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No Better Man (CA - Robin, Uno, Saber, & Tiffany)

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Saber noticed Robin's distracted gaze off elsewhere and followed it, glancing subtly examining the group that had just walked in. Unlike Robin however, Saber was quick to draw his attention back, finding Jack, another bartender, taking over for Robin.

" I'll just take some wine." Saber told Jack, trying to slip a smile on. 

Tom could see his friend taking another peak over at the rowdy bunch as they grew louder, distaste clearly shown in his friends dark brown eyes.

" Just ignore them," Tom grumbled as he took another slow drink.

Saber broke away his glare but still looked a bit annoyed.

"Mmm-hmm... not you, maybe, but they gimme a reason to, I might make good on that policy." I responded, once again casting a gaze back to the rowdy group.

One of them spoke up, making a point to be heard.

"Keep your eye on me, ignore them," I added, my eyes settling on Val's on eye. Trying to keep him from turning away. "Somethin's not right. That one, just walked out and came back-he flipped over mid fall like a cat.  Unless he's an acrobat.." I continued to speak in a low, hushed tone, drowned out by the chatter in the bar and the music. I'd let Val fill in the blanks. "Not saying anything for sure, just... you know." now I stood upright. "I got you a present." I smiled. Then I gestured for Jack-who'd already poured a wine for Leather Jacket-to get my friend a drink, and he stepped up to the bar, waiting for his order.

"Hope you're not talking about the service, hon." I responded, raising my voice back at the crew, while stepping out from behind the bar and making my way to the table.

"Names Robin. What can I get for you kids tonight?" I crossed my arms and waited.

One, two...

Three, four, five....


I still held the flimsy ends of my driver's license in my fingers, perfectly woven so it wouldn't be seen in the front.  My expression was calm, although I'd tilted my head just to the left to catch the movement from my periphery.  I'd noted there was a back exit when I came in, a front door, not to mention the windows -- although on later assessment, it looked like those might have a complicated sort of latch involved.  I was in the process of counting the exact number of windows when Robin caught my eyes, pulling me away from myself.

My jaw tightened as she walked away, the driver’s license still perfectly woven in my fingers.  It was a shame to waste a good magic trick, so I furled it out from my forefinger and middle for Jack’s amusement.  Robin said not to worry — but that was exactly what I was doing.  And I liked it even less that she’d marched herself over there because of some stupid joke made at my expense.

I glanced over to Jack, as if nothing was a matter, as if there wasn't some invisible doomsday clock counting down annihilation.  I dared myself a grim smile as I caught his attention.

"Whatever you think suits me, but I do want to remember tonight"


Jack leaned in. He leaned in for a long time. He looked more scrutinizing than thoughtful. He looked Val over, staring at the ID and the taking it between his fingers. He looked that over for a long time, too. Then handed it back. He stroked his chin for emphasis, his brow knit tightly.

Suddenly he grabbed Uno's shoulder and gave him a shake, breaking character and grinning wide. He marched across the counter and took out a glass, spinning it in his hand and setting it down. He dropped a couple of ice cubes in, then pulled a bottle of vodka off the wall and poured a shot of that in.  Followed up by a shot of a dark liqueur. A glass bottle of heavy cream came out from the fridge under the counter, and he poured that in over a spoon-creating a dark and light contrast. He sat that in front of Val but held a finger up, indicating he wait a moment. Out from under the counter came a plate of cheesecake, which he sat in front of Val with the drink, and leaned over with a smile and a nod.

I gave a little jump as he clapped my on my shoulders, surprised, but otherwise I found myself entirely transfixed.  Robin had said Jack was good at what he did. She'd never said he was like a magician on stage. And I'm not talking about my lame bar tricks -- I'm talking like a great big stage and white tigers.  I watched in awe as the sequential steps followed, his hand not once misplacing a single drop.  He put it before me like a great prize, which it was, and I slowly took in the very dramatic ombre of pale, light creme and dark liquor settled at the bottom.

"What is it?" I asked, before I realized Jack wouldn't tell me even if he wanted to.

