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If Heaven Forbids (CA - Saber)

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Riley had known Saber for several years now. From those years, he learned early on that Saber had a tendency to end up in the hospital, mostly due to his extreme allergies. But in recent days he had ended up there for a new reason entirely- One that shouldn't of, but did, make Riley a bit excited.

It had been only two weeks since Saber finally had contacted Riley. Before then, he had just seemingly vanished for a time. He wouldn't answer Riley's calls. He never was at his apartment. He just had poofed. Riley tried asking Saber's best friend, Tito, what was up, but all he had informed him was that Saber got injured in an alley fight. From a gun. Nothing else. Riley wanted to know more; The drama and thrill of such an event! There had to be a good story behind it.

Then came Saber himself finally contacting him. Riley was a little bummed that Saber wouldn't relay the story to him, but what Saber did tell him just amped up the thrill of it all; He needed Riley to keep quiet about him, his current whereabouts, everything. Only a few people could be trusted. It was like something straight out of a spy movie, and Saber was the secret agent.

He explained further that there was someone after him, and to keep everyone safe, info about him shouldn't be shared with just anybody. And so with that, Riley felt like he was a sidekick on the adventure and was loving every minute of it.

So to follow Saber's specific instructions, Riley was avoiding talking about him while he rode on the bus with his friend as they headed to see Saber once more. As per usual of Riley, he instead was talking about what shows he was currently watching.

" Oh yeah! Have I told you about the latest episode of MacGyver? Man, it was pretty intense!" Riley said as his body moved with the excitement of his words. 

" I mean MacGyver and Frank getting kidnapped was one thing, but I was really worried they weren't going to be able to make it out in time after the bad guys left them next to that bomb. But MacGyvers is always sooo smart and managed to escape the inescapable once again! Aw, it was so awesome. ...Hey, did you like action shows? I forgot." Riley looked over at his friend as he inquired the question for possibly the fifth time since knowing them.

Amos lifted his faded blue-grey eyes at Riley. A thin smile trailed up one side of his long white face, but he said nothing.

It wasn't unlike Amos to be quiet. In fact, he did most of his talking through his eyes. His narrow features, too, helped to discern his thoughts at times. If a thought wished to be known, it came accompanied by an elegant crease or line appearing above his wiry black brows, or vertically along his thin cheeks. Yet unlike an elderly man, whose lines and wrinkles remained fixed, Amos' vanished without a trace. Thus, his thoughts rose from obscurity and returned to oblivion from moment to moment.

Riley seemed to take that as a yes. Or indifference. Either way he continued.

" Oh yeah, I just recently finally watched Indiana Jones. I don't know why it took me so long to get to it, it was a pretty cool movie but it seems the craze surrounding it has already died down. Aw well, like S-" Riley cut himself short before finishing his sentence and redirected it elsewhere. " Well I still enjoyed it anyway," he concluded. He shook his head, his ginger curls following the motion as he decided to move over to a different topic. Or at least try. Entertainment wasn't turning out as safe as he was hoping.

" So Amos, have you seen any good movies lately?" ...and with that, he failed at turning to another topic.

Amos watched the city fly by. He saw streetlamps and corner stores, crosswalks and intersections, phone booths and innumerable people whiz past the windows as the bus bumped and bounced along. Every bent wire fence, every graffitied back alley, and every old shirt reminded him in some way of music. Whether it was loud music, or classical music, or some proverbial music yet thought of was inconsequential. All the world was music. Color and design were simply the junction between math's brittle alignment breaking through visual reality and becoming music. Every event, every circumstance, every emotion that defined the human experience was the offset of a note floating through the universe and impacting with the world's barrier.

Even Riley's carrying on was a form of music. It was a high-spirited music, comparable to the whimsy of a flute carrying the flutter of a butterfly's wingbeat. It was an incessant, constant sound that resonated with the peaceful flow of the universe. Amos, who stood quietly by, however, composed his essence with a different sort of sound. His was a deep toned music; a music as hollow as the wind and as deep as the earth. Yet, somehow despite their differences, the two sounds were complimentary.

Even so, there were times when the flute required feedback, and Amos' weightier music had to provide. It felt like a strange shift, a strained rupture of the harmony that existed between them to Amos, nonetheless, to keep the music going he would oblige his friend. And so, he conjured up a reply and said, "Nah..."

