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Logan Ash Geronimo 1/14/2024


Age: 27 (born August 19th, 1970)
Blood Line: Recently discovered she is a second generation werewolf, with a first generation father, and (prior to her birth) a human mother.

Left Her Home: 12/24/1996 (first change)

Character History - Extended

(See her mother's background here)

Left at the age of one in the hands of a man her parents had only known a short while, Logan was raised officially as the “granddaughter” of  Vincent, an elder widowed man.

They lived in the village of Blackridge - a remote, cold and desolate place existing seemingly of it's own accord somewhere in the furthermost reaches of the Alaska border.

A strange village of migrants from overseas, their primary language is Slovak. In order to prepare her for the expected return of her family, Vincent attempted to teach Logan whatever English he might, which was proper, if not broken. Logan was largely resistant to these lessons.

Vincent was a good man, protective of Logan.  His own children had grown and left him many years ago. Yet he was stern and did not give Logan any special graces because of her circumstances. Everyone in Blackridge had stringent duties that they had to upkeep for the survival of the village and all in it.

Logan was tasked early on with all forms of manual labor, from cutting wood for the winter (which occupied more months than not), maintaining the farmlands and homesteads, to helping butcher, clean and carve livestock and elk, among other duties. 

Logan thus steadily grew strong and well tempered. Her genetics combined with the hard work tasked of her, brought about abilities and a stature challenging that of the men of her village. She grew capable and undaunted of any task; however she too grew silent, taking commands quietly and seldom speaking her mind.

Early on in her youth, Logan was estranged by the children of her age in the village (although very few in number). Their parents would not let them engage with Logan for her unfamiliarity and lack of lineage in the town. Her eyes were also a subject of much muttering and gossip, so much so that Vincent had no choice but to get them examined by numerous specialists to satisfy their curiosity - but no such answer could be provided. Only that it was some anomaly that was perhaps indicative of a genetic defect, yet did not seem to affect Logan at present. 

There was just one boy with which Logan grew a close friendship early on in spite of disdain from the other villagers. His name was Liam, and he was the youngest of widower by the name of Rakiram-Vincent's closest friend. They were the same age and both of quieter temperaments.

Logan and Liam did everything together, which made the work less strenuous and the days shorter. That was until Liam (along with Logan) turned sixteen. He was allowed to join his own father on the yearly hunts with the rest of the men.

Upset by the perceived injustice of it, Logan began acting out and physically challenging any one in the town who would accept, in order to further prove herself. She built a reputation around her strength and became a target for her peers as they combined their efforts to humble and dominate her.  Logan has since never backed down from an honest challenge not instigated by herself,  and often perceives challenges even where there are none due to this.

When Logan reached the age of twenty six, she requested the right to patrol the border of their village as part of her duties. A patrolman was a must for the village, as there were packs of wolves, bears and other beasts that threatened day and night to take their livestock, the lifeblood of the village. There were also whispers of great, monstrous creatures that roamed the forests just outside. This was usually reserved for men, but finding Logan able bodied and determined, the duty was given to her.

Then came the night of her first transformation.


Logan is a steadfast, hardworking woman with a quietly dominant demeanor. As someone who is silent and always observing her surroundings while keeping her head high and shoulders squared, Logan may inadvertently come off as standoffish or challenging. However, get to know her and you will find she is constantly curious, wondering about the world she lives in and the people who surround her-her mind is a constant buzz of questions and pondering, and truly she means no harm to anyone save those who threaten her allies. Contrarily, it is shown she is warm and affectionate with her loved ones, and does not tolerate perceived injustices or threats to those she feels a sense of duty towards.

Due to her upbringing in a rural town made up mostly of Slovak immigrants, and obstinately refusing to learn much English, her language can be broken and her phrasing can at times be confusing, and while this doesn't stop her from engaging in conversation with her pack mates, she is seldom the first one to start a conversation. Miscommunication tends to arise often due to her tone and infliction, further deterring her from seeking the answers she desperately craves.

Logan is not satisfied to idle-she is always up long before the sun and with or without direction, will keep herself busy throughout the day, even if she must make some kind of work to do. She does not sleep until the sun has set and even then only needs a few hours to meet her needs.

She hates waste, whether that be in the form of time or other resources.

There are times where she may feel challenged, in which case she will meet the challenge and will not back down unless forced to. On the other hand, she doesn't see certain actions to hold the same weight as another person might, and will act as though there was no harm done and forgets about it quickly. A punch to the face will hold no water as opposed to an insult to her character.


Human Description:
Logan stands at 6'4" and is some 230+ lbs of muscle. A life of hard labor and her share of brawls, backed with a sturdy ancestry, has given her a physique that rivals many men in strength. Her skin is a warm shade of tan, her eyes a strange, dusty shade of violet, and her hair --which is straight and long, reaching to her rear-- is jet black.

Having a strong heritage of both African and Native American genetics, Logan has a square shaped face and strong jawline. Her lips are pronounced. Her eyes and brows are more often than not set in what might be an almost sorrowful or else intense expression. Her body is riddled with scars, however the ones that are immediately noticeable are three thine lines across the top of her left wrist, a scar across the bridge of her nose, a long scar along the right side of her jaw, a mangled scar along the back of her left calf, and finally a large series of marks on her left shoulder. Several other scars mark her body, though most of them are nearly faded, indicating they must have happened much earlier on in her life.

