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Liam, Son of Rakiram

Name: Liam (given by his mother and used in Blackridge - meaning "strong willed warrior"), "Inuksuk" (given by his father and used among his pack - meaning "to act in the capacity of a human")

Race: Werewolf - his mother was a half blood, father is a full blood

Ethnicity: Alaskan Inuit on his fathers side, Slovak on his mothers side

Age: 27 (born in June, 1970)

Physical Appearance:

Liam is 6'3" with a strong, defined build. He is as athletic as he is powerful. The scars on his face and body reveal the many fights won in defense of his pack and of his rank.

His skin is a rich warm tan. His narrow eyes are the color of caramel in human form, and an almost colorless off-white in his werewolf form. His cheekbones are high and his jaw is sturdy.

His hair reaches past his shoulders and is a a medium-to-light brown tinged with lighter golden brown highlights from the sun. It's wavy and often worn loose except at the middle of his head, where it is braided over the rest of his loose waves.

Inuksuk wears mostly leathers and pelts. In his werewolf form, he is thick furred and wears a a single long braid down his mane. His coat is largely white, with a warmer beige accenting the upper parts of his body, and white ceremonial markings on his face and ears.

Brief Backstory:

Liam was born in the warmer months, in North Alaska. His mother, Eliška, was unwell and he was born prematurely. His mother passed away within hours of his birth. It was around this time that Logan's own parents had settled in Blackridge and Logan would be born eight weeks later. For the year that Robin stayed to ensure Logan's health, she nursed both babies, as there were no other mothers in Blackridge nor in Inuksuk's pack at the time.

Liam grew up mostly with his pack; a more primitive tribal pack rich with tradition. He didn't spend all of his time in the village of Blackridge, and instead spent months incrementally between the two very different worlds. In spite of the differences between the two, Blackridge was part of his families territory, and as Alpha intended, it was important that he understand both. None of the inhabitants of Blackridge knew that he was a werewolf (including Logan and her "Grandfather"), and yet they had many tales of the beasts even in recent days (though many thought they were only giant wolves).

With what time he spent in Blackridge as Liam, he grew very close to Logan, strengthened by a bond developed early in their infancy.

As he grew into a young man, his priorities were increasingly to his pack, and he spent less and less time in Blackridge. Many of his months were spent away on hunts, and his family provided meat not only for their own but for the inhabitants of Blackridge.

During their adolescence, Liam and Logan grew apart, but would come to grow close again in their mid 20's. Eventually, Liam would ask to be married to Logan by offering her an ornately decorated shawl, made of a white reindeer pelt. They were 26 at the time, and intended to be wed in the following spring - between that time period, Liam had intended to tell Logan of his pack.

He did not get the opportunity, as that following winter, his betrothed was forced to leave due to being attacked by an enemy werewolf.

Inuksuk's first priority was to his pack, and he could not follow Logan away from his territory at the time...


Unlike Logan's stoic, more reserved disposition - evidence of her upbringing among those who are often at odds with one another - Liam possesses a much lighter disposition.

He is naturally cheerful, quick to smile and laugh (especially so when the situation is dangerous or requires him to be serious). He lives very much moment to moment and doesn't tend to dwell on the past or future. He is slow to hold grudges and quick to forgive.

He is an attentive friend and a fast brother, and among his pack he has many friends.

On the other hand, he is a strong warrior and highly skilled hunter, forager, bowman and fisherman.

As Alpha intended, he is respected for his charisma and strength, however, is unable to lead critically and discipline as needed. He will have to find the correct balance if he is to become Alpha.

