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Ethan Doran

Name: Ethan Doran

Age: 23

Bloodline: Half-Blood

Human Father

First Generation Mother

Background: From somewhere in the south US. His father, Jerome, was an ex-hunter. His mother, Natalia, a first generation werewolf. They had been good friends since high school, but parted ways for a short time when Jerome left to become a hunter. They reunited when Jerome happened to see Natalia on one of his hunts. He recognized her, and the fact that she had been bitten. Instead of doing his job, he revealed himself and what he was. He helped her hid from his partners. During this time, Jerome began to see the error of his ways and to have doubts in the organization he worked for. He escaped with Natalia and hid them both where the other hunters would never find them. Eventually, Jerome and Natalia married, and had their son Ethan. Ethan began his transformations early, starting around 11. His parents helped him to understand and control his other side, with added lessons from his father on how to keep that side hidden from other people. When Ethan was 16, his family was discovered by the hunters. Completely by chance, his father had run into one of his old partners and they trailed him home. The hunters ambushed the family killing his father for his betrayal and captured his mother. Ethan was able to escape because of a secret door his father had built into the house. That and his parents sacrifice gave him the time he needed to run. He's been on his own ever since, running and hiding, trying to find any information he can that would lead him to his mother.

Personality: Quiet, but not shy. Mistrustful of normal humans, always on the lookout for signs that they're hunters. Indifferent to other wolves. Will put his goals ahead of the needs of others. Smart in both book and practical knowledge. Is good with his hands. Likes to tinker and build to get his mind off things when it gets to much for him.


Description: Ethan is of mixed descent. He is part Mexican on his mother's side, and part Irish on his father's. His skin is a lighter shade of brown just slightly darker than a decent tan. He has black hair and is clean shaven. He stands at exactly 6 feet tall.