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Lily of the Valley (CA - Silas)

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It is said that knowledge is power, and if that's so than information is the fuel that feeds it.  Balthazar listened, and as he listened the quiet room became somehow quieter.  Something - some thought or emotion - played through his cold blue eyes. He never said what it was.

"In only three years you have accomplished this?" He said, "That is quite an impressive feat. Not for the last time you show merit worthy of any of the finest of the race, Actaeon. And this drug, it is not harmful to the user?"

“Resources and time are powerful weapons in the hands of a determined man, Mr. Baltronan..” I responded, “Nonetheless, the components for the steroid were something I had been researching for a long while, before putting in the work to create it.”

I looked at the wine in the glass, and gestured at it by uncrossing my fingers and using my whole hand to motion to it.

” The dose makes the poison. If a werewolf were an athlete, this is the drug of choice. I used about fifteen ml on a two hundred fifty kilo-“ eh, “It doesn’t matter, numbers are numbers. I’ll give you the reaearch paperwork. It was on the high end for this subject and the change was more rapid than I would have liked. The research dictates that too large a dose can cause the transformation to come on too quickly for the cells to reconstruct properly, which will be not only more than mildly uncomfortable, but also place detrimental strain on the body. Because it’s an adrenalin based steroid, it can also cause heart attacks among other things. I’ll be producing different size doses and publishing the papers for our reference shortly. A sedative of a similar quantity can be utilized to reduce the effects quickly. But as with any drug, the half life of it can become a concern, and there is a limit to how much stress a body can take. It can also potentially imprint on someone, the way any traumatic event can-thus, the change could be more aggressive during a subsequent transformation. Basically,”

I met his eyes seriously,

”It doesn’t belong to just anyone. I will trust your judgement, that you have the ability to identify the parties who are capable of using, not misusing, its properties. In spite of the intention of its design, it is not meant to be a weapon for destruction. It costs far more than a bullet to produce and the result of impact has an infinite number of consequences.”

Beta Baltronan was unmoved and silent as he listened. Then he sat back and lifted his chin.

"Armed with resources and time, you are a dangerous man, Silas Vance Thaddeus; Actaeon." He said. "You have brought about a miracle in very short time, and still it is not a trustworthy one. Science is not perfect; yet when you have perfected your research we will have all legal lines drawn to ensure it never falls into the hands of our enemies. Until then, take care that it is not widely published, even among the Svalnaglas. Our advantages are a source of envy and contention among the other factions. I do not want to have reason to place bodyguards about your person, as I know that you enjoy your liberty and privacy. We want you to be able to continue your valuable work in behalf of the Baltronans in peace."

Oh, yeah. That was a good point. Personal safety was never number one on my list of things to plan for or to avoid. Had it been, I might not have followed Diane's treasure map to what was nearly my permanent resting spot.

"To your previous point.. you mentioned the situation in Mount Turbulence was of Talkane's affairs. Tiffany had mentioned something about my intercepting her call. However.. as you know," I gestured to the envelope, "Your daughter intercepted that call and had me follow the trail. Do you have any idea why she's interested in the Talkane's business? Clearly it's of little merit to you, but I've  come to learn your intentions are not always one and the same." I narrowed my eyes. "With all due respect.. I have no intention of accepting a mission from your daughter without having the details in black and white. I understand some tasks come with a certain degree of necessary secrecy, nonetheless, fool me once.."

"I am sure that Diane intended no harm to you," Balthazar replied. "What she tasked to you she believed you well capable of managing, and you have demonstrated that with uncommon finesse. You have proved worthy of her confidence, and it would please me if you kept it."

"Nonetheless," he added. "If you should bring the matter by me before engaging in the future, you will have no concern for your welfare. I will see that you are fairly compensated for the inconvenience."

Right. Because tattling on the Beta's daughter to her father if she sent me on another suicide mission, wasn't likely to remove me from her confidence, or get me whacked as soon as my back was turned. Hah. As long as I could find things to keep me busy, that were outside of the scope of Diane.. fool me once, or twice, or three times.

"I appreciate that. I have enough in the way of money, Mr. Baltronan. But if you happen to find out why the Talkane girl was up there in the first place, clearly as woefully unprepared as myself.. and if she has been since located - dead or alive - that would be enough. Information has far more monetary value to me than funds, and as you've come to learn, my curiosity is painfully determined."

I moved to stand, but changed my mind - it was disrespectful to stand before the Beta.

"Oh - there is one thing - I'd like to conduct my research privately somewhere closer than my current study outside of town. Would there be anywhere near here that would be private enough for that purpose?"

Mr. Baltronan watched Silas with a look in his icy blue eyes reminiscent of dry humor.

"It can be arranged." He said.

I nodded. The silence was quickly uncomfortable.

”Beta Baltronan,” I inclined my head. “Is there anything you need from me at this time?”

"Not at this time," Balthazar said as he leaned back. His hand withdrew again into his suit and he laid another paper in front of Silas. It was a newspaper clipping of a crudely drawn cartoon that advertised an upcoming political affair on behalf of the mayor of Pinerich.
The heading was in bold letters "HIGH SOCIETY FUNCTION". The picture was a badly drawn caricature of a round little man with stumpy legs, smoking a black cigar. He stood in the doorway of a ballroom with other characters gathered round. Over his shoulder a grotesquely smiling and winking moon was looking in. On the man's head was a top-hat with a ticket sticking out of the ribbon, on which were the words, "flattery's promises." Behind his back was a dead and shredded lamb, partly covered under a embroidered doormat with the words scrawled on, "Aesop got it wrong". Notably, one of the characters in the ballroom was a rather well dressed wolf.
Under the cartoon, a brief announcement was written, giving the time and place of a campaign meeting.

Balthazar flexed his hand over the table. Casually, the barkeep returned to the bar in the corner. Then the room steadily resumed its normal functions; people came in to be seated, voices returned to the air, glasses clinked. It seemed entirely too casually coincidental.

"You don't know how much it pleases me to hear that you have no material wants, Actaeon," said Beta Baltronan. "I told you we would take care of you. Now, if it is information you want, it is information you will have. Rest assured, I am now equally invested. The Talkane girl will be found."

The Beta then motioned with his hand toward the door, allowing Silas to leave if he should choose to do so.

"Thank you for the invitation." I responded, looking over the paper only briefly before tucking it away. "I'll be sure to join you." now I stood up, and looked around the room-- where did these people come from? It both amazed and terrified me, how time itself seemed to standstill around Beta Baltronan.

"Will your esteemed daughter be present for the event?" I found myself asking, to my own surprise, as I adjusted my suit collar.

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