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Damage Control

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Clay had a jovial nature, this was true. But just like that night at Rock's, he could switch it off in a heartbeat in the name of duty. He was also very much accommodating for Val's temperament, letting his own guard down enough that the new officer wouldn't feel so unsettled in this new world. It was evident that Clay had not only earned the respect, but also the trust of his team, by the way he had a nickname for just about everyone that he encountered, or a secret handshake, or some other cue that served to show camaraderie and friendliness.

Chapman could be intimidating in his own right, now more than ever. Val needed to know he had allies he could rely on but also feel at ease around. That he was beginning to feel comfortable enough to joke with Clay was a good sign of progress.

Now he began back to Chapman's office but he went on in silence, telling of his change in demeanor in order to appropriately meet with his alpha. The door to Chapman's office was open as was typical when outside of confidential meetings.

Officer Lyra looked anxious. Chapman looked downright grim. Although the door was open, out of respect, Clay knocked and waited to be gestured in.

"Grayson, Smith." Chapman said, standing, gesturing them in and then requesting the door be closed behind them.

"I cancelled your meeting with Johnson. Grayson - immediately after this conversation, I'd like you to take Torres to go to my home for the night. Smith will meet with you soon. From there, you two will go on to guard the Northern Border. I've stationed Hayes' team on the West Border, Zheng is taking the south and will be joined by me, and Randall will be on the East. Any questions?" he asked, though he looked to Officer Grayson in particular. Clay had no questions and responded with a "no sir".

I wasn't sure if Chapman was pumping the AC in his office, or if the serious air alone was enough to make it feel just cool to the touch.  It was strange to feel the shift - Val to Valentine to Grayson. Each name meant something, like a different entity, a different mask, that felt something like whiplash in rapid succession. Grayson was a new one to me, one I could ignore save a line on my driver's license up until this very moment. Now it was a solemn responsibility.

I'd done my homework. I had a fair idea where Chapman intended us to stake out.  It wasn't border patrol in the strictest sense of a werewolf pack's duties. That would imply a claim to the land and defense against an invading pack.

We looked for loners, and we looked to keep people safe. It was simple, and it was complicated - particularly when the Svalnaglas could be breathing down your neck at any time. I just gave Chapman a brief nod.

"No sir".

I didn't dare meet Lyra's eyes from the corner of the room. It had been over a week since I'd last seen her, and I had no idea what my face would betray with the wrong look.

Lyra's eyes couldn't be met anyway. She'd found some point of interest in a particular spot in the corner the moment Clay and Val entered the room.

She made faces at it, like she was contemplating something very deeply.

Then decided faces was too much. Oh, what was that on her hand? A broken fingernail, maybe? Yeah, that was important to consider right now. Very deeply.


"Good. Torres, you're off the clock. Grayson, you're dismissed. Close the door on your way out." Chapman sat and waited for them to depart.

I took the code word for 'let the adults finish speaking' and didn't linger long. I was out the door in a breath and the door shut behind us.  I'd figured out by now that Chapman had invested well in soundproofing this building and didn't bother (or desire) to overhear what innerworkings of the department they were going over.

Instead, I was increasingly aware this was the first face-to-face encounter I'd had with Lyra in the last week since our phone conversation. Suddenly I wasn't Officer Grayson, I was just some awkward blob trying to contort itself to a human shape.

"Err... my car's parked around back. Promise I won't break any traffic laws, this time..."

Lyra had enough overhearing the inner workings of the department to last her at least half a lifetime. She stretched and popped her back, giving Val a sideways smile for his effort.

"Well that's good to hear," she said with a chuckle. Then sighed. "Ay, I always knew I'd never make it in a desk job. This past week has been something else, right? How about you, how are you holding up?"

"Probably better than you've been," I winced in sympathy, "Doing nothing for a week might actually kill me. Mostly they've kept me busy... a lot to learn in not a lot time".

I motioned ahead, eager to get away from the office and out of the building as soon as I could. There was something cloying about it - too many eyes, ears, and noses that could discern even the smallest impulse. It was a funny kind of silence after that. A lot to be said, but couldn't be - or things I wouldn't even know how to say, but should.

I didn't feel relax till we were outside, and my car was in sight. I was thankful for the first time that Robin had bullied me into a new car.

"Val, I like you. I like like you. A lot. If, after all this, if you don't want to... ...Everything I've found out in the last few months--yesterday... It doesn't change anything for me. I still... But... if it changes things for you..."

"It does change things.... a lot.... If you didn't know... it was... wrong to put you in that danger. It still probably is. But... Even in spite of that, I couldn't stay away... and if even in knowing, you still... 

I do like you... Chapman will still probably skin me alive, but even then... I'll take the risk if you will."

Lyra chewed her lip until they got to the car. I'll take the risk if you will. And that's where they had left it for a week. Granted, there had been and still was a lot going on. But how do you pick up again after that? They had metaphorically opened the door, and then...

And then, as it played out in Lyra's head, they stood in front of the prestigious three Michelin star resturant, The Committed Relationship. They were dressed to the nines. They had a reservation inside. The door was open. Then she had said something to the effect of "After you." To which Val must have responded "Ladies first." But then she had to go and retort, "No, no, I insist!" And then he smiled and waited, and she smiled and waited, and then it was just awkward so obviously no one could go inside.

Maybe they could skip the fussy restaurant and go on a hike in the moonlight.


Probably not tonight.

"So tonight's W-Day, yeah?" she asked as she scooted into her seat in the car. Then winced at her word choice. It was probably a bad joke.

I could feel the thoughts in her silence, but of course had no insight beyond what my own provided. None of it too kind, I focused instead on unlocking the car door and saying a small prayer I'd remembered to toss the coke in the console. Finding everything orderly, I turned to say something half-way clever to Lyra when she got to it first.


My brain did a few summersaults, wondering if I'd somehow missed an entire war - like D-day. But after E through V-day.

Then the rest of my brain caught up and I managed a laugh.

"Sorry, that took me a moment. Yeah, it is. But don't worry, show doesn't start till midnight anyways. It's like Cinderella logic. We all turn into pumpkins".

"So am I going to get to see you all big and hairy tonight, Cinderella?" she asked with a smirk.

She knew she wouldn't: Chapman had said Clay would meet up with him shortly after he got her home, and they'd go guard the 'northern border'.

She'd figured out by now that, even knowing what she knew, the pack would be keeping safe distance from regular people. Preventing accidents during the full moon was priority one.

Still, some twisted part of her deep inside wanted to see him squirm a little.

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