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Age: 18 (or so she says)

Blood Line: First Generation

Background: Not much is known about her childhood or her parents, but by the age of around ten, Kieoki was already a traveler, one who grew to live in the forests and scavenge from the towns she happens to pass. Along the way she's acquired her strange set of clothes, her kimono and her dagger that she used for defense. She rarely stayed in one spot for over a month and it wasn't long until she ended up in lands where wolves dwelt. Turns out the pack of wolves was comprised of wolves and a Were that had decided to stay in their wolf form to live with the natural wolf pack. One night, as she was getting ready to sleep for the night the wolves attacked her. Using her dagger, she managed to get away from them, but not before the one Were turned her. Coping with the fact of becoming a Were, she continued traveling but stayed out of towns until the present day...

Personality: Kieoki is used to being on her own, a loner of sorts. It isn't that she hates others, it's just that after never haven been given that sort of friendship, its hard for her to even begin to give it back. She's a wonderful fighter, and when she became a Were that fact doubled. She still carries her dagger though. She had somewhat of a dominant personality, and doesn't take well to orders, another reason why she's stayed a loner. She can be violent at times and is normally silent, but she can have a sweeter side.

Human Description: Slim, medium height with dark brown hair. She has blue eyes and wears a white kimono with a blood red sash. She carries a dagger with a wrapped green handle. She normally wears no shoes, and her hair can be wavy at times. She's tan, and she is silent when she walks.

How they came to join the pack: After wandering through the forests, she happened to find the pack...Or the pack found her. Either way after reluctance, they accepted her into the pack. (This will be rp'd out)