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No Better Man (CA - Robin, Uno, Saber, & Tiffany)

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Wild blond curls and charcoal brown eyes were two of many elegant features Tiffany Tycoon possessed. Unlike Sonja Hyun, Tiffany's voice was rich and deep like butterscotch cream; it turned every man's ear in her direction, and her figure always kept their eyes long after. Despite Sonja's own attractive features, she wasn't athletically built like Tiffany, and she couldn't hold a man's attention the way Tiffany could. Even if her wavy brown hair, bronze-flecked green eyes, and flawless skin could command an army, however, Sonja only had eyes for what Tiffany had.

While Cade "Candace" Stewart had his arm around her shoulders, Sonja eyed Tiffany jealously from across the table. It was just as well. Cade didn't have as much interest in Sonja as he had for Tiffany, or any other woman in the bar for that matter. What he did have was dominance, particularly over David and Laurence. His possession of their envy was something he liked to maintain, as long as Sonja permitted it. He didn't know that Sonja favored David in private just to keep that envy alive, and she didn't mind playing with Laurence on occasion either. It was one of few ways Sonja felt she could ever have an edge on Tiffany, but Tiffany never seemed to notice or care.
"Why would she?" Thought Sonja in secret. "She's got Gabriel Aberdeck, Beta Talkane's right hand man. There's nothing she can't have if she wants it."

Sonja believed Tiffany was born under a lucky star, but of course, Tiffany didn't see it that way. She was happy to put on a face for Sonja and every other woman on the earth who wanted to compete, but nothing Tiffany had ever came from random fortune. She knew how to play an advantage, - after all, she had plenty of practice with others taking advantage of her. Life was a game of survival, and that was the only prize worth winning for Tiffany. She liked to believe Gabriel was one of those loyal, honest men every girl wanted, and that he'd fill her heart with some measure of happiness. But she knew better. Gabriel was a crook. He was the right-hand man of one of the most dangerous men in Pinerich City. He was a gambler, drinker, and card-dealer, just like every other man Tiffany knew. That made him awfully safe to be around, at least for her. And as for Sonja and the other three, Tiffany didn't feel one way or the other. She knew them and how to work with them, but like so much in her life their friendship was superficial.

A silence settled over the company as they drank into a relaxed stupor. David and Laurence were making jokes and talking in hushed tones to one another. Cade kept lulling in and out between feeling Sonja's collarbone with his fingers and looking around the room for some better entertainment. In this he was gratified at times, for his eyes kept wandering back to the bar waitress and the man she was amusing.

Then, at length, Tiffany broke the status quo with her warm voice and genteel movement. "Hey sugar," she said quietly. "I'm going to step into the ladies room and reapply some lipstick. I'll see you in a minute."
Gabriel nodded as Tiffany excused herself, and watched her until the door to the restroom closed. Then he turned back to his posse. The change in the existing state of affairs awoke them, and Cade and Laurence stirred and stretched their limbs.

"Hey Sonja," Gabriel said, drawing the brunette's bright eyes. He gestured with a half-glance and the tilt of his head.
Sonja's attentiveness dulled in an instant and she rolled her eyes. "Sure," she said. Immediately she slapped Cade's hand, and he got out of the booth for her.

Sonja followed Tiffany to the restroom shortly thereafter, and David seized the moment as an opportunity to engage his own interests.
"What do you say, Gabe?" He said, smiling.

Gabriel looked at the bar, leading his glass to his lips in a final sip. Then he chuckled to himself and set the glass on the table.
David's grin broadened, and he slapped the back of his hand against Laurence's shoulder. Both pulled away from the booth immediately and began approaching the bar. Cade, not oblivious to the subject of their exchange, wrung out his shoulders.
"I could go for another too." He said, and he followed the former two to the bar.

"Sounds amazing.  I can be packed in a minute," I replied thinly as I quickly shut the pink, kitteny book and zipped it into my inner coat-pocket.

