioned in a harsh tone.

Tito looked at Zander in horrified panic. He knew Zander had no clue what he was getting himself into by pretending he had any kind of knowledge or ties with Saber.

" He doesn't know Saber at all," he said abruptly. " He's just a local that I asked to keep an eye out for Saber if he was here. That's all."

Officer Hughes eyed Tito suspiciously. He clearly wasn't convinced.

Zander tilted his head a fraction of an inch, an inward nod to himself as the scene played out.  Yes, that sounded about right.  Only foolishness or naivety would permit this kind of involvement.  And if nothing else, he'd long since run through naivety.

"Well, my ten minutes are up," his eyes shrugged back to the way they came, where the little antique was located some ways down the road, "You know where to find me if you need me".

And with that he turned and started the other way.

" Hold it," Officer Hughes grabbed Zander's shoulder as he tried to make his escape. Officer Hughes' dark blue eyes watched Zander carefully now, his brows knitting. " Don't go walking off when an officer is talking to you. I'm sure your employer will understand if your held up by the police."

Tito gave Zander an apologetic look as Officer Hughes continued looking at both of them now. " Might I remind you boys that it is a crime to lie to a police officer." He then turned to Zander and eyed him critically. " With that said, I want you to answer the question yourself: What is your relation to Lee?"

Tito wanted to say something. Something to help bail Zander out of the predicament he had found himself in, but he knew he couldn't- He hadn't recognized Hughes before and while the name was just now starting to feel familiar he was certain he knew who he was now. Saber had talked about him twice. Described him as hard as nails. Said his usual tactics didn't work on him. Could somehow see through any lie. Officer Hughes had been used to interrogate Saber once, and Saber had ranted on and on about what a nightmare it had been.

Tito looked over towards the hole on main and the people that were looking at it. Then he looked at the sky, appreciating how clear it looked after the vicious storm the previous night. Then he looked back at Zander and Officer Hughes. He could think of three advantages they had over Saber's experience: They weren't criminals, they weren't alone with the angry officer, and- it was a really nice day out. He just hoped it would be enough to get themselves out of the mess of a man that was threatening to overtake them.

Zander might've seen, just then, an older gentleman step into the antique shop as Officer Hughes pulled him back.

"I wasn't lying," he said softly under his breath, and he meant it -- or at least, he'd given the officer the best version of the truth, if not the unblemished version.

"I met him only briefly," he confessed, "He stopped by the antique shop yesterday afternoon. I had no idea he was missing.  Then he turned up," he gestured to Tito, "Followed by yourself, officer".

"I don't know where he went after," he said with the unflinching expression of a person that, despite the better warnings of his mother, had learned how to lie and learned how to lie well.  It wasn't something he was proud of learning, and it wasn't something he relied on often. But when the stakes were high -- and certainly another innocent (if accusatory and headstrong) individual didn't deserve to find themselves at the mercy of the mountains -- he took the moral blow if only to protect them.  Still, despite all the best intentions, he knew well what lay down the path he now walked should he go far enough down it, good intentions aside...

He gaze flickered to the corner, catching the sight of an older gentleman approaching the antique shop.

"Officer Hughes, I don't mean to be impolite for your quest to justice, but I really must see to that customer.  You can come in if you like, and I'll be happy to help any way I can".


Officer Hughe's face scrunched up in displeasure. " Don't talk like you know somebody you just met then," he said, a warning in his tone. " Now go tend to your shop. If we need anything more from you I'm sure Officer Owen will send somebody over."

After staring Zander down as he left, he turned back to Tito. " As for you… Come with me. We're taking a trip to the office."

Tito could feel himself growing warm now. " Am I being arrested?" He asked timidly.

" Not yet," Officer Hughes growled. " Keep withholding information and you will be. Now come on," Officer Hughes said as he motioned for Tito to follow him, the former willingly complying to stay out of trouble.

As Tito and Officer Hughes made their way to the other side of the street toward the other officers gathered by the front of the local police department, he couldn't help but look up towards the bit of the mountain that could be seen off in the distance. 

He thought about Saber, and his frail health. He thought of how many times his friend had managed to skim by death time and time again. He thought of how different he had seemed after his change. Tito wondered, if it could cause such mental and physical changes to his friend already, was there a chance it had strengthened his fragile heart as well? Was there a chance he could actually survive on the mountain? Tito could only hope, but worried he may never know.


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