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Into the Woods (CA - Uno, Mark, & the Shepherds)

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Everything went quiet... Bob, the trees, the sigh of the wind. Sound still existed, but in a distant way - behind us I could hear Mark and Tara speaking in those quiet voices reserved for babies and nature. Everything was peaceful here.. The air felt different, - the scent of birds, squirrels, molds, earth, water - alive.

There's something instinctual to nature, even to a human. You just feel small, but part of some bigger system - cradled within the arms of the ancient trees, you are protected, insulated.  To a werewolf, you felt like the world sang and you wanted to sing too. Even if you're like me and had no singing voice to speak of.

He meant well.  I know he did.  Chapman always had a reason for things, even if it wasn't clear - and sure, Bob was a nice guy too.  This wasn't about getting under my skin.

"What are you worried about?" I asked abruptly, breaking the silence that had lapsed, "There's something you haven't been telling us... which is like you.  But it worries me when you're worried about something".

I didn't expect an answer. Not from Bob.  But in the quiet mystery of the woods, there was a part of me that hoped I might actually get a straight answer out of the man for once.

Tara laughed listlessly as she tied up the end of her braid, “Honestly, no. I travel once or twice a year with my partner, usually to the west coast. I’m more of a, find a nice piece of beach and plant my butt there without moving. Bob looks for an excuse to go camping or hunting “with the boys-“,” she said the last few words in a deep, mockingly masculine tone, “-every other month.”

Of course, part of that was due to them being werewolves, but Tara would spare Mark that minor detail.

“Honestly he always asks if I want to come, he’s not like that. The idea of being on a mountain without my bed and stuck with bunch of smelly men doesn’t appeal much. But it’s a nice spot, wait til you see the views.” She winked and climbed down from the tailgate.

“You look exhausted. You can tell me to shut up anytime if you need some quiet after that drive. You can also tell me straight if you’re a small talk kind of guy or a deep dive conversationalist. I won’t be offended, I promise..” she raised an eyebrow, “You may also be able to uh, sneak in a few z’s in the camper. I’ll finish my book in the truck and we can make up time later.”

"I don't worry Val. I don't get paid to worry, I don't make progress by worrying." Bob said, "When I start to worry or have a concern, I do something about it." he said, making it sound so simple. "When I can't do something about it, I lean on my support; my Captains, my wife."

The path split off here in two directions. One was more direct, climbing in a steep manner towards the peak, and the other took the long way following along the incline slowly but at a horizontal angle. Bob took the long path.

"And sometimes, that means a leap of faith. Sometimes, it means we misstep and we learn from it. You go to the Doctor, tell the Doctor "hey doc, I've got this problem, what can we do?" - if the Doctor says, "well, go home and worry about it a bit and we'll figure it out", get yourself another doctor. Worries stem from problems. Problems have solutions. Worrying is not a solution, it's a distraction."

His gray blue eyes never left the path ahead.

"You have a team now. Use them. Lean on them. Stop worrying and start acting. Until you get your footing, come to me or someone you trust for a solution. Worry is poison for the mind, it'll keep you up at night and make it harder for find a solution tomorrow."

It rang true to Bob's actions. If he was worried, he went to find the source. The time he had a feeling about Bianca's new pack, he went into town to find several members having gone rogue. He was worried about Val and Robin, and got Robin set up in the halfway house, and Val with his new career. He was worried about Bianca and was actively perusing a solution to ease that. And he was worried about Mark - and here they were. It made him decisive and resolute, if not at times, brash and overzealous.

It all sounded so easy, coming from Bob.  As we took the long path, I wondered if he'd chosen it because he was tired or because he wanted to hold me captive just a little longer.

"Alright.  So that's what this is about then...?" I mused, "I need to open up, lean on others, and stop trying to do everything on my own or cramping Robin's style..."

I shrugged, "I'm not saying I'll be good at any of that Bob, but I am trying.  Christ, you got me to agree to go to therapy so take the victory lap..."

That brought my attention to wherever the two behind the path had gone.  It seemed quite a gap had formed, and I couldn't help but admire Tara's savvy.  Now she had a break, and I had Bob's undivided attention.

