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In the Wee Hours of the Night (S-RP11)

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This Roleplay is a continuation from A Mystery Revealed, to explain what may have occurred in cabin during the two hours we lost during a time skip.

Sabrina, her heart filled with loathing, turned from the Alpha. Let him do as he would. Nothing would stop him. And then he had the audacity to turn her accusations of him back on her, along with an airy command to care for his pack. Oh, then would he trust, should she do this task well. Of course he would. Just as every other sacrifice and effort for this pack had earned his trust, earned her a place here. She looked at her aunt, then Bianca and Theo, and finally Toby, propping the door back up. A low growl rolled in her throat, remembering her other charge still inside. The last thing she needed was for a three-month-old werewolf to have a fit, here and now. She had no idea what level of control Saber had, if any, and this was a terrible place and frame of mind to find out. How was it that Kratos had such an uncanny ability to place his weakest charges in the most volatile situations every Moon? Was it truly a coincidence, or was he doing it on purpose? She did not know. And, were she in a better frame of mind she might realize that Kratos did not and could not possibly know of the new charge she had found on the mountain, nor that she had brought him here, for the phantom herb was rich in this territory and scents elusive.

Ahead of the others, she entered the cabin, seeking out the one she had brought there.

Somewhere in the shadows of the cabin dark eyes watched Sabrina.

Saber's wolf hadn't gone far from the kitchen. Thanks to his dark coat, if one were merely glancing they might miss him, but he was far from invisible in his hiding spot.
A growl started in his throat as he watched Sabrina approach, his ears slowly turning back. Despite his weariness, he readied himself for movement if she got too close.

Sabrina stalked towards the kitchen, but paused. She had not yet made it there when she heard the growling. Her ears flicked in the direction of the sound, and her gaze followed, turning her head to look down upon him. She did not challenge his warning. She moved no closer and made no show of aggression--but neither did she fall back nor seem intimidated at all.

"Be still," she commanded gently in the tongue known by wolves, speaking as though she were a friend and not a stranger. "You know who I am. I saved your life. Gratitude is not required. Your peace is. Be still."

Something flashed in the wolf's eyes for a moment- Recognition- his growling faltering briefly from it. Then the growling came back, seemingly more aggressive than before.

Sabrina stared at him, unmoved. Her bright yellow eyes flashed a glance at the environment--she'd known every corner and crease of this cabin since she was a child. Her eyes returned to Saber, and she sat down. "I can wait."

The wolf watched her sit, his growling finally easing off and slowly he went quiet. His body did not relax however. His eyes were still glued to her figure. After a moment of some stillness passed, Saber's wolf arose, watching for Sabrina's reaction.
Upon no reaction, the wolf took a few shaky steps toward the kitchen, still watching Sabrina closely as he sniffed about taking in his surroundings.

Sabrina swiveled one ear in the direction of Toby at the door. He was a safe enough proximity that she could protect him should Saber veer from his course and attempt to strike. The kitchen was better. It was a more defensible position. There was but one window, near the sink, and it was too small for a wolf even Saber's size to squeeze through... unless he tore through the logs that made up the wall. In that case, she would have ample time to detect aggression and disable him, she decided. She allowed him passage, and still did not move.  Let him explore. Let him get comfortable.

Saber's wolf stepped carefully towards the kitchen, his eyes still fixed on Sabrina. His body continued to shake with exhaustion and fear. After making as much distance from Sabrina as he could, his eyes shifted towards the front door and he bolted.

Like a shot, Sabrina was on him, trying to cut him off or redirect him so that he wouldn't make it to the door -- She couldn't risk giving him free ground: she had him cornered in familiar territory and that's exactly where she wanted him to stay for the rest of the night, until she could get a better feel for the nature of his change.

Saber didn't stop his trajectory; He rammed straight into Sabrina before going in to attack. Having not the strength to try and reach all the way to her neck, he settled for her leg as his teeths target.

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