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Officer Kimberly Roberts

Age: 22

How She Died: Gunshot wounds

Last Roleplay: "Riding Bear Back" (side plot)

Description: 5'5", freckles, pondwater green eyes, wavy blonde hair and light olive complexion

Relatives: Mrs. Natalie Roberts (mother), Mr. Thomas Roberts (father)

Friends: The Chapman family among others

"We are gathered here today in remembrance of Ms. Kimberly Roberts..."

The minister spoke calmly and loudly for all in the chapel to hear. The altar was decorated with flowers- larkspurs, roses and lilies of gentle violets and whites. The gathering was great and filled the halls to the entry of the chapel and spilled into the common area. On one side of the chapel lined in the front pew was her immediate family. Opposite of them, Bob Chapman, Roger Cooper and other members of her precinct, dressed in their blue uniforms.

"Kimberly grew up in Middlecrest. Her neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, first knew her as the freckle faced girl with the curly blonde hair who would come into their backyard unannounced at the age of three to meet and play with their dogs-who easily towered over her and outweighed her." there was a small, tear laden giggle somewhere in the church pews.

"From a young age, Kimberly was fearless and full of compassion for anyone and everyone she met. Growing up, no matter where in her community-be it at school, during church events, or passing a stranger on the streets, Kimberly had a brightness to her that drew others in. She approached people just as she did those dogs in the Williams backyard at the age of three-without preconceptions, with a willingness to learn about them, and more so, with a willingness to help them and love them however she might. I speak for us all when I say we are truly devastated at the loss of such a warm beam of light... and we have all asked the question, why? Why does God take these lights away from us so soon? Let me entrust Officer Bob Chapman, to help bring some peace to your souls."

With that, he nodded to Bob, who had come up beside him some time ago. Bob stepped to the pulpit and cleared his throat, glassy blue eyes looking out over the gathering.

"When Miss Roberts came to join my force, she was the youngest woman in Middlecrest ever to do so. I asked two questions to myself after she had applied and I had interviewed her... how could I allow a person with so much to give, onto my force? This was the first question... Every Officer knows when they swear in, the ultimate price they may have to pay in service of their community. Having known Kimberly since she was just a child, and a close companion of my own granddaughter Bianca-I considered her my flesh and blood. The second question was-how could I not bring her in?" he looked down at the table for a brief pause, then up again. "Because yes, she was warm, and loving. Yet-so fully committed to her passion, there was not even the slightest room for doubt anywhere. Doubt of her skills, doubt of her decision, doubt that she would not simply be an officer, but the most upstanding officer on my force, or any other force that would have been fortunate to have her." His voice gained firmness, courage and compassion-but at every word, threatened to betray him.

"To answer reverends question... why are these lights taken away from us so early? I will say this... Kimberly would not have-nor did she-give her life in vain. She departed from this world in defense of a fellow officer, and in defense of strangers who's names she did not know. Knowing this-my family and friends-remember that it was not about what might have been for Kimberly, but what might not have been for the others she sacrificed her life for. Do not hold them in contempt, or place blame. This was not what Kimberly would have wanted, and by doing so, we rob her most honorable sacrifice of it's valuable meaning. We must trust that young Ms. Roberts would not have sacrificed her own light, did she not have the confidence others would be lit, in it's place. Death is not the end for those who bring such warmth and brightness. Death is not as a candle being snuffed out-no-it is as a match lighting an endless sea of candles before it is inevitably extinguished. For our time must come eventually, but it is the legacy we leave behind-the legacy of our spirit. And it will live on again and again, from one generation to the next, not diminishing, no-growing, forever until the end of time. For she touched many-and each of them will reach out to another who is in need of light, and then each of them to their own brothers and sisters. Though Ms. Roberts would have died to save one light, she saved many by her actions.."

He was silent, lowering his head a moment, then stepping down, "Officer Roger Cooper." Bob said, and raised a hand, pinching the bridge of his nose by his eyes for a moment as Roger took his previous place.

Roger's hands were trembling. A once feared and respected man for his tenacity and intense focus, he now seemed changed in countenance.

"As many of you know... it was by my hand Kimberly's journey was abruptly ended. I attempted to protect her, and she had different plans-and that was to protect me."

He drew in a trembling breath, clearing his hoarse voice.

"Day after day after day since-I've been consumed with grief, and overwhelmed by attacks from enemies unseen, who have told me I don't deserve to live. And I have wanted to believe them, but day after day..." his voice shuddered into a brief sob, "Kimberly has saved my life. Not once, that night-but over, and over, and over again." his shoulders shook and tears fell openly onto the pulpit. At this point, Bob came up behind him and put a steadying hand on his shoulder. Roger was silent a moment, and the gathering was awash with their tears and sobs. After a long silence, and a deep sigh, Roger continued at length.

"Kimberly wasn't alone when she passed onto the next world. Her loyal companions, Tyranny and Axel, were at her side, and she passed in the arms of what I believe to be at the least divine intervention if not an angel-sent to see her from this world into the next, when I could not. For he held her during the time of her passing, and remained there for me when I stood at the edge of despair, afterwards leaving as quietly as he had come. Kimberly was as brave in death as in life, and when I saw her face, there was a peace to it that I cannot describe in words. She was, truly and most certainly, at peace."

With that, he stepped down. The reverend once again took the pulpit.

"Therefore, my dear friends... let us not leave today long mourning the loss of our dear friend, daughter, and Officer-but celebrating the lives of those she went on to preserve by her actions and will undoubtedly touch for generations to come. Peace be with you."