The women in the pack have likely seen a greater scope of her battles, such as the round scar on her upper thigh from the bull that gored her, the three thick scars along her lower back, and the various scars from her fights in Blackridge.

That is to say also - on the one hand, Logan has an incredibly high threshold and tolerance for pain. It takes a good deal more to cause her to flinch, and in all of the battles she's endured through, she's never shed a tear for it. However, it has recently come to light that Logan suffers from nerve damage in her low back, especially effecting her right hip and leg. This can cause mild to severe discomfort and even numbness, making it difficult to move the leg at all on bad days.

Logan can work tirelessly in the same place for hours on end, and keep a steady pace just the same; however, what she possesses in strength and endurance, she lacks in stealth and speed. She is not fast by any stretch, and in both forms, tends to be heavy footed. She lacks agility and sure footedness - therefore the heights of the mountains and narrow pathways often intimidate her. This may be in part due to the aforementioned nerve injury.

Her typical outfit consists of cargo pants a few sizes too large (either black, camo green or tan), a black or white tank top, black military duty boots (she wears these less frequently now), and a silver tribal cuff on her upper left arm. In warmer seasons, she'll usually keep the pants rolled to her knees and will avoid wearing shoes whenever possible. During cooler seasons, she'll keep a flannel shirt tied at her waist to put on when she finally decides it's cold enough. She weathers the cold well but the heat exhausts and frustrates her, as she is not accustom to it.


How they came to join the pack:
The night of a full moon, Logan transformed just outside of the city of Reknab Bend. This led her to hunt down Jacqueline Ryder; a werewolf who herself was only just beginning to learn control of her form and had strayed from the pack. Logan left this werewolf nearly mortally wounded, and took up chase after another werewolf that had been lingering nearby! However the chase was intercepted by Alpha Kratos, who, knowing that this stranger had attacked one of his own kin, quickly overpowered Logan. Her only chance to be saved then was to agree to help him by taking up chase again after the one who she had followed prior, who was a spy against the Calagathorm pack.

In the end, Logan caught up to the spy and another battle ensued, that left both she and the spy, Levi, beat and unable to fight any longer. Kratos approached again, and commanded them both to come to his pack. This was her initial meeting with the Calagathorm and their kin. However she would not join until the next full moon, where after a battle with Timothy, she loosed a howl that proclaimed her loyalty to Alpha Kratos.


Known Likes and Dislikes

Food: Fish, blueberries, heavy+hearty food (particularly dumplings), pickled eggs, herbal teas - doesn't like most vegetables (outside of root vegetables), spicy food, or sweets

Hobbies: Working with her hands, esp with wood, spending time alone in silence and contemplating, work in general, exercise, sparring - particularly hand to hand combat, taking ice baths at sunrise

Fears: Bovine, heights, Sabrina's "healing" abilities, deep water (she can't swim)

Annoyed By: Rudeness, dishonesty, unclear motives or inviduals with ulterior motives, when she can't read someone, lack of boundaries, crass inviduals, rhetorical or senseless questions. Often agitated by the English language and her own language barriers, especially when she can't think of a word, stubbornness (unless it's her being stubborn, of course)

Endeared To: Openness, honesty, a willingness for mutual understanding and respect, hard working, kindness

Other Quirks:

-Can't write in English, but she can read a little. Refused to learn growing up, and probably will continue to refuse insofar as she doesn't see a need for it.

Other Drawings

Levi-and-Logan.pngScreenshot of the scene from post #115 in Where the Moon Meets the Mountain)

fixedneck2.pngLogan coming up from the water in the spring near Dead Man's Trail - which she occasionally visits on her own time


Daytime redraw of an older piece, based around one of Logan's first week at the pack! Anatomy is bad generally but note that Logan lost a lot of mass while traveling for three months prior to joining the Calagathorm. She's rebuilt a good amount of it but still isn't at her strongest. This image loosely depicts her at one of her lowest weights (still strong and athletic side by side with an average woman)




Old Drawings






(Unwritten scene involving Logan and a Retischer boy - in which Logan gets her head put through a window and the Retischer boy goes home very bruised..)



Logan after being forced to transform via Silas' concoction in A Time for Questions and Answers

Logan's arm immediately post injury.


A wedge, driven deep by the blow of a hammer, splintered and split a log half way. A second blow divided the wood, and it fell to either side of the chopping block with a stout thud.

Hands bound in leather straps picked up one piece and returned it to the block, this time, cutting it into a quarter. It was repeated for both pieces.

“Not enough...” a raspy, yet firm, voice called from around the corner.

“I am still working. Don’t worry.” Logan responded between breaths, as she stacked the wood in her arms, then carried it to a pile alongside a two story, cobblestone home. The older man who had come around the corner, crossed his arms and inspected the pile. His brow and forehead were dusty, his hands covered in ash. He had spent the day incinerating bones from cattle and other animals that had been slaughtered, in order to create fertilizer for the fields.