I used to think the world was against me.  As if out of all people that had ever lived, it was specifically me that the world had it out for.  Maybe it used to make me feel important.  But the truth of the matter was few things were ever so personal unless you made them that way. Usually it was as simple as being at the wrong time at the wrong place. In an alternate reality, my better half was probably sipping a cocktail on the sands of some exotic beach for his 21st birthday.  But in this reality I was at this particular bar, of all places. At the wrong time. And the wrong place. It still didn't make it fair.

I searched Robin's eyes for her thoughts as I heard One, Four, Five, and Six coming up behind us.  One one hand I wanted to be optimistic and say all our differences had been solved in Robin's fine talents at a bartender.  But I'd heard the men send the women away, and I knew it could mean all of one thing.

I reassessed my earlier options.  We could potentially get to the window latch or the back entrance before they got here, but we still had to cross an entire parking lot to get to my car.  And as long as Six had come out of nowhere, I didn't see why Seven, Eight, Nine, and a few other of their close buddies couldn't come out to play either.

No... our advantage lay in the bar.  There was plenty of human people here.  Maybe they were used to getting away with murder, but I figured they at least had the good sense to do it out of eyeshot.  If we were lucky, maybe all they wanted to do was tell us scat like a couple of stray alley cats. I'd be only too happy to oblige.



I watched the women dismiss themselves to the bathroom, and was keen to observe the brief interaction between the remaining men.

In every action, I'd come to learn there was a turning moment. Right now, my tension rested below the surface. I knew better than to release it. But we were still at that mid-step in time, those brief minutes where the situation could move back as easily as it could move forward. If my adrenaline spiked, they'd literally smell it. If I broke, so would Val. I had to wait for the moment to turn.

Inhale. Exhale. Smile.

I leaned over the counters and folded my arms lightly over each other, observing each man as they came up.

There was a lot a walk said about a person. I let my eyes glaze over each one in turn, before purposefully glancing around the bar; checking on my other patrons, meeting Jack's eyes for a fraction of a moment, before meeting the eyes of the agile one. I'll call him Dancer. I raised an eyebrow, "Ready for round two?"

"Yeah!" David said, adorning an enthusiastic and childish grin. Laurence and Cade came to the bar on Val's right and left sides respectively.

"Robin, right? I'm Davie, and this is Cade and Larry."

"How do ya do."

David leaned over the bar on the other side of Cade. He was interlocking his fingers and rubbing his hands together. Laurence had his back to the bar, with his elbows propped up. Cade sat down facing forward.

"How long have you worked here?" Cade ventured to ask.
"And what's your name?" Laurence said. He put out his hand to Val.

After enough time had passed and Saber felt satisfied by the lack of a rash on his fingers, he took a quick sip of the drink. As the liquids bitter taste nipped at his tongue he tried to refrain his face from twisting with distortion over the sensation, but failed. Tom noticed.

" Really?" Tom half heartedly snorted. " You're still not use to the flavor? How long have you been drinking again?"

Saber shook his head. " I don't drink that often okay."

Tom shrugged. " Just surprised with how often I've seen you drink."

Saber leaned forward onto the bar table, placing his chin on his hand and smirked. " Then you want the scientific reason behind it?"

" No," Tom said immediately, taking a slow drink of his whiskey. Saber simply chuckled.

It wasn't long however before his attention was pulled back onto the group in the booth from before, carefully eyeing the wavy blonde haired girl leave and soon the burnette as well. He discreetly watched as the men soon got up and begin to move toward the bar, keeping a close eye on them as they began their "friendly" chatter.

Alejandro and Riley were now invested in their own conversation, though Alejandro was still briefly keeping an eye on Saber for the chance he might have an allergic reaction. Instead he noticed Saber eyeing the men at the bar, as he now took a glance at them as well and decided to keep an eye on them and Saber. If he knew anything about his friend it was he was a magnet to troubling situations, something that hadn't changed since he'd known him in high school.

I gave Four, Five, and Six the side-eye, slowly turning the bar stool to face them head-on.  One stayed where he was, watching. I took Six's -- Laurence's -- hand mirthlessly in a grave sort of embrace.  I gave the men a quick glance and a nod, knowing that in the same breadth they were doing the same to me.  No doubt by now they'd already seen all they needed to see.

