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Damage Control

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Following the aftermath of Captains, Chapman and his team work feverishly to clean up the mess Reggie left in the wake of his rage. Now, on the day of the full moon, they work to clean up loose ends before closing their work day - Lyra is being closely guarded by Chapman, while Val is returning to the office with Clay.

Meetings. Interviews. Statements. Overtime. Cleaning up a mess at a bar. Restructuring. More overtime.

The week leading up to the full moon was a dizzying blur of commotion. It was controlled chaos, but chaos regardless.

With Clay still officially a Beta, he was taking on Reggie's group for the time being, which in turn would help Chapman to ascertain who would act in his place. Val also needed to be trained and quickly - with three months before the official transfer of titles, every day they lost was a missed opportunity. Therefore, Chapman made sure Val was splitting his energy between Clay and Tara. If there was a time to learn, it was when things were difficult.

Mark had unfortunately not been a priority at the moment - Chapman had his own pack to put before the Calagathorm. Besides that, with the evacuation, he had no place to go presently that Chapman felt secure placing him. He was allowed to stay at the Chapman resident as long as he wanted, however - and Mrs. Chapman had taken the week off work to keep Mark company.

Speaking of Reknab - the citizens of Reknab were continually displaced with the evacuation order still in effect. This created an influx of traffic going to and from Reknab from Middlecrest, and needed to be monitored closely.

Lyra meanwhile, had been kicked up on the totem pole of priorities. Bob kept her close at hand, and more often than not, it seemed he had no work for her. So she spent hours standing by with no assigned task...

September 16th - 11:45AM.

Tonight was the full moon.

That didn't stop anyone from being in the office in full uniform. It was crunch time, an opportunity to get any loose ends tied up. All of the werewolves--and Lyra--were scheduled day shift, so that they would have time to get situated well before the moon was at it's peak in the sky.

Chapman was in his office, having just dismissed a man from it. Lyra had been sitting in all morning as he spoke with different members of the team-sometimes on the phone, some in person, some casually and some with the door closed. It was creeping up into the afternoon and Chapman looked about ready to fall asleep at the desk. But it wasn't his nature to complain, no matter how tired or frustrated he seemed to be.

"That was Tao Zheng," Chapman said, rubbing a hand over his face and sipping at the stale coffee on his desk, "He's our best candidate presently to take over Mr. Smith’s current role."

He explained for Lyra's sake, though that much might have been gathered from their conversation.

Tao Zheng was a well spoken man of serious countenance, presenting himself well in conversation and with a great deal of dignity. He had always been know around the department to behave that way. Some thought of him as being overly serious, but he was intensely devoted to protocol and procedure.


The first half of the last work week, Val had been mostly under Tara's wing while Clay recovered. Tara was overseeing the renovation of "Rocks", filing the termination, and collecting statements to prepare for Mercer; finely picked apart and arranged in a neat bouquet of words that would please the general population.

When Clay was recovered enough to return to the office (a matter of four days), Chapman immediately reassigned Val to work with him. Clay's current work was more in line with what Val would be doing.

Presently they were driving back to the office from a lunch meeting with one of the officers direct reports.

"We'll have to meet up with Michelle - aka Ms. Johnson - aka The Business - later. I apologize in advance," he said with a light chuckle.

"Usually we start to peel off work around two PM, so we gotta couple hours. You keepin' track of all these names? These guys are going to report to you eventually."

There was drinking from a fire hydrant. And then there was drowning in the ocean. Chapman was the latter.  He was lucky I'd learned to swim from a young age.

The next week passed like a blur. I was floating from one place to the next, barely home long enough to make more than a quick dinner and pass out. If anything, I should be thanking Chapman. I’d been so busy, even my usual insomnia and nightmares didn’t have the energy to try. I was probably as well rested as I’d ever been.

There were muscles in my brain that hadn’t turned in years. A little creaky at first, but as the days passed on, I found them mostly as sharp as I’d left them. Names and faces were carefully catalogued. Procedurals I’d been assigned mentally photographed for more careful review. I had little notebooks and binders full of papers tucked away, complete with my highlights and comments scribbled in the margins. It was still too much to properly sort, but it inhabited some corner of my gooey mindscape.

