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Age: 17

Blood Line: First generation

Background: On his thirteenth birthday party he was going to have a ton of friends over for videogames and junk food. The perfect party for any middle school aged boy. Things were going well until one boy suggested going outside for a nerf gun war on the forested hill. Everyone was very eager so Marcus agreed. Things were going well until he laid eyes on the creamy white full marble up in the air. His hazel eyes glimmered and he howled like a wolf. The others didn't think much of it, maybe he was just trying to get into character, but soon he started to morph. His nails grew five times longer and pointed into claws. His ears shifted so they were on top of his head and very pointy. His face grew longer until there was a muzzle. He dropped to all fours, suddenly his legs were no longer than his arms. And last, fur grew. A lot of it! His friends started to cry and scream and run, but of course they weren't fast enough. He chased them all down until they were in his belly.

He ran away from home after realizing what he'd done. He rode trains around, travel was the only thing that got his mind off of what he'd done. He wandered the streets for a long time, about four years, until he came across a curious looking farm with the scent of many other were-wolves on it.

Personality: Marcus is very quiet and passive. This isn't to say he's submissive, he just kinda lets the world pass him by. Most of the time he's either thinking or doing something practical. If it will be of use to him, he's doing it. He has extreme trust issues and won't tell anyone anything. He doesn't really have anything to hide, other than the night he first transformed.

Human Description: As a human he is average height and slender. He is about 5'6. He definitely could gain a few pounds! His face is a bit thin, his nose small and his eyes a bit large. Their color is a glittering hazel that changes color slightly throughout the day, though most of the time they are honey golden. His hair is a rich chocolaty brown with golden highlights.

How they came to join the pack: Marcus was out wandering through the town when he came across the farm. He would have passed right over it, but it smelled strongly of were-wolf, and so naturally he had to check things out. He ended up getting accepted by Zeit and then meeting the Alpha.