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Darius Malchus

Race: Werewolf  (generation/bloodline unknown)

Gender: Male

Age: 62 at his death

Date Deceased: Some in February, 1991

Backstory: Darius was a wild, violent man with an insatiable appetite for power and control. Whether he came by his werewolf form from another or from his bloodline, he learned early on to use it to coerce others into doing what he wanted of them.

He worked largely in drugs and had clout over multiple states and cities. While he had hundreds - if not thousands - of connections, he kept a small, loyal pack of about fifty. Many of his members had been turned to werewolves by his own doing (and many, many more who he attempted to turn not making it through the transformation). A lot of these members were already convicted criminals by law and therefore, were not eagerly sought after... their deaths often went unnoticed.

As the years went on, Darius became far more cocky and careless with his work, until he and his pack were removed by the Svalnaglas of Pinerich (as is eluded to by Beta Talkane in "A Coat of Fresh Paint").

Plot Significance: Robin became involved with Darius out of desperation when she was 15, and he was 39. He quickly singled her out and kept her close for his own benefits, with the intention of eventually turning her and having her lead the pack with him. Robin was largely unwilling but ultimately forced to work under him at the threat of being transformed, or her mother being killed.

Although she gets out from under his grasp twice, both times she would eventually return with the sole intention of bringing Darius down. The first attempt cost her humanity, and the second costed the humanity of Val. Darius was eliminated along with his pack three months following the events.