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Dead of Winter (CA - Robin, Uno, & Bob)

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This roleplay is set in November of 1990. It highlights the events leading up to the night that Val (Uno) is changed into a werewolf by Darius' gang, and subsequently Chapman's involvement in their rescue with the aid of Steele.

This roleplay is a necessary part of Robin and Val's history. Be forewarned that the themes of this roleplay are not for everyone; the overall atmosphere is heavy and will contain violence. The events will ultimately lead to Robin and Val's freedom from both Darius and Steele, but this is not won without bloodshed.

I got there first. The cabin, our usual rendezvous point.

Steele wasn't here. He said he would be. I don't know why I ever believed anything he said. For the last hour, the only noise in the cabin had been me, screaming profanities til my voice was raw and my throat was scratchy.

Now I sat on the front porch. I let the ghost of my anger have the cabin. In there, hatred. Out here, I poured out my sorrow into my calloused hands, until I felt cold and hollow.

I waited there on the porch. In the scarce light of the evening, my breath my clouds in front of my face. Then, the headlights from the car my young charge drove...

The engine rumbled from the driveway for several minutes as its occupant sat inside. Then as time stretched and yawned outwards uncomfortably, the engine shuddered to a halt. Several moments later, the lights winked out.

Out stepped a young man.  He walked like someone twice his age, yet his gawky features and sullen expression spoke otherwise.  What was there to be mad about? According to his expression, everything. According to his appearance, perhaps the freshly stitched and bandaged arm was throbbing in pain.  As he turned his head, he caught sight of Robin and his expression soured further.

Robin's own mood seemed to mirror back and concentrate on sight. His woes were ones far simpler. They had failed their assignment. Steele had vanished yet again.

Now there was nothing between him and his rage but Robin, and certainly it was a poor idea, and yet his was not the mind of experience.

"You were slow," he snipped, "If you'd been faster, we woulda got 'im. You were fat and you were slow and you need to be faster next time".

He always acted this way. Win or lose, didn't matter. He was trying so hard to please someone who couldn't care less if he lived or died. He was struggling. Struggling to get approval from the only living member of his family - least that's how I saw it. When he couldn't catch Steele's eye, for better or worse, he always doubled back on me tenfold. Tried to illicit a response, get some kind of attention, validation. I don't know what it was.

I mouthed off at my own Mother exactly one time. I have never seen someone move so fast in my life. Couldn't tell you which way was up by the time she got through -  and I still think that woman could whoop my behind to Jupiter, dog or no.

But this kid wasn't talking filth for the sake of being rebellious. He was hurt in a big way. Sometimes I got mad, let him have it; he wanted a parent to scold him for acting like a child? I could do that. Sometimes I just hugged him through the insults, even if he tried like a wet cat to get free. Not today - I had nothing left.

"Your arm alright?" I asked.

He braced himself for either repercussion on Robin's end, yet didn't know what to do when she did neither.  He deflated, looking at her twice as though wondering if she might change her mind... Something was wrong, he thought, but it was a passing thought. It was quickly overshadowed by irritation.

"It's fine, doesn't even hurt," he lied briskly even as it throbbed.

Certainly, it wasn't a deep or even threatening wound. It wouldn't really impair his performance much, so long as he avoided anything hand-to-hand - and with Robin next to him to fight those battles, it wasn't like that was his arena anyways.  But the deeper wound was the one to his pride.

If Robin had been faster went to If he had been faster went to If Steele had been there at the drop of a hat.  Why hadn't Steele shown up to the rendez-vous? What had he foreseen that they had not, could not?  Why wouldn't he just trust him for once, instead of vanishing into the night like a ghost?

Those were busy, noisy thoughts. Thoughts that could be pushed aside to something more focused. "We need to train. I'm serious. Five mile jog, target practice, I don't know dog practice or something for you - sniffing at trees or something? We're dead weight. O'six-hundred tomorrow. We have nothing but time and we need to use it".

He spoke with far more conviction than he felt.  That's always how it was. Speak with the confidence of someone twice his age, sound like he knew what he was saying, and maybe one day, it could be true.

"No." I said, quietly. Calmly.

"I'm done, I quit." I stood, turned around to go into the cabin and collect the few things I kept there.

"What the --" something less than kind caught his throat as he gave a double-take, "You can't quit. That's-- look, I know you have some agreement with Steele. It's not something you can just... leave".

"Steele don't hold up his end of the bargain. Ever. Just keeps it hangin' there so he can keep working us raw for peanuts." I passed by Glasses and gestured at his arm, grabbing my piece from off the counter and tucking it in my holster.

"He doesn't own me. He doesn't own you. He doesn't care about either of us - sets us up with screwball tasks and then doesn't show to deal with the aftermath. We coulda died, he'd have no clue, wouldn't shed a tear. Got no idea what we're in for til we're knees deep and there's no way out, while he's stringin' us along by a shred of hope, no intention to deliver on his "arrangements."

I threw on my jacket. Grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder. Went to the table and rested against it, my arms crossed.

"Look... I got... some loose ends, to deal with. Another thing Steele said he'd tie up for me. I'm just gonna have to face it, head on. No life, waiting for it to catch up to me."

"It's not like that," Glasses growled, furrowing his expression hard to the ground as his fists clenched.  His gaze drifted upwards, absently watching as Robin moved.

"He's... complicated, he's grumpy, he doesn't' talk much but - he trusts us. That's why he didn't show, he trusted us to do the job, just as he's trusting you not to do something stupid right now because you're getting impatient".

As he sensed Robin's readiness for departure, he subconsciously moved himself between her and the door.

"You're going to throw everything away- all this we worked for? Gone. For what? Because you couldn't take it when the going got tough? I got a little boo boo. He didn't show. Big deal. We're fine. We'll be better next time.  You're just being dramatic, it's not that big a deal".

I watched him try to block the doorway, looking him up and down with one eyebrow up. It was cute, sweet, even.

"Everything? Everything what, honey? You and I both know as soon as my usefulness runs out, he's gonna turn on me so fast it'd scare Jekyll and Hyde. Or you forget he's a werewolf hunter?"

Truthfully? I wasn't afraid of Steele. My concern was that Darius and him had some kind of understanding -  we were too close to his pack for him not to have come looking for me. He followed me to Timbuktu all those years ago when I was running with Jodecai. I wasn't going to traumatize the kid with all that. It didn't need explaining, wouldn't do any good. I knew the outcome was bleak at best. But if I could prevent a kid like Val from going through what I did - it'd be worthwhile.

"Look, I think you should lie low for a while... really. I've got some gas money saved for you.. enough to get you somewhere far, a few hotel stays, food." I pulled an envelope from my back pocket.

"Get out of this business. It's not worth it - you're gonna end up doing worse things than dying, you understand?" I met his eyes seriously, holding out the envelope.

"You should be in school, playing Nintendo too late at night, going out on clumsy, awkward dates, where your hands sweat too much and you ask a buncha dumb questions about her. You're not a merc. You're a good kid. You're smart. You're hurt, inside, but you can be better."

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