I gave it a curious sniff.  Coffee, alcohol, and cream.  It seemed simple enough.  I took a small, delicate sip.

"Huh," I took a stab at the cheesecake with a fork. I glanced to Jack again, "It's good".

All eyes were on Robin as she approached the table; charcoal brown, pale ochre, soybean rust, dark maple syrup, olive green, and ghost silver - each pair of eyes had a subtle intensity that overall contrasted against the casual demeanor of the party.

"Do you have a special tonight?" The collared young man asked with a smile.

"I'm not having the special." The brunette interjected, sidling up to the man she called Candace. "You got something made with cherries here? I could go for something like that."


"Whiskey Wednesday - I'll get you all a round of Jack and Cokes. Except the gal-I'll see what I can whip up to fix your cherry craving, sweetie." easy. They couldn't see the hair standing up on my spine, but it definitely was.

With a genteel smile, I turned on my heel and went back up to the bar. Jack was giving Val a satisfied smile, then he hopped over to another table of patrons and quickly fetched them a round of beers before going back to check on Leather Jacket and his posse. He seemed to check in intently on the dark haired boy. I saw him point to the wine, doing a thumbs-up, thumbs-down gesture-his way of inquiring on the drink.

"Alright, Val." I began, rolling my shoulders and pulling out a handful of glasses, filling each one with ice.

"It's about as bad as it looks." I added casually, flashing him a smile. "Good news is, we're all having drinks."

Into each glass went a shot of Jack, followed up with the better part of a can of Cocoa Cola. Humming to myself, I pulled out a jar of maraschino cherries, a jar of orange juice, took the vodka from the shelf and a grabbed the cocktail shaker. In went a dose of vodka, a shot of orange juice, a couple of tablespoons of the syrup from the maraschino jar, and the lid went on. "Everyone's happy when there's booze. Except the ones that get angry. Let's hope we're all happy tonight." I gave it a shake, remembering to breathe while I did. "It's gonna be fine. I'll even see if I can work out a decent tip." I smiled, then poured the drink into a highball glass over ice, garnishing it with about five maraschino cherries, one split down the center and rested on the rim. Everything went on a platter except the Popped Cherry, and I made my way back to the table, dropping the drinks on the table in front of everyone and handing the brunette hers.

"You folks let me know if there's anything else," I chimed, turning to move back over to the bar.

I took a good, long look at Robin when she came back.  In retrospect, we should have seen this coming.  El Lobo Blanco.  The White Wolf... we'd literally walked ourselves straight into a neon-lit sign that said "Werewolves! Come here!".  I took my shot and downed it in a gulp.  I sighed wearily as I watched Robin work, full of optimism and maraschino cherries.

I tilted my head to the left as she strode off to deliver their drinks, keeping a single, steady eye on them.



The gang were pleased to receive their drinks.  The brunette sampled her glass and appeared satisfied. David had his tongue in his cheek, and was leaning on the back of the woman's booth. Laurence had a hand in his pocket, one leg crossed behind the other, likewise at ease. "Candace" was considering his chances at putting himself back at ease with an arm around the brunette. No one complained.

As Robin pulled away, the collared man called out behind her. "There is one thing," he said. He took a leisurely sip from his glass and pointed around the establishment. "How about a round for everyone in this room, and those kids at the bar."
He smiled comfortably as he set his glass back on the table and pulled his girl in closer to himself. "We're celebrating." He said, looking across her wild blond curls.

The other members of the party looked at Robin, running up their own smiles at the notion.

I chuckled slightly, "Mmhm, sure thing. Goes for the ones who are old enough anyway." I remarked, glancing back to the younger of the bunch. I tucked a stray dreadlock back behind an ear and looked over my shoulder, "Jack, get these folks a round on our guests!" I called over my shoulder. The patrons in the bar hooted and hollered at the notion. Some of them really didn't need another drink but, as long as everyone was in good spirits.

I crossed my arms and rested my weight on one hip, settling my eyes on Curls and Collar. "Mind if I ask what the occasion is?"

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