“Ah, take a break. Mr. Retischer has a couple of cattle that are calving, his son came to let me know that he needs help..”

Logan looked up, hair back in a messy braid that was falling out everywhere, clothes soaked in sweat. “It is not the season..” she responded with knit eyebrows.

“Yes, well, remember when the dividing fence for the bullpen was down and it he had gotten out for a few hours, last year? It does not take long.” he responded with a single raised eyebrow, removing a cloth from his pocket and wiping his face.

“They will not survive the winter.” Logan responded solemnly.

“More importantly, they cannot afford to feed them in the winter.”

This was bad news to Logan. It meant that the calves would need to be slaughtered young.

Winter in Blackridge was long, and cruel. It was no time to be young-be you a person or animal. The town had very basic amenities. A post office, a telephone line that seemed to need repairs more often than not, and only ran as far as the post office. You had to schedule calls and hope the line was working. Few people had cars and fewer drove. The train seldom delivered gasoline, and it was an expensive commodity; saved for emergencies that their tiny medical center couldn’t handle in house. If you were going out of town under normal circumstances, you’d take a train to a busier station, and take a connecting train from there to reach civilization.

It was no wonder the population was dwindling to a wisp. At one point, it was a fairly busy junction, due to the coal and iron mines nestled in the mountains that surrounded the valley. Iron was especially precious during WW2,  resulting in the “Save Your Cans” campaign, but once external imports picked back up, the mining project was all but abandoned. The upkeep for the shafts became shoddy at best, until finally, the mines collapsed and were definitively decommissioned.

Given the timing of Blackridge’s establishment, it hosted people from all over - immigrants, refugees and natives ike.

The population had dropped by more than half by after the war ended and the cost to import the iron from rural Blackridge into other areas was no longer a financially sound decision. Families moved out to find opportunity elsewhere. Those whom had planted roots, intended to stay until they died.

A couple more decades past and the stories of the werewolves in the mountains began to spread in the mid sixties. The population became smaller. They had enough problems in Blackridge, without monsters in the woods.

There were few other families with children when Robin and Jodecai brought Logan to Blackridge. Logan had approximately twelve peers around or of her age, only one of which was a female. She was out of a family of four that she had been estranged from, due to a falling out between them and her adoptive parent, Vincent  Bartholomai (Sloan), around the same time he became Logan's guardian.

Mr. Retischer had been accused of beating his wife and children, yet his money-the only thing that perhaps kept any farce of an economy going-protected his reputation from its due defacement.

Ironically, that family was the Retischers that Sloan was now offering to help. The same one whose sons had constantly fought with Logan, and once had convinced Logan to climb into a pen with the bull that gored her leg. This same bull that had apparently fathered calves well out of calving season.

He was more trouble than he was worth, or at least so Logan thought.

Another peer of Logan was Liam, with whom she had truly established a deep friendship with. His father and Sloan, along with other men in the village, went on yearly hunting trips that would last for weeks on end, to return before winter with furs, venison and rabbit.

Like Logan, Liam only possessed a single adult guardian - his mother passed due to childbirth complications. Unlike Logan, Liam still had a biological parent present.

While the Retischer boys - and their one, wild and mean sister - had every intention to take their cattle business elsewhere once their parents passed, Logan and Liam were content with their life in Blackridge. Liam had even proposed to Logan when he was ten, at an age when the gesture held little more meaning to Logan than offering her a morsel to eat.

Logan and Sloan reached the farm. One cow labored easily and a handsome brown bull was born. The other cow wasn’t so fortunate - her calf was breech, and wouldn’t breathe their first. Logan observed the mothers instinctively licking their calves clean, one wide eyed and awake, the other lost to a perpetual sleep.

“Probably for the best,” old Mr. Retischer commented. “You may be able to fatten the bull on the milk from both mothers, this way.” Sloan added. “That’ll get him through the first month. It’s the other five months I’m concerned about. We’ll see. Another bull wouldn’t hurt to have, though..”

It was the circle of life, Logan contemplated, as she looked on at the calf, born only hours after Sloan had finished burning the bones from the seasons slaughter. It was cruel, and sometimes too short. Nonetheless, it was the way of things in Blackridge. This was her home, for which she had every intention to stay for the rest of her life...

Character Trivia

  • Although Logan believed her transformation to be caused by the werewolf that attacked her outside of her hometown of Blackridge, it may have actually been a dormant gene as she first transformed the same night of the attack.
  • Logan's first language is Slovak, due to her upbringing. Meanwhile, her ethnicity is half African American and half Native American.
  • Logan's lavender eyes are unique to her - her father and mother had yellow and orange eyes, respectively. They don't seem to affect her one way or another.
  • Logan was gored in the leg by a bull in her youth, which has left her with a great respect for any bovines.
  • Logan has three wide scars on her lower back that were (unbeknownst to her) caused by a bear attack on her third change (February). The attack left her with nerve damage in her lower back that affects her hips and legs, and on bad days can impair her mobility. She takes ice baths to help relieve the symptoms.
  • Recently revealed that Logan was betrothed to her childhood friend, Liam (pictured above and below).