"Call me..." I shrugged; only Robin got to call me Val and I feared for their ingenuity to give them creative license, "You can call me Uno".


"Robin's the name. Pleasure to meet you boys." I began to fetch fresh glasses and exhaled audibly, thinking aloud as I turned around the bar, fetching supplies, "Two... three, a few months now? I lose track of time. When you get to be my age, well, it all blends together." I laughed, setting the glasses out on the counter. "Another round of jack and cokes?" I asked the general audience.

"Or you wanna try something else? I can make anything, don't be shy now." I cracked my knuckles for emphasis and rested my eyes on Davie.

When Robin turned her back, "Larry" flexed his hand under his nose.
"Whatever you say … Axe." He whispered in Uno's ear. His ghost-silver eyes turned over the bar as if uninterested, but his smile stayed. Cade clapped Uno on the shoulder before Robin turned back.

"I could go for another jake, unless you've got something in mind." Cade answered.
Davie was grinning juvenilely. He settled with his fingers interlocked, and kept rolling his shoulders on and off each elbow as he scanned the bar.
"Hey," he said, tossing a nod in Jack's direction with an obvious glance at his tattoos. "Nice art. You from around here?"


Tiffany didn't glance away from the mirror when the door to the ladies' restroom creaked open and slammed shut. Sonja walked in stretching an arm over her head and rolling a hand through her messy hair.

"You sick, honey?" She said casually. When Tiffany didn't answer, she popped out her own lipstick and leaned over the sink.

Sonja glanced at Tiffany under her dark lashes.

Tiffany was preoccupied ironing out the wear of the day from her makeup. Feeling the opportunity might go to waste, Sonja popped her lipstick closed and turned on a heel, resting her hip against the porcelain.
"I'm just worried about you, honey." She said, donning a considerate expression. "You've been really quiet all evening."

"Don't worry about me, sugar." Tiffany finally replied, smacking her lips and flexing a smile in front of the glass. "I'm fine."

"Wasn't it fun?" Sonja smiled. She continued undiscouraged. "This morning, I mean. Those boys are all yack and spit, but looks like they're good for something after all."

Tiffany cooed halfheartedly and leaned back for an overview.

Sonja, undeterred, and rather determined to get something out of the otherwise unruffled Tiffany, chirped up rather sharply.
"Tell me," she said, sounding suddenly excited. "What is it like playing up for the big boys and getting to watch them cry for it?"

Just then there was a loud flush, and Sonja spun once again on her heel to appear as preoccupied as Tiffany. A woman exited a stall rather awkwardly and fumbled for the sink. Tiffany continued to polish the shine on her covering. Sonja remained quiet, making faces at herself in the mirror.

It wasn’t that I didn’t hear him. I chose not to acknowledge it for Val’s sake. I’m really not a violent person- but ideally, in a perfect world, my arm would be across the counter in a nice fist to break Larry’s nose. Would fix his problem with the smell real quick like. Maybe cause a world of other problems.

Instead I feigned ignorance and began to fix up another round of drinks.

My eyes shifted to David and followed his interest to Jack as I poured alcohol into the glasses. Jack acknowledged him by meeting his gaze, and shook his head to indicate no.

I almost said nothing.  There was a thin vein pulsing just behind the surface, but I let the fleeting impulse pass.  I wasn't really angry -- I'd ditched pride for a cool eyepatch a long while ago. It was more like an instinctual, gut reaction.  I couldn't say what exactly had set me off.   Something in his face, something the way he said it, something the way he seemed to be leaning forward in anticipation-- I don't know, pick any of the above.  But I knew I had to be mindful of it.  Once you deny flight, you have limited options in where you go next.

I returned his easy smile with one of my own, which probably didn't have the same ease on my face.  I suspected it was less sly fox, and more cactus trying to squeeze itself into a dress.

"Yeah, sure thing Six,"  I assessed him in a cursory glance, amusing myself with his crumpled shirt.  I intended that to be the last of it, I really did. But sometimes mouths are traitorous wretches, "Bit of a tight squeeze coming over, hm?"

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