" Oh."

And with that the flute that was Riley's voice fell quiet and faded to the background.

He didn't know what to talk about anymore. For the whole bus ride he managed to bounce around all the current shows and movies he'd watched that he finally ran out. Now he really just wanted to talk about Saber, but couldn't.

And so he stood there next to Amos, staring at the outside world whiz by as well but saw none of it. His heavily tattooed arm held onto the strap in the middle of the bus, now awkwardly he swayed back and forth from the buses movement, becoming more aware of the other passengers closely around him but never considering how loud his previous chatter was. Now he decided he would just settle with thinking about Saber instead of talking. It would have to do.

Luckily, there wasn't much left of the bus ride for Riley to silently endure. The bus presently came to a stop.

Amos' long black hair fell around his shoulders as he looked down the bus hall. Two people were getting off. Considering the eventual release of the stanchion he held for balance, Amos looked down at Riley standing beside him.

"Where did you say we were getting off at?" He asked in his naturally neutral tone.

Riley finally took a look outside, and could see the usual landmarks of the small restaurant on one corner, with it's delicious smells of burgers cooking, and the bus stop on the other corner, with it's worn out benches and glass cover from the rain. Past them both, lay the path they sought- a road leading into one of the neighborhoods of the city.

" Here- This is it." Riley said as he already began to proceed off the bus.

Amos followed Riley off the bus, looking much like a scarecrow donning black from head to toe. As his hair caught the light, it shimmered like threads of doll hair, flowing off his shoulders into waves. His long arms and legs moved rather robotically; one foot rising to the knee of the other leg before proceeding forward in any direction, and always carrying him a long distance in one stride. His hands, with his accompanying slender white fingers, were almost always tucked out of sight, hidden in the pockets of his slacks or otherwise folded behind his back. As he walked, his elegant Armenoid nose stuck out in front of him, being the first of all his form to crossover any line.

The curly haired ginger that lead the way through the neighborhood was uncharacteristically quiet as they proceeded through the row of houses on 1200 N Maple Street.

The dressed in black scarecrow and chubby ginger made a funny pair walking down the street, the two being opposite in size like they were. Outfit color preference was again, a bit of an opposite case as well- Riley almost never touched black in his ensembles, even his tattoos that covered both arms seemed to have more color than not. No, they did not seem very compatible together and yet there they were, defying the odds.

After they had turned off to another street, Riley finally turned to Amos, his lips warmed and revved up to run off once again.

" So now that we're off the bus it should be safe to talk- I mean, I haven't told you this yet, but someone is after Saber. Like, really trying-to-kill-him kind of "after him". As you know, we're visiting him cause he got hurt recently but what I didn't tell you is that it was in a fight- Like a real fight, with guns and everything. So you gotta keep quiet and not let anyone know we're visiting him or where he lives."

Riley continued, not bothering to wait for a response. " Now I know Saber- Oh wait, he was going by a different name now cause it was safer... What was it again? Ah well, we'll just call him 007.. See what I did there?" Riley cooed gleefully, pausing just a moment as if he was waiting for a reaction, but kept going shortly after.

" Okay, so he's not a secret agent but I thought it was a good cover up name in the meantime. So just a thing about him is he always talks really slow. Now I don't know what it is, one of his friends told me he ended up in a coma and suffered permenant brain damage and just hasn't been quite the same since, but that was before I met him so I don't know. But I'm just warning you cause I know it can take some time to get use to, it was kinda weird the first few times I heard him talk because of it but eventually I realized what was bothering me about him and got over it. He has such epic stories though, I'm sure your going to love him."

Amos never once made an attempt to reply. He knew Riley would simply carry on regardless, and anyway, Amos was too absorbed in the music of his surroundings to disrupt the flow. The crimson bricks and white painted eaves of one building brought a jaunty, rustic tune to mind. As Amos walked on, the older buildings he passed added an impending harmony. The old chips and cricks on the pavement, fences, and streets beckoned intrigue and solemnity. Then, an old flickering streetlamp - albeit it was broad daylight - peaked the music into a mysterious and exciting tone.  - In fact, the more Riley talked, the darker and more foreboding the music became, until the sight of one door in particular insinuated a sudden crescendo, and Riley's capriccio fell silent.

Amos stopped walking. "Is this the place?" He asked, facing the building.

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