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Mark Weston

Mark Weston

Name: Mark Weston

Meaning: “War-like from the west town”

Nickname: ???

Gender: Male

Age: 37

Race: unspecific caucasian

Accent: "Somewhere, USA"

Occupation: Psychologist

Situation: He came down to help his sister and brother-in-law with his niece’s funeral.

Motivation: Taming monsters and defeating inner demons

Good personality traits: Compassionate, good listener, observant, smart, non-judgemental

Bad personality traits: Can be self-deprecating, has low self-esteem

Phobias/Fears: Letting the people he loves down

Pet peeves: Snap-judgements, closed minds, forgetting something on his grocery list

Desires: To make the world a better place for future generations

Flaws: Not sure yet

Quirks: He’s a movie buff, and apparently really into aliens and sci-fi

Most at ease when: He’s at home watching a good show

Ill at ease when: He’s in the woods, apparently XD

Angered by: Stereotypes, ignorance about mental health issues, and, again, hasty judgment calls.

Saddened by: War, poverty, abundance of addictions and related mental health conditions

Disabilities: Blind as a bat without his glasses. Also suffers from depression and migraines.

Secrets: He hasn’t told me yet.

Regrets: Not having a better relationship with his father, especially as he’s getting older

Accomplishments: Holds a PhD in psychology, owns his own practice, every success story where he could be a guiding hand to help someone overcome their demons and start on the path towards full, productive lives.

Favorite color: He would honestly say brown. It seems so very boring, but he would tell you he gets the same feeling from brown that some others might get from gold or green. It’s rich, it’s full, it’s alive.

Hobbies: Watching movies, reading books, following medical advances towards mental health, enjoying the company of friends

Skilled at: Remembering, listening, observing

Unskilled at: Cooking

Optimist or pessimist?: Optimist for the most part. He believes in the best in people.

Introvert or extrovert?: Extrovert

Daredevil or cautious?: He says he’s on the grey line between the two and can be tipped either way by whatever direction the wind is blowing.

Logical or emotional?: Says both are needed. (And refused to be any more specific)

Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Usually neat. Not fussily so.

Prefers working or relaxing?: Again, both are needed.

Confident or unsure of himself/herself?: Confident of his profession and skill, sometimes unsure of himself

How he/she feels about himself/herself: He tries not to think about himself, as that makes him uncomfortable and overanalyze. Prefers to think about others, look outward instead of inward.

How would s/he describe him/herself: "The boring psychologist"

What s/he thinks is his/her best personality trait?: Kindness and understanding

What s/he thinks is his/her worst personality trait?: Probably would have said apathy when he was younger, but now attributes that to his depressive moods and not to who he is as a person, or who he would be without it. Instead now he’d say his worst personality trait is his tendency to doubt himself, as that can interfere with his work or relationships.

What s/he thinks is his/her best physical characteristic?: The fact that he is not balding yet.

What s/he thinks is his/her worst physical characteristic?: He doesn’t dwell on his physical appearance much, but considers himself pretty ordinary.

What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: He’d like to take a great big cosmic eraser and blot depression and other mental illnesses out of existence. Suffering in general too. But then he’d also wonder if he could, would he actually do it. And then get all philosophical about how our weaknesses and challenges shape us as people.

Does this character get along with other characters?: So far, yes

Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?: So far, no. Maybe doesn’t say exactly what is on his mind, but he doesn’t make a specific effort to hide it, per se.

Enemy(s): None I know of

Best friend(s): Was best friends with his sister, growing up. Still pretty close to her. As an adult, he has recently had a major falling out with his best friend who does not currently wish to be named.

Love interest(s): His love life is complicated. He’s had three serious relationships since being an adult and called all of them off, two after being engaged. He’s pretty determined at this point not to have any from now on.

Person s/he goes to for advice: College mentor, his mother, friends, God. Used to lean a lot in his big sister when he was a kid, but has become more of someone she can lean on now that they're grown.

Person s/he feels responsible for or takes care of: He feels responsible for the mental wellbeing of his patients, but recognizes he can only offer support and tools to help them heal. He can’t just fix it for them.

Person s/he feels shy or awkward around: Nobody so far

Person s/he admires: He admires humanity as a whole. Has a gift with being able to see the best in people, basically everyone, and tries to help them see that too if they can’t.

- Family - 

Mother: Mrs. Weston

Relationship with her: He’s pretty close with his mom. She’s always been there for him.

Father: Mr. Weston

Relationship with him: Strained. Mr. Weston was always distant and hard on Mark as a boy, and even when he became an adult and started pursuing his career path, expressed doubts that mental health exists or that psychology was even a real profession.

Siblings: Natalie Sarah (Weston) Roberts

Relationship with them: He and his sister were thick as thieves growing up. He always felt more comfortable hanging out with her and her friends than boys his own age growing up. She was always his confidant, best friend, and supporter. They became a little distant when she got married and started a family and he got busy at college. They still always give each other a few phone calls a month to catch up and chat.

Spouse: None

Relationship with him/her: N/A

Children: None

Relationship with them: N/A

Other important family members: Kimberly Roberts was his niece. He adored being an uncle and took every opportunity to spoil her whenever he came back to Middlecrest for visits.


By Adriana