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Dead of Winter (CA - Robin, Uno, & Bob)

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He didn't want to meet Robin's eyes. It was easier to be distant. But the tone of her voice was far worse than any yelling could have been.  It gave him the impression she very well could reach through the veils of life and death itself and hunt him down.  No place would be safe from her.  In spite of his fear, he looked at her. It was something in her voice. It could make a person do exactly what she said, if she said it that way.

All the bravado he had vaporized on first contact with that gaze.  Instead, he watched her eyes smally - feeling every ounce the insect he was. He averted his gaze, but still reeled from it.

"Well, what if I can't do it?" he said it almost like he intended it to be sarcastic. It came out exactly as he felt: frightened, "You don't know what you're going to meet... I don't know...."

"I'm not afraid. You got this far. I know you're going to make it, so I'm not afraid."


December 31st, 1990

The blizzards had relented for the time being. The sun had even shone during the day, not warm enough to melt the thick blanket of snow, but how beautiful the landscape looked - white and glittering in the light.

Now it was evening, and only half an hour until the moon reached it's peak in the sky...

They had hiked for the last several hours. Though the blizzard had abated, the snowbanks made progress slow. It was easy to fall through with the wrong step. They hiked along the shallower portions of snow, where the branches of trees and hills and obscured some of the snowfall.  They rested in some portions. Sometimes, Rebecca would stop to explain something in the land.

Valentine had barely said anything for the last few days.  No words seemed to capture his feelings. Everything felt alive and sharp. It was like there was some bright hot shard in his bones, slowly worming its way through... He didn't comment on it. Though he had a foggy recollection of some of Rebecca's teachings, he didn't want the comfort of hearing what was normal.

Some part of him still hoped it had all been a mistake. Although every shred of evidence pointed to the contrary, still the heart would yearn for what it wanted. It was a mistake. He shouldn't be here...

Steele would be here soon...

He leaned against a tree and tucked his head into his jacket. The downy coat provided protection from the wind.  Soon, Rebecca would tell him to take it of...

The quieter Val became over the days, the more worried Robin started to feel. She was worried she would lose Val - that he would either not survive the change, or he would be someone else on the other side. Darius' curse had not been an easy thing to learn mastery of, and she wasn't sure whose virus had inflicted the young man...

How she wanted to take it from him. She would in a heartbeat if she was able, all of his mental and physical anguish.

"I don't want to do it - I don't want to be there when he changes." she told Rebecca, in fear, a day prior.

"You're the only family he has - you need to be."

Rebecca could both feel and see both of their anxieties mounting. She held her own composure and was a constant source of compassion and understanding, but could not bring them to seek it out or want it during that timeframe.

Rebecca changed forms first. Hers was every bit wolf-like, with thick brown fur and long locks of mane like hair. She waited a short distance from Robin and Val.

"She says you'll be okay without the coat.. better not to rip it up." Robin said, holding her hand out.

He handed the jacket to Robin without looking at her.  The cold was biting, true, but he didn't notice it against the overload of other sensations.  The glass in his bones had trailed outwards, reaching the skin. Every inch of him felt full of needles. Even his heartbeat sounded different - there was a soft stagger in its rhythm. A thousand processes in his body were being rerouted, high-jacked, overwhelmed. He looked away and starred down at his shoes.

If Steele was here, he'd know what he'd ask him.

But it was Robin, and he knew he could never ask her of it - wouldn't. He'd seen the way she looked at him.  Concerned.  But if he needed to be stopped, what would she do?

"I'm sorry," he wouldn't meet her eyes. He wasn't sure if he was apologizing for something he'd done or was going to do.

“No, Val. I am. Whole mess happened on account of me. Don’t worry. I’ll see you in the morning.” she said, and stayed near him…

Valentine said nothing further. Any thoughts he had seemed unable to form to words. Eventually he was reminded to remove his shoes as well and he had handed these to Robin with equal reluctance.  He seemed such a sad figure in the snow, barefoot and bare-armed.

As the moon came to its apex, he did precisely as he had been told not to: he fought it.  There was some part of him that still believed it wasn't too late. A werewolf's transformation was not complete until the first change - and if somehow, he could defy the moon, then all would be back as it was.  Yet he discovered exactly as hundreds of werewolves had discovered before him: the will of the moon was far stronger.

