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Jack Dugan


Name: Jack Dugan

Age: Late 20's

Race: Human

Occupation: Bar owner to El Blanco Lobo outside of Pinerich.

Physical Description: Jack has fair skin and naturally black hair, that he short at the side and is a somewhat tamed mop atop his head most of the time (which is occasionally dyed a platinum blonde on top). Jack has several tattoos on his arms, neck and shoulders; the sleeves on his arm depict forests and nature. Jack is of average height and stature, with yellow-green eyes.

Brief History:

Jack first appeared in No Better Man, as a bartender who Robin worked for.

Jack is mute, claiming he lost his ability to speak in a "motorcycle accident". The scars are hard to make out and are (conveniently) covered up with black ink from a moth tattoo on the front of his neck. Jack is originally from Ireland, where the origin story for the name of his bar was born (although few have heard the tale).

Personality: Before losing his voice, Jack was a lighthearted individual who enjoyed urging stories out of his patrons and listening to them prattle on for hours. He has a passion for people and the stories that they carry with him. He also enjoyed spinning his own tales in his lilting Irish accent, and singing old folk songs from home.

After losing his voice, he struggled for a long time to find his fire again, but now sees himself as "the perfect bartender", as he can listen endlessly to stories while he works. He's learned to cope with his condition and can say more than enough without words.

You can find Jack tending his bar every day except Tuesday and Wednesday, where you'll find his business partner, Leela, running it in his place.