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If Heaven Forbids (CA - Saber)

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Henry sqrunched up his nose unconvinced. " Really? You got nothing?"

Upon hearing Riley close the fridge door in the other room, Henry's head instinctively turned toward the noise but his lips kept moving, muttering once more to himself. " Tch, your life must be a joyfest..."

Riley shortly came back into the room with nearly the same amount of energy he left with. He went over to Amos and placed a Redbull on the coffee table next to him.

" I couldn't remember if you liked Redbull Amos, so I got one for you." Riley said.

Amos leaned forward, rubbing his long-fingered hands down his knees. For a moment it looked like he would reach forward with both hands and take the drink. But half-way, with his thumbs lightly pressed together, he withdrew and patted his thighs. All the while it seemed a thought was growing uncomfortably in his mind. Until, at last, it came out.

He turned his upper body to face the young Asian man directly.
"Who's trying to kill you, Henry?" He said, almost breathing the words out in a sigh.

Henry gave Amos a threatening sideways glare over the question.
Riley, seemingly unaware of any rising tension, responded with his usual lightheartedness.
“ Well he doesn’t really know. It was kinda random, but was definitely a gang. The police think the gang might come back to finish the job, ‘cause like they say in the movies, Saber might've “seen too much” so he’s supposed to be careful with who he interacts with right now. I still don’t get why you don’t get a bodyguard after all that though… Like, if someone’s possibly out to kill you, shouldn’t the police do something about it?”

Henry shifted his glare over to Riley now. “ It doesn’t work like that in real life," he responded coldly.

" Yeah, I know, but it would've been really cool.." Riley said trailing off.

Amos stretched his whole body and pushed his hands back into his pockets as he leaned off the couch. Now standing, he hunched his shoulders again and looked around the room. The present topic was dismissed as it seemed his eyes searched for another object upon which to converse. Unsurprisingly, he found one of Riley's favorites as his gaze settled on the cassette tapes.

Lifting his brows in a plain expression, but neither looking about the room nor gesturing to anyone in particular, he asked, "What were you watching?"

The cassette tapes on the coffee table contained titles such as Predator, Police Story 2, The Way of The Dragon among others.

Seeing as Saber didn't respond to the question very fast, or not at all, Riley immediately jumped on it instead. " It looks like he was watching Enter The Dragon. ...Except it doesn't look like it's the English version."

Saber cracked a small smile at Riley's observation.

" Nah, it's in Cantonese. To tell you the truth, I would hardly understand it if it wasn't for just how many times I've seen it in English."

Riley now looked confused. " But I thought you knew Chinese really well."

" Mandarin Chinese, not Cantonese Chinese." Saber emphasized. " They're not the same at all when spoken."

" Ohh, I see." Riley concluded as the room fell silent once more. Riley took the moment to open his can of Redbull and began sipping it.

Amos hummed thoughtfully and turned himself about. He wasn't really interested in movies anyway.

It seemed questions were not a safe choice in this house. So, Amos fell quiet once again, and attempted to listen. But there was nothing to hear.  It perturbed him.

Amos could hear any number of sounds in silence and be at peace, or learn any number of things in the lull of a conversation. Silence, in that regard, was never uncomfortable. There was, however, one exception to the rule. It was when something discordant interrupted the natural flow of the music in his mind that Amos fidgetted. In this instance, it was Riley's lack of usual conversational perpetuation that left a void needing to be filled.

"What are you doing later this evening, Riley?" Amos said, changing topic yet again.

Riley turned to Amos and shrugged responding lightheartedly. " Oh, nothing. Like always."

Only a second passed before Henry finally roughly sighed just watching the two awkwardly standing in the middle of his mother's living room like they didn't even want to be there.

" You guys sure have a funny way of making yourselves at home." Henry said completely deadpan.

" Oh, right." Riley started. " I was just getting distracted. Your mom's first house is just so nice. There's so much to look at."

Riley moved over to the couch and plopped down next to Henry. With another sip of his drink, he excitedly turned to face Henry as an idea lit up his face.

" Oh oh! I know! When me and Amos were walking over here I was reminded of the time you were in a coma. Could you tell me that story?"

Henry stared at Riley hard for a long moment before his eyes rolled and he turned to look elsewhere. " Of course you want that story…" He mumbled.

" Pleeeeeeaase..?" Riley begged.

Amos' interest was hitched on something Riley said afore.

"First house?" He asked.

And just like that, Riley's attention was easily swayed elsewhere, off to answer Amos. Henry didn't seem to mind in the least.

" Oh yeah, I guess I never mentioned it, but this is the house Saber grew up in." Riley said. " It was also the first house his mom bought, but instead of sell it when she moved she apparently kept it."

" And everything in it." Henry sighed with a wave of his hand. " I just recently convinced her to replace the coffee table and TV stand. Next she should be replacing this dang couch. It's overstayed it's welcome as is.."

Riley for the first time that evening seemed to finally catch the subtle tones in Henry's voice as he spoke the last sentence, and Riley's countenance seemed to dim down a little because of it. " Yeah," was all he said on the matter.

Amos lifted his chin and looked around the old place with a new appreciation, but his face hardly forecasted it. He simply looked around with the same plain face he always wore.

"She doesn't live here anymore?" He muttered, almost as if to himself. "Hm."

Then he looked at Riley and Henry again. "I didn't know it was possible to own two houses in this economy ... unless you were very rich. What does your mother do for a living?"

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