"Just.... tell me this Bob. What are we doing here? Why camping? It can't just be to get outdoors, roast marshmallows, and sleep in the dirt.  When something concerns you, you do something. So what are you doing with all of us?"

"Camping." Bob blinked. It was a truthful statement, not a bit of secrecy. "We're camping, Val." he said again, reassuringly. Bob has secrets, but was not secretive, for the most part. "It was the only way I could get both of you together without one of you getting squirmy and running off." he laughed.

Then he looked over his shoulder. The path they had come up was now obscured by trees to their right-occasionally you could see a glimpse of the copse of pines where the camping area was.

"Robin told me you had a run in with the big dogs in Pinerich."

"Doesn't Mark have a... office? Where I would sit on a couch and we would talk for an hour every week?" I slow-blinked, really not catching Chapman's gist.  Near as I could tell, us being together in a room wasn't the complicated piece.

I'd no doubt there was a plan.  Some angle I hadn't seen yet.  Some Chapman secret sauce formula where all would be revealed only upon the golden hour and when the clock struck midnight.

I glanced to my right as a lizard skittered lazily off the running path, no doubt having enjoyed itself until I'd come along and ruined it.

"Eh?" I glanced sharply at Bob, "Yeah... I mentioned, the last time I was up at your favorite 'summer camp', we saved one of theirs full of bullet holes.  They returned the favor by kidnapping Robin to a fancy dress up party, and putting me in some warehouse to .... I don't know, threaten me? Tell me to play nice and color inside the lines".

I curled my fingers into my palm, feeling the dig into the meaty bit as my teeth went rigid. I held the pressure, then slackened it.

"This world sucks sometimes, Bob".

Bob's eyes glinted as some untold thought crossed his mind with the presence of a shooting star; gone as quickly as it appeared.

"Then play nice and color in the lines. Very few would be in that position and live to tell about it." he exhaled. "It's never a good thing to owe them, even on a mercy-and it-and they don't like owing anyone just the same-so it sounds like they made even on your good deed."

The older man turned to Val and looked him over, taking into account his posture, his tone of voice, and nodded with understanding.

"We both walked away alive... probably as good a return as I'd hoped for," I said through my teeth.

I decided to skip the part where I'd wanted to run a thousand miles away, change my name again, and drag Robin out with me.  If Robin hadn't talked some sense into me, I might well have gotten a good way of the way there.

But really, there was only so far I could have run. There was always going to be another pack, gang, mafia, syndicate that could find me.  I was in this world and the only way out of it involved six feet of dirt.

The dark thought sobered me, and I glanced back to Chapman, "Explain to me again how you've managed to co-exist in their backyard...?  Asking for a friend that might need to know pretty soon".

The question was rhetorical. Probably. And not like I was expecting a direct answer.

"Know when to turn the other cheek." the grim weight in Bob's tone could not be mistaken. "If it's not your business, don't make it yours. If it is your business, it's none of your business anymore. We're not a pack. We don't have a territory for them to encroach or vice versa. We stay out of Pinerich."


“Don’t need to tell me twice,” I turned my gaze aside from Chapman’s, feeling something like I was sinking even though the ground was steady beneath me.

I wasn’t idealistic.  I didn’t think I’d always get to feel like some hero.  I didn’t expect there not to be moral ambiguity to this whole ball of wax - in giving me a new identity, finagling paperwork so I could take over as a Captain despite absolutely no background in the academy or professional career besides security details, not to mention what was technically my own criminal record, Chapman had already made several morally questionable choices compared to the average person.

Well, ambiguity came with the territory. I wasn’t going to be a hero, but the guy doing what needed to be done.

It still didn’t make the pit of dread unwinding like a nauseating ball diminish. The freak show of being in Telkane’s clutches even for a night wasn’t going anywhere.

“… Here’s the part where I tell you flirting with the good graces of the Svalnaglas not to toss me under six feet makes me feel physically ill,” I muttered, “Since you told me to rely on others and all…. But I’m happy to never step foot in that city again”.

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