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Age: 19 years old

Blood Line: mixed blood; both parents were half bloods

Background: Childhood; As far as werewolves are concerned, Cynthia’s childhood wasn’t exactly ordinary, of course, it was beyond ordinary for a human as well. Both of her parents were half breeds so their way of life and how they raised her had many human aspects and she even attended a public school, although had few friends. She was quiet from a young age and learned to rely on only herself and her parents. She made keeping the truth of her family a secret look easy and never felt bad about it, being far too understanding and accepting of the circumstances in her life and managed well. She had few acquaintances and fewer friends, but almost preferred it that way. She enjoyed reading and running and singing, even if she wasn’t very good at the latter.

Teenager; Cynthia’s early teenage years weren’t particularly angtsy or memorable, but that changed when her mom died. It was very tough on her and was the first thing in her life she couldn’t bring herself to accept and move on from, no matter how she tried. Right around that time she also had her first werewolf shift and found her only way of coping; escaping. She was grateful for her heritage then for it gave her the only means of continuing to live. She stopped going to school and refused to socialize farther than a few words exchanged with her father on the daily. Her father wasn’t sure what to do, for a while letting her just do as she pleased, hoping she’d get through her problems and move on as she always had. She didn’t though and when he finally began to confront her about it she grew angry and uncooperative. They fought often and one day he gave up, leaving her to her own devices with enough cash to survive on for a while. So, she left.

Present; Since her and her father split off she left her home behind and lived as wildly as she could, never staying in the same place for long. After a few years of living as a loner, reckless and restless, she decided to track her father down and found he’d made himself a new home in a new pack with a new family. She was happy for him and didn’t attempt to contact him, thinking her presence would only complicate things for him, and so, she moved on.

Personality: Optimistic; Aside from matters dealing with death and loss, Cynthia is remarkably cheerful and idealistic almost. She has few fears, believing all will work out in the end, with no religious connotation. She doesn’t fret over things that happen, accepting and moving past it to either find a solution or move on. She has a hard time understanding why others worry about things they can’t control and as a child they secretly called her psychotic and unfeeling because of this. She doesn’t really see the bad in situations and can be a little annoying and goofy in the process of trying to make others feel better about stuff.

Dependable; Despite the issues with her past, as a person, she’s actually very reliable and always follows through with her plans and promises. She also holds others to the same standard and won’t look at you in the same light if you purposely go back on your word. She has a great work ethic and doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty, liking to stay busy and resenting laziness, although she understands the good in relaxation and is good at mellowing out when the time’s right.

Stubborn; Her trust of others isn’t exactly the greatest, even though she’s not outright suspicious or anything. Even so, she is stubborn and doesn’t like people telling her what to do unless she asks for their opinion and will go to great lengths to be uncooperative and argumentative. This can make her reckless and easily manipulated though and she usually regrets her behavior just a bit in the end.

Adaptable; The nature of her adaptability is strong and runs deep. This part of her is a huge decision maker in her life and affects her greatly. Any situation that can’t be changed is almost instantly accepted and things that require a new perspective of thinking are easy for her to grasp and come to a conclusion about. Even her body easily tolerates different climates and obstacles.

Genuine; Never one to lie without really good reason, Cynthia always means what she says and doesn’t appreciate flattery or insincerity. Her sense of humor is unaffected by this though and she can be rather sarcastic when the mood arises. Still, when she makes a comment or offers a compliment about something, she definitely means it and has good reason for her belief.

Human Description: She’s been described as plain and unmemorable, and her relative quietness doesn’t help this fact. Her hair is a deep mahogany color and falls to her waist in straight, unremarkable tendrils that get tangled easily, framing a face somewhere between heart shaped and oval. She has a small nose, high cheekbones, and wide eyes that always seem to be shining. They’re brown, although her left iris has an usual blue green quarter. Fair skinned, but heavily ‘angel kissed’, she burns in sunlight and immediately after freckles. Her body is very average as well, with fairly wide hips and a faintly hourglass figure, although this depends on the angle one views her from. Her lips are full and are almost always smiling, her signature look being a crooked grin, although she has slight buck teeth so she doesn’t usually show them. She has rather large feet and has always walked on her toes, although she stands flat footed and can walk flat footed too.

How they came to join the pack: to be updated

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