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In The Melodies and The Memories (CA - Saber & Ulric)

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Lee had put his movies back and was just beginning to try and think up what else he could possibly do when Ulric spoke.

“ Sure,” he said, glancing at the sunny weather outside. “ We’ll need to stay in the backyard though, I don’t think my mom would like it if I took you out in the front yard where there’s cars and.. Shady people around….” Lee spoke the last words quietly as if it was something not allowed to be mentioned.

He then moved over to the boy near the windowsill and held out his hand to lead him once again.

Ulric turned around with a clear question on his countenance.

"Can I take this too?" He said, lifting the toy astronaut.

“ Yeah,” Lee replied simply.


Ulric smiled and quickly took the older boy's hand while holding the astronaut close with the other.

Now hand in hand, the two boys made their way out of Lee's bedroom.

" We're going to go through the front door to get to the back so we don't disrupt the adults." Lee stated as he walked through the hallway and began to descend the stairs once more. He then quietly put on his shoes that were found near the front door, before carefully opening it. Taking a glance at the dining room entrance, he heard the two women as they spoke. Satisfied by no sound of movement on their part, he led Ulric out the door.

With the subtle sound of the door latching once more they began heading over the neatly trimmed grass toward the gate to the backyard. Lee unlocked the gate and let the boy in to explore, as he turned to close and lock it behind him.

The backyard was large, with a new looking playground off to one side with a swing set and steps into a little lookout area attached to it. The grass was growing wildly in the summer heat, having not been tended to yet, a lawn mower parked near the back door in anticipation of the task being completed sometime.


Ulric stared at the big backyard for a moment. Rather than charge into it like a child, he looked at the tall grass and the new playground, the lawnmower and the fence encircling the yard wherewithal. His observations were silent ones as he waited for Lee to finish locking the gate.

Lee turned back to find Ulric about where he left him, and decided to take his hand thinking he might've been wanting to be led to where he was allowed to play.

" Let's go to the playground, that's a good spot to play." Lee explained, as he began leading the child to the brightly colored playground.

But Ulric resisted. He held Lee’s hand firmly in his own and pointed to the bushes that lined the fence.
“Can we go over there?” He asked.

Lee stared at the bushes for a moment.

" I guess," he replied and began in that direction instead.


Ulric was pleased that Lee followed, and in fact, led him in his desired direction. When the two reached the bushes, Ulric immediately dipped under them into the shady darkness below. Still holding fast to Lee's hand, he pulled the bigger boy along with an absent regard for the prickly branches above him.

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