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Officer Lyra Torres

Officer Lyra Torres

Name: Lyra Alexandria Torres-Martinez

Meaning: "harp of the defender of mankind, tower, son of Martin"

Nickname: Lyra

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Race: Hispanic

Accent: American, light Honduran-Colombian that is especially evident when she is excited or angry

Occupation: K-9 Handler

Situation: Responded to a call to track down two crazy ladies who stole a police car from a crime scene at the mall… it all escalated from there.

Motivation: Currently motivated to find out what really happened to her partner, Officer Roberts.

Good personality traits: She's determined, a keen observer, understands the subtle subliminal cues people give.

Bad personality traits: Can be selfish, fearful, untrusting, unforgiving

Phobias/Fears: She's hemophobic (sometimes faints at the sight of blood), which was a major reason her loved ones questioned her decision to go into law enforcement. 

Pet peeves: Being underestimated, disregarded, or ignored

Desires: What everyone wants: to be happy and find out where she fits in this crazy world.

Flaws: Her sense of self-preservation overrides all else; she feels she abandoned Kimberly the night she died, out of cowardice, and maybe things would have been different—for better or for worse—if she had stayed loyally at her side rather than fleeing to save her own skin.

Quirks: Her mom is obsessed with telenovelas, and Lyra grew up on them; she often daydreams and imagines she's in one.

Most at ease when: She's got a good dog at her side.

Ill at ease when: People are lying to her. She can always tell.

Angered by: Lies, again. Being underestimated or not taken seriously. Being used.

Saddened by: Bad break-ups, lost friends, movies where the dog dies

Disabilities: None

Secrets: She used to be scared of dogs and never actually even interacted with one until becoming a K-9 Officer. Discovered she has a hidden talent working with them.

Regrets: Abandoning Kimberly the night she died. Letting her terror paralyze and control her. Passing out so she wasn't fully aware of what happened that night.

Accomplishments: Left that good-for-nothing Mateo, became an officer, and mastered her fear of dogs. Can't imagine life without them now.

Favorite color: Red

Hobbies: Cars, loud music, dogs

Skilled at: Training dogs, fixing cars, cussing out jerks on the road or at the bar.

Unskilled at: Letting bygones be bygones

Optimist or pessimist?: She'd say she's a realist

Introvert or extrovert?: Introvert

Daredevil or cautious?: Cautious

Logical or emotional?: Emotional

Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Disorder is the sign of a creative mind. And a big family of immigrants who don't throw things away.

Prefers working or relaxing?: Relaxing, unless she's hyper fixated on a problem. Then she's like a dog with a bone, just can't let it go.

Confident or unsure of himself/herself?: Is rediscovering herself after a toxic 7 year relationship. She's finding out she's a lot more confident than she thought she was.

How he/she feels about himself/herself: She's always seen herself as one small appendage of her big family, complete only when she is with them.

How would s/he describe him/herself: Quirky, tenacious, funny, a bit of a spitfire 

What s/he thinks is his/her best personality trait?: Being stubborn

What s/he thinks is his/her worst personality trait?: Being judgemental

What s/he thinks is his/her best physical characteristic?: She's proud of the way she looks. Loves her dark hair, eyes, the curve of her lips and chin, her shoulders, hips, good sturdy posture

What s/he thinks is his/her worst physical characteristic?: She hates her nose. Will always consider getting a nose job. Will never actually get one.

What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: That darn nose.

Does this character get along with other characters?: Sure. She's pretty quiet and passive as she silently judges them.

Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?: Not hide per se, she's just quiet. Unless she's angry, then you'll get an earful.

Enemy(s): Mateo and any of his stupid cronies when they swing around, the jerks.

Best friend(s): Kimberly Roberts

Love interest(s): She likes Val. A lot. A lot a lot. But she's cautious and doesn't want to be too hasty about jumping into a new relationship. 

Person s/he goes to for advice: Her Mama about friend things or love things or family things, her Papa when she needs down-to-earth advice.

Person s/he feels responsible for or takes care of: Her younger siblings, her dogs. Adopted Axel when he was retired.

Person s/he feels shy or awkward around: Val

Person s/he admires: Also Val. And Bob Chapman.

- Family -

Mother: Alicia Martinez-Lopez

Relationship with her: Her mom is her confidant, advisor, telenovela buddy, and harshest possible critic.

Father: Alejandro Torres-Delgado

Relationship with him: Alejandro has always been a very reserved, quiet man. The opposite of his wife. When Lyra needs solid, unbiased advice or reassurance, she goes to him.

Siblings: She has six brothers and four sisters

Relationship with them: Three sisters are older and all but the eldest are married. The individual relationships are complicated, but on the whole she simultaneously looks up to them and thinks they are all calamities. Her younger sister is 12, and is her favourite, a sweet little thing who can do no wrong as far as Lyra is concerned. Her brothers are also all various calamities that she is well fond of.

Spouse: none 

Relationship with him/her: n/a

Children: Do her dogs count?

Relationship with them: She adores her dogs.

Other important family members: Abuelita Lopez lives with the family, and aunts, uncles, and cousins live next door and down the street. Lyra has always had family growing up. She was especially close with her uncle, "Tio Toro". 


By Indy

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By Indy

By Adriana

By Indy

Old Bio

Name: Officer Lyra Torres

Description and background: A hispanic woman in her mid-20s, Lyra is quiet and unassuming. She came from a big family and loved watching her uncle repair old cars. She moved to the area a couple of years ago to go to academy, and has been working at the Middlecrest Police force for about a year.  She's inexperienced, but a hard worker and eager to do a good job.  Lyra specializes in the K9 unit and works closely with her canine associate, a big dark shepherd named Tyranny.

History in Roleplay:

Lyra was first encountered in the mall incident. She accompanied Officer Kimberly Roberts in the pursuit of two criminals into the woods. She was witness to Kimberly's death.

She was next met on a "date" with Uno, although the nature of their relationship remains unclear.

Her latest appearance was in Captains, when Officer Reggie Delgado revealed to her that he was a werewolf--in fact, a majority of the Middlecrest Police Force are, including Val.