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Levi O'Connell

Leviticus Daniel O'Connell

Name: Leviticus Daniel O'Connell

Meaning: "of the Levites, God is my judge, son of wolf"

Nickname: Levi

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Race: Werewolf

Accent: Northern Ireland, Ulster

Occupation: Spy

Situation: Was sent to find out what happened to Sabrina and gather Intel on Kratos' pack

Motivation: Just wants to figure out his place in the world, man

Good personality traits: He's friendly, brave, easy to talk to

Bad personality traits: A bit of an adrenaline junkie, doesn't always think things through, can be a bit awkward 

Phobias/Fears: Crowds of people he doesn't know, being alone

Pet peeves: Can't think of any, he's pretty live-and-let-live.

Desires: He just wants to be part of a family, man ;^;

Flaws: Again, doesn't always think things through before he jumps in headfirst.

Quirks: Playful, likes to joke around, somehow manages to pass for over 18 when he's in a suit

Most at ease when: There's good food and good company

Ill at ease when: He's crowded, shirtless, or in the company of strangers

Angered by: injustice, selfishness, thoughtless actions causing harm to the innocent, politics

Saddened by: loneliness, people getting hurt

Disabilities: none

Secrets: He'd be an open book to anyone who asks, but he doesn't like to talk much about his past

Regrets: Leaving Ireland

Accomplishments: He got out of bed this morning

Favorite color: Green

Hobbies: Drawing, poetry, reading, taking care of animals, parkour

Skilled at: Drawing, reading, and taking care of animals, parkour

Unskilled at: poetry

Optimist or pessimist?: Optimist

Introvert or extrovert?: Introvert

Daredevil or cautious?: Both. He's cautious by nature, but gets a thrill out of danger

Logical or emotional?: Emotional

Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?  Messy and disorganized.

Prefers working or relaxing?: Prefers relaxing.

Confident or unsure of himself/herself?: Tries to project confidence but is insecure with himself

How he/she feels about himself/herself: He thinks he's skinny, ugly, way too pale, and unlikeable, tries to cover these insecurities by making others laugh

How would s/he describe him/herself: Artistic, funny, friendly

What s/he thinks is his/her best personality trait?: Bravery and protectiveness of others

What s/he thinks is his/her worst personality trait?: The opposing cowardice he feels simultaneously 

What s/he thinks is his/her best physical characteristic?: He has his mother's eyes, even if they're the wrong color

What s/he thinks is his/her worst physical characteristic?: His stringy little stature

What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: He would like to be more confident and be able to relax around other people

Does this character get along with other characters?: For the most part he's pretty easy going and tries to make everyone feel comfortable around him

Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?: Not usually, unless he has a reason to distrust them

Enemy(s): Would be better termed 'frenemies'. He's not on particularly good terms with Kratos or Sabrina at the moment

Best friend(s): He's developed friendships with Theo and Chime so far

Love interest(s): Has a crush on Chime

Person s/he goes to for advice: His dad, usually

Person s/he feels responsible for or takes care of: Anyone who happens to need help at the moment

Person s/he feels shy or awkward around: everyone

Person s/he admires: Is much impressed (at a distance) by basically everything about Logan. She's big, strong, confident—basically everything he wishes he could be. Yes, he admires Logan.

- Family -

Mother: Lucy O'Connell

Relationship with her: Big sad. She is deceased. They were super close though.

Father: Todd O'Connell

Relationship with him: A bit strained on account of Levi feeling he's never really been there for him, but Levi looks up to him even so. Todd loves Levi, but never wanted his son to be a werewolf and tried to keep that world—and himself—away from him until Lucy passed away. There is still a bit of a block between them.

Siblings: none

Relationship with them: none 

Spouse: none 

Relationship with him/her: none

Children: none

Relationship with them: none

Other important family members: none


By Aim

By Adriana

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Old Bio

Age: 17

Blood Line: Half Breed

Background: Levi had a pretty easy-going childhood. He was home-schooled by his deeply religious mother on their farm in Ulster countryside. His mother was shy of other people, and that aspect of his growing up, along with the fact that the nearest neighbors were over a hundred miles away, dissuaded Levi from socializing much as a child. He prefers the company of animals. Levi only ever saw his father occasionally growing up, and learned early on not to ask questions about him. "The less yeh know, m'boy, the better," was his mother's answer. However, his parents were extremely affectionate, and Levi enjoyed his father's visits.

When Levi was about 12, his mother fell ill with a high fever. They did not own a phone and Levi had been taught to be wary of the neighbors, so he did not know who to go to for help. He did his best to comfort her, but was helpless to save her. She passed away after a week. Levi buried his mother on a hill on the property and carried his sorrow alone for several months until his father came for a visit. It was then that Levi learned the truth about his father; that he was a werewolf and a spy, and that he'd hoped by keeping his distance his little family would be kept safe. After learning his wife was dead, Levi's father took the boy to join Sabres' pack.

Personality: Levi is generally laid back and easy going. He enjoys being the life of the party and making others laugh. He is, however, by no stretch of the imagination a push over and can get very aggressive if the situation demands it--and I mean really demands it, as unless he has his pack to back him he is quicker to flee than to fight.

How they came to join the pack: After Sabrina's prolonged absence, Sabres sent Levi to inquire after the whereabouts of his daughter. Levi scouted Reknab Bend and Phantom Mountain, soon discovering and utilizing the properties of the Phantom Herb to help conceal him from the knowledge of the Calagrathorm Wolves. However, one ill-fated night, he was discovered and caught by way of the Alpha's stratagem; a loner called Logan was used to corner and overpower him. Seeing no other option, Levi surrendered.