The change came on far more painfully than it needed to be. No amount of urging from his companions could convince him otherwise and so they could only watch and comfort.

What came out the other end was a creature, perhaps reassuringly, that bore no resemblance to Darius.  Some might even call it cute, with its big floppy, pointed ears, slightly too large paws, thick, soft undercoat, and the dark mask over his muzzle.  He examined his surroundings with newly born senses - the cold of the snow, the smell of the woods, and the sound of his companions' breath...

His ear snapped backwards. He came to his feet with remarkable ease for one who had never used them before. His ear swiveled forwards again. Some tone caught his throat, almost like a growl, but it sounded too confused - more like a soft brr? as he came to discover his voice.

And in a flash he was gone! It was poor news to Robin, indeed, that he had inherited what she had not: speed. His legs were masterful machinery, and they took him back the way they had come...

Robin was relieved, to see Val didn't look like Darius. She watched as he quickly figured out his new phyisque. He did indeed appear almost cute, with his confused growl and his big ears.

Just as she was about to engage him - he took off! Robin lunged to catch him but was slow and clumsy.


She called, and took up chase! Rebecca was already underway, intending to cut him off with engaging him, and guide him back towards Robin!

As Rebecca came to cut him off, Val’s wolf cut rapidly to the side as though indeed he were being herded back towards Robin. Then in a twist of his limbs and waist, he jumped! The quick pivot allowed him to come back ahead of Rebecca although she would now closely at his heel.  Although it was clear little of his human psyche remained at present, unfortunately this beast was a clever beast.

As he came to the edge of the hill they had hiked along, he jumped. Here the snow had fallen thickly and he might have sunk through had his aim been for the thick, doughy snow beneath… but now by his outstretched limbs, he landed at the top of a pine tree perhaps fifteen feet downwards.

The landing, unfortunately, was none to graceful. Though much had seemed intuitive, still there was an awkwardness reminiscent of a child driving a very fast car. Though his arms and legs had seemed ready to grip onto the treetop, he sunk into the snow on top and slid down the treetops in a soft thump.  He was momentarily dazed, and perhaps had he landed in the thick snow, then surely, he would be taken captive.  Yet he had landed beneath the trees, where much of the snow had been blocked.

His eyes scanned the snow and with his perspective eye discerned the path where the snow glittered more in the moonlight. This was the oldest snowfall, which had partially melted and refrozen in the night, therefore giving the strength to perhaps hold his weight.  He took off in that direction, although with a good deal more care to avoid falling through.

So went the night of cat-and-mouse.  His path intentionally misled and misdirected, although his inexperience in the form showed greatly.  Much of his success came from luck alone. He evaded his bedraggled guardians for the better part of an hour, until he made a final miscalculation along the surface of a frozen lake. To his judgement it had seemed sound to his weight. Yet as he slide across it, he heard the first crack in the ice in his enormously sensitive ears. But it was too late! He had only a moment between the first crack and plunging down into the water!

To Robin, perhaps, the way had begun to look familiar.. Though he had been initially heading towards the cabin, his objective seemed to be towards the main road. Although once the road had been in sight, Val’s beast had been content to continue following it further north rather than come to civilization.

Robin did know what Val’s trajectory was, although his destination was miles away..

They would fish their charge from the lake and Robin would bring him back to the cabin, while Rebecca hunted and brought back a single, thin deer.

When the night had ended, everyone rested. Rebecca would have to leave them the next day.

Robin and Val stayed, occasionally paid a visit by Chapman. The next full moon felt as if it had come all too soon… Robin held out hope it would go better. But it didn’t. Nor did the next four.

By the sixth full moon, Val began to answer her and take heed to what she said.. it wasn’t perfect, but it was enough-to continue to stay in the same place, no matter how secure Chapman said it was, went against Robin’s nature. Winter had turned to spring and then summer dawned.

At last they departed. Their road had no destination. They would stay in motels and in their car. They’d pick up odd jobs and earn enough to eat and pay for gas.

Five years would pass before they circled back to the place they had started.


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