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If Heaven Forbids (CA - Saber)

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" Ooohh, there must be something you both like…." Riley moaned as he now looked a bit down, feeling defeated in his efforts.

Henry was staring off into the blank screen of the TV as he sighed. A moment passed before he finally turned back to Riley. " Maybe we should try this a different day." He said.

" Ooohh… But I know you guys must have something in common…" Riley whimpered. He turned to look at Amos. " There's got to be something else you like beyond music, right Amos? Saber has a lot of interests, I know one of them must overlap with yours."

The whimsical flute began a fervent petition on an empty stage. It begged for a reply from the drone to set the music in motion once more, but to no avail. A bass might have done the melody good, or a violin, or anything really... the music was a blank sheet of potential. With any number of notes it could take the stage, - if only there were another instrument to play in accompaniment.

Amos looked at Riley and blinked his eyes slowly. As much as he wished to entertain Riley's plea, he felt the music was stagnant; the atmosphere no longer conducive to regulatory reciprocity. And, with a thousand illimitable potentials ending in this finite bid for encore, Amos could think of nothing else but to bow and say adieu. - When then, a knock came tapping at the window.

Riley turned toward the window where the noise had come from. Henry's eyes drifted over in it's direction as well, but didn't linger long. 

" Just ignore it." Henry concluded. Despite Henry's words Riley was still slow turning away from the window.

Henry now casted a glance at Amos before looking back at Riley. " How about you take Amos home and we can try this another time."

Riley just frowned. " But I really wanted to hear another story today..."

Amos said nothing, but continued to stare at the window placidly. After a moment, the knocking stopped, and Amos looked slowly back at Henry.

"Do you have any tea?" he said.

Henry casted an unamused glance at Amos. " No," he responded flatly.

Riley continued to look at Henry with puppy dog eyes now. " Couldn't you share at least one new story before we leave?"

Henry eyed Riley. " ...Which one? I know just from the look in your eyes you have a particular one in mind."

Riley smiled with a huge grin, but was hesitant to speak. Henry continued to stare at him until realization seemed to hit him, and he rolled his eyes, shifting his gaze else where. " Oh no, you're still hoping to hear about the coma, aren't you...."

Riley seemed to just grin even wider in response.

"That's alright, Riley." Amos replied, interrupting. "Stay with Henry and hear a story. I have a rather sudden craving for tea, and since there isn't any here, I think I'll go down to the shop on Westcorner."

Amos had already strolled to the door with his hands in his pockets. "I'll show myself out," he said. Yet, before he exited, he turned back and looked at Henry. "Thank you for having me in." He said, then he swept low in a rather odd old-fashioned bow, and presently exited out the door.

Henry sighed roughly as Amos made his way out. Then he got up as he spoke. " Riley, go get your friend back. See if he's alright with green tea, because it's all we have."

Riley now had a puzzled look on his face." Wait, so you did have tea? Why didn't you say anything-"

Henry began to make his way to the kitchen, tossing a response tiredly back without waiting for Riley to finish." Just go check if he wants it or not."

" ....Okay." With that, Riley got up and headed out the front door to catch up with Amos. With a swing of the door he called out to Amos, " Hey Amos, are you okay with green tea?"

Amos was standing in the middle of the yard. He brought his eyes down on Riley who stood under the porch eave, and, after a brief moment of considering, he nodded his head. His expression, of course, never changed. It was the same common face he always wore. Nonetheless, he returned at an easy stride.

In the kitchen Henry went straight to the cupboard that he had last seen the box of tea in and opened it up with his good hand. A puzzled expression crossed his face. " ...What...?"

There was more boxes of tea; All different kinds. Henry went for the green tea box and noticed it was opened, eyeing the other boxes and examining them to see if any others were opened as well. There were only two others out of the eight present.

" ....She actually drinks this stuff? I swear, I don't even know half of what that woman does anymore..." He muttered to himself.

With that, Henry decided to simply leave the cupboard open and the green tea box on the counter, pulling out a glass cup and spoon and placing them near the box on the counter. He walked back to the living room, pausing just before entering again into the living room as Amos came back in.

" So apparently my mother is a tea fanatic and has a ton you can choose from." Henry motioned to the kitchen and cupboard left ajar as he continued. " Go ahead and knock yourself out."

With that, Henry retired back to the couch.

Amos looked enlightened, which Riley knew meant he was pleased, even if his expression wasn't much changed. He went to the kitchen, and, finding a tea he liked, began preparing himself a glass.

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