Other FAQs

  • Liam is first mentioned in "Echoes from the Past" in a flashback, back in 2015. Silas, having been scouting the territory for some time beforehand (following Riding Bearback and preceding A Time for Questions and Answers), had located Logan's wallet - containing a photo of him and her Grandfather.
  • Liam had found Logan the morning after her attack. It’s written in the narrative that he brought her bag and some things for the journey and told her she couldn’t stay (the villagers would kill her); this is how I knew he was a werewolf, and that the town of Blackridge was somehow involved with werewolves.
  • Liam's duties to his pack and the long stretches of time he spent away, especially into his adolescent years, contributed a lot to Logan's behavior and development, as she began to act out more while he was gone.
  • Logan and Liam were due to be wed in the spring following their betrothal, around the same time Logan came to join the Calagathorm. While this was discovered in hindsight, it explains a lot of her bitterness and anger earlier on, as she not only struggles to understand her new pack, but to let go of the past and future.
  • In the Northern part of Alaska Liam's pack holds territory, they see over 80 days of constant sunlight between May and August - therefore, Liam's pack is called in English, "The Pack of the Midnight Sun". Their pack uses these months to hunt. Meanwhile, they have 60 days of darkness beginning in mid November and continuing until mid January. These are the "Months of Midday Moon", with which they hold "Celebrations". Through these months, the pack stays close together and keeps warm with almost constant singing and dancing.

The Covenants of the Divines

Covenants of the Divines are covenants upheld by every member of the "Midnight Sun Pack". In all, there are nine, but each Tribe (Beta and company) within the territory may instill their own bylaws so long as they do not alter the context of the original covenants.

The first three Covenants pertain specifically to the race, and are in place to protect werewolves and men alike from the motivations of the beast.

Firstly: We are blessed with the faculties of men. We are man before beast. Any man who disobeys this law by putting his the instinct or emotions before his conscious will, contrary to the teachings of the pack, is subject to the punishment of man and beast. Blood debts are to be repaid in blood.

Secondly: By the light of the moon, we do not draw the blood of mankind, nor seek his birth into our race. If one loses control of their faculties and causes a man to forfeit his humanity, the debt is twofold: accompanied by another, he must find his family and inform them of the loss. Henceforth, he is required to hunt for the Moonborn and his family for the next five years. The meat will be cleaned and delivered to the family in secret by a scout. He will otherwise have no contact with the pack and cannot join in the Celebrations, but will continue to stay on designated land and subject to our laws, as one who has infected once cannot be exiled.

Thirdly: We are stronger than the natural man, and do not need to dominate nor prove our strength to them. The land is to be shared, and when compromise is to be made, it is to be in the courts and currencies of men, lest we concede. Our bodies can take us where men cannot live, and even in these modern days, we have enough.


The next three Covenants pertain to family, inner pack disputes, and disputes between multiple packs.

Fourth: Family is the sacred lifeblood of all of mankind. The family is not to be broken apart unless the need is dire, and is to be revered; protected from conception until it is reclaimed by time or nature. A man who breaks his ceremonial oaths to his wife is to be exiled. A family who casts out their elderly or youth (who are not of the age to hunt), will be forbidden from partaking in the Celebrations until they have reconciled before the Alpha.

Fifth: The fifth and sixth covenants pertain to challenges, the fifth being in relation to inner pack disputes (whether between Tribes or within them, but all within the united territory).

Challenges are an honored tradition of both men and beast. They are a permitted display of physical strength between (a single pair) of able men under the witness of the Alpha and Beta's, along with their Tribes.

The only accepted challenges are for a mans rank or to defend ones honor. Challenges for his property (because we are united and share a land and resources), his beloved or his family, are not permitted and are subject to fierce punishment should they be held in secret.

On a Challenge within a Tribe: The whole Tribe-that is, a Beta and his subordinates, must be present, as well as the Alpha and the Beta's of the other Tribes. Challenges between multiple Tribes must have the entirety of both Tribes present along with the Alpha and Beta's.

Blood may be drawn, but the battle will be stopped before it is in excess, which is; before it can cause any man to be unable to hunt that season or the severity of his injuries will cause him to die.

If the battle becomes excessive, intervention is to be made by the Beta’s. If a wound is inflicted before it can be prevented, that is in excess, the family of the man who is injured will decide how the debt is to be repaid; they can require the offender to hunt for them until he is beyond the Hunting Age, or they can call for his blood to be repaid in kind.

It is the duty, however, of the Beta’s to foresee when there is malicious intent and intervene before it comes to this.

Sixth-On External Challenges: It is customary among our pack--and the custom is known among our sister packs--that contact between packs must be initiated by a scout, who must give ample notice of their approach upon the territory, and must come with an offering of peace. When these customs are not followed, and, or, contact is initiated by any member who is not a scout, they are to submit to the will of the Alpha or be treated as a threat (as is the same for rogues, wanderers or loners).