“Yeah, I’m getting it,” I turned my head up then made a face, “Do I need to remember all the nicknames too?”

The mention of two pm caught my interest. I raised an eyebrow.

“Stupid question, but please don’t tell me we all change down in the courthouse”.

Clay laughed and shook his bald head, “No, probly better you don’t.”

Then he looked at Val and briefly cocked up an eyebrow, tempted to pull one of his usual stone faced lies to see the younger officers response. But he just shook his head this time, “Haha, no-we do have a formal howling once a year, but not in the courthouse. Some are let loose to go do their thing, others are assigned territory watch-rogues and loners tend to be a lot more unpredictable. Everyones running a route right now to make sure the cities clear of any concern, then we patrol the border out of sight.”

“It’s business as usual the next day.. we don’t exactly get much of a break in this line of work. Chapman always has a big dinner at his house before the full moon though; anyone from his staff is invited to come. The dude usually has like three cows worth of meat cooked up. Dunno about today, usually he takes the day off to get it done, and he’s had company all week.”

There were a lot of things I'd like to ask Clay - but there was always a time and a place for every question. And unfortunately, a lot of those questions didn't have answers right now. What was Chapman planning to do with the wolf he had locked in his dungeon, for starters... I did not envy the man for his responsibilities. So much for his retirement being an easy one.

Instead, I focused to more practical matters. Things that could be easily solved in the here and now, rather than impossible problems with impossible solutions.

"Sorry to ask it but... I'm going to need to know when I'll be on the payroll. I'd ask Chapman directly, but he's been so preoccupied with...everything...and there's frankly only so many beans and eggs a person should eat".

“You’ve been eating eggs and beans?” Clay asked.

“Friday is payday-when we get back, ask Tara to get you an advance on your paycheck.”

They were at a redlight, and the officer reached into his back pocket and pulled out a billfold. He took out three 20’s and offered them to Val, “You need a real meal before a full moon.”

"Depends on how much you eat," I replied casually, as only a werewolf-on-a-budget would know.  I'd heard of some werewolves going vegetarian. Things of that sort were possible- albeit more challenging- although I personally never turned aside a steak.

I didn't like feeling like Tiny Tim on Christmas day asking for handouts. Did anyone? But again, hunger is its own beast, and I wasn't going to let my pride stand in the way of it. Last thing I needed was a more difficult full moon when first impressions were a must. I took the cash and shyly turned my gaze aside, then sighed heavily.

"Thanks... there really should be something in the welcome to dog-life pamphlet about the finances."


Lyra was bouncing her knee. Repeatedly. Endlessly. Though she'd stop if she noticed it, or noticed something bouncing on Chapman's desk because of it. Eventually, however, when her mind went elsewhere, that darned bouncing would start again en perpetuum.

It started about an hour and a half ago. She'd been a very good listener. After all, she was the Keen Observer of All Things. And even now she wasn't missing a beat.

But the more she knew, the more restless she felt.

Also it was one thing suspecting that half the force was werewolf-kind. It was... something else knowing that each minute was edging ever closer to the moment that half the force would, indeed, be a foot or two taller and covered in fur, with snouts, teeth, and claws to add to their arsenal.

How did they manage to keep it a secret this long? Well. That part was playing out in front of Lyra's eyes as Chapman spoke. Once a month, half the force was engaged in a high stakes low profile covert mission: to transform and get through the night without being seen while still doing their jobs.

What a carefully choreographed dance it all was. What a monkey wrench Reggie had thrown into the gears with his little stunt. She'd obviously never been behind the scenes before, but it seemed to her everyone was pretty tense. Maybe they got tense like this every full moon. Somehow, she didn't think so.

She was restless. She wanted to do something. But the story the other half of the force believed said that she'd twisted her ankle on the job and was doing desk work until she had recovered. So. In Chapman's office, listening to phone calls and observing meetings... that was her fate, at present.

"That'd be nice!" Clay laughed, shaking his head. "No sweat alright? Anyway, just me, right now. I'm gonna have a whole litter someday; I'll be stingy when that happens."

The department was still a few minutes away, and while Clay didn't mind the silence, he had been keen to get to know his new beta.

"How bout you Fury? You got a girl? Kids?"

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