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In The Melodies and The Memories (CA - Saber & Ulric)

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Lee gave him a blank stare. Apparently the kid did watch TV.

“ People don’t turn into wolves,” he flatly stated.


“No - like a wolf.” The boy emphasized. “I know people can’t turn into a wolf. You can’t turn into a wolf. But, but like a wolf. You know - with a long nose, and these things on your fingers, and a long tail. Oh, and fur all over.”

In describing his meaning Ulric made a motion with his free hand, first in front of his face, and then on his fingertips, and lastly out behind him. Then he began moving the astronaut up and down as if the character were flying high in space. 

Lee continued to give a blank stare at the boy, as his brows started furrowing in concern as the child went on explaining. He placed his sketchbook and pencil down on the bed beside him as he got up and made his way over to the boy. He crouched down beside him and put his hand on the boy’s forehead to check for a fever. Nothing. His face began to twist a little beyond worried- he was starting to feel disturbed.

He stood up suddenly as he approached his bedroom door. “ Mom…!” He called out.

Ulric frowned and watched Lee.

Lee paused as he waited to hear his mother approach, but no sound came. He then felt something inwardly that didn’t feel right. His heart beat felt too fast. He paused a moment, as he waited for it to settle back down, but it only felt like it got worse.

“ Mom!” Lee cried out even louder now, his twelve year old mind beginning to panic.

In a few seconds footsteps could be heard quickly ascending the stairs. “ Li, what’s wrong?” His mother’s voice came before she was seen a short moment later in the doorway.

“ My heart is beating fast..” Lee said, now looking at her like he might cry. His mother came over and gently gave him a hug.

“ Shh, it’s okay. It won’t last long.” His mother said, as he clinged onto her now still hearing the loud thumping in his ears.


Coming up behind Lee's mother was a tall woman with straight blond hair neatly tucked away in a bun. She peered into the room attentively, taking careful notice of Ulric who stood with his hands together over the little toy astronaut. After surveying him briefly, she looked at Lee's mother. 

"What's wrong, Mei?" She asked.

Ulric didn't move. He stood looking between Lee, his mother, and the other woman with growing concern. He could hear the other boy’s heart beating - loud and wildly - as if the whole room reverberated with it. He had been listening to it, like the tick of a clock in the back of his mind. Had he been what caused it to speed up?

Lee tried to focus on breathing, like he had been taught. Through breath after steady breath, slowly his heart rate went down.

Mei Ling turned toward the other woman. “ It’s just his heart condition.” She said in her light chinese accent. “ He’ll be okay, it just really scares him when it happens.”

Slowly Lee let go of his mother as he began pulling at his shirt again, looking at the ground ashamed for causing a scene.

His mother rubbed his arm, looking him in the eyes. “ I know it’s scary Li, but your arrhythmia won’t hurt you, you know that right?”

“ I know…” Lee quietly responded.

Mei Ling then stood up and turned to her guest. “ I’m so sorry Samantha for the interruption. Shall we resume where we left off down stairs?”

The woman was agreeable. She returned down the stairs with Lee’s mom, casting only a short glance upon Ulric before going away.

Ulric continued to stand silently beside the bin, holding the little toy astronaut in his hands.

Lee almost called for his mother to wait, but after glancing toward the tall blond woman he decided against it. He listened, still standing where he was, to the fading footsteps as his mother and her guest made it back to the dining room. Then he slowly moved forward, closing his door carefully. With a quick glance, he looked back at Ulric.

“ Have you really seen wolf-like people?” He asked in a whisper, still looking concerned by the idea.

The little tawny-haired boy looked distant and did not reply. Instead, he slowly turned away and went to Lee's bedroom window. There he stood his astronaut hero up on the windowsill and took him for a weightless walk under the sunny sky…

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