In the case that hunting is poorly for a neighboring pack, and they are civilly requesting hunting rights on our land, they are subject to the laws of our land and the Tribes in it, and a civil agreement must be made between the Alpha, Beta's and members of the neighboring pack.

If a neighboring pack intends to challenge us for any rights to our territory, that do not pose a risk to our members; for example, in cases of hunting and land only, then we will make an effort to establish a rule of compromise before the challenge is initiated and taken out. If our pack is challenged beyond our territory, that is, if our women or children are threatened to any degree, civility is forfeit.

If contact is made that is hostile, non compromising, and no civil agreements can be made-our pack is called to defend their homes and families by any means necessary.

The final three covenants pertain to respecting the land and the body.

Seventh: Respect the land and all living things in it-from the crawling things that signify the health of the earth, to the beasts that are to become our meals, and one another; it is our belief that all things possess a soul and that we are to answer for the unjust treatment of them.

In regards to the land: We will respect the natural order and not alter in excess the flow of the water nor the paths the large beasts tread. We take only what we need from the land and give back as often as we are able.

Eight, in regards to the beasts of the land: We will hunt by a census of our numbers in the Months of Hunting or Months of Midnight Sun, in order to supply our needs for the Dark Months or Months of Midday Moon. We are not to hunt the mothers of the beasts or their young, and will hunt where there is an excess but not in excess. We may hunt the caribou, the moose, the elk and the deer of every species, but may not eat of predators and thus disrupt the natural order of the land. You may not keep the beast alive longer than is needed to finish the hunt, and you may not decimate the hide. All parts are to be used wholly and entirely.

Ninth: We are born from the womb of our mother, and will be returned into the womb of the earth. We are wise to be mindful therefore, of what we put into ourselves, and in our finality, what we give back to the land. We are to take no substance in excess, and ceremonial drinking or smoking is reserved only for Celebrations of Life or Marriage. It is wise to be cautious of refined medications, for they are not created to be metabolized by our kind, and the effects are therefore not equivalent to men.

While members are allowed to civilly leave the Pack of the Midnight Sun, they are required to uphold these Covenants wherever they go. If they are to join another pack, they will join at the lowest rank. Still, they must establish with the Alpha that they will uphold their Covenants and provide the Covenants in written format to the Alpha.

Hunting the Caribou


In the spring, I play; the fox is my friend, I watch the caribou
The eagle gives me a feather, the feather I give to my mother,
My mother makes me a wing

In the summer I search, the sun is my friend, I watch the caribou
The fox gives me her winter fur, the fur I give to my sister,
My sister makes me a tail

In the autumn I rest, the moon is my friend, I follow the caribou
The eagle gives me a feather, the feather I give to my brother,
My brother makes me a wing

In the winter I hunt, the wolf is my friend, I hunt the caribou
My father gives me his bow, the arrow I will use on the caribou
For my family, I will make a meal

In the winter, the wolf hunts the caribou, the wolf finds me,

"Trade me your caribou for four paws, that will take you quickly to your hunt,"
"Trade me your wings for many teeth, that will quickly end your hunt,"

In the spring, I run, the fox fears my claws, I watch the caribou
In the summer, I run, my brother fears my teeth, I watch the caribou
In the autumn I run, my mother fears my fur, I follow the caribou
In the winter, I run, my father fears my strength, I hunt the caribou
I am the wolf, the wolf is me; the wolf a man is now set free

The moon is my friend
I hunt the caribou


Lore - To be Revealed in the Story
The song is one of the oldest of Liam's pack, and is both an origination tale and a cautionary one.

In the song, a man hunts caribou with traditional methods, and is friend to many kinds of animals. The animals and his family bless him with gifts, so that one day he might "fly" free from his earthly burdens.

However, a tempter comes and asks for his gifts in trade for teeth, claws and fur. The man thinks this is a good trade, and while he will not be able to fly, he will be able to provide more easily for his family.

However, in forfeiting the gifts and blessings of his family, he forfeits all he has and all he was - the fox no longer plays with him, and his family fears his features. Only the wolves will run beside him.

The song is extended into many stories, but the primary moral of which is not to cast your blessings away for something you perceive to be better, which in fact